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Chlamydia treatment (just how shit is the NHS?)


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Thanks for the concern, much appreciated. I'm all right now. I took your advice and went to an emergency doctor on Saturday and told him to give me Zithromax which he did. By this time I was in severe agony and my bladder felt like it was about to explode. I took 500 mg a day for 3 days. The pain stayed more or less constant for those 3 days then the day after started to get better and today the pain has almost completely gone (as long as I drink about a litre of water every hour).


I called the GUM clinic on Monday and told them the Doxycyline wasn't working and I was in agony but they said they couldn't help me because there was no evidence I had an STD so I must go to my GP. I was shocked to find out they hadn't even had the samples tested for non-STD organisms (they only had to tick a box but that is apparently more that their job is worth). So I had to go to my GP to get a sample and that was sent to microbiology but that revealed nothing.


Still don't know the exact cause but the Chlamydia test isn't 100% effective and it would be a massive coincidence if it wasn't Chlamydia considering the symptoms and the time when they developed and the fact they responded to the antibiotics. I'm still worried that my fertility might have been damaged but I am still potent and I've just given myself a test run for the first time in weeks and I'm working as normal. Still think doc should have given me antibiotics when I first went to him. He could have given me doxycycline which is effective for most urinary tract infections, that would have saved a lot of pain. On the positive side I have taken the week off work and when I'm fully fit I think I'll celebrate with a weekend in Amsterdam. :beer:

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Sounds like you had what they refer to as NGU (nongonococcal urethritis), which means they don?t really know what you have. And, yes, Chlamydia testing is not that reliable. Anyway that?s what my doctor told me and he also said rather than waiting around several days for test results (which may be negative anyway) he prefers to jump straight to the treatment phase with antibiotics.


And the preferred treatment is Azithromycin with Doxycycline the second choice. As I said in a previous post ? a single large dose of Azithromycin 1.5 ? 2 grams will generally whack it out in as little as six hours. This is not quackery or BS, but a medically documented fact.


Also, someone mentioned the discharge. Usually if you have gonorrhea its color will be yellow or even slightly green (like pus). If it?s Chlamydia or NGU the discharge is typically clear or milky in appearance (all burn like hell when you piss!).


As far as self-treatment goes... some may balk at this, but when you are pissing razor blades you might op for the quick fix if you think you know what you have. Up to you, and I don?t think it's particularly unwise or dangerous to try this unless you have known adverse reactions to antibiotics.



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>>>Up to you, and I don’t think it's particularly unwise or dangerous to try this unless you have known adverse reactions to antibiotics. <<<



other that wrong and/or insufficient medication can create resistency. actually, most of the hyper resistent strains have been caused by selfmedication.

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Preferred treatment for Chlamydia or NSU/NGU is Zithromax 1000 mg X 1 or doxycycline 100 mg bid X 7 days. 2 gram dose of Zithromax X 1 is used for gonorrhea; 500 mg for 3 days is the recommended treatment for nothing.

From your history, most likely diagnosis is NGU which was treated by the doxycycline. Sometimes the symptoms of NGU persist for awhile after treatment before they resolve.

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500 mg a day for 3 days for zithromax is recommended on the patient's leaflet. i also finished the doxycycline (100 mg twice a day for 7 days) but i'm still getting a constant mild ache and occasional shooting pains in my testicles. will discuss this with doc tomorrow. i believe standard medical practice for this condition (NGU/NSU) is to start antibiotic treatment straight away and if this had happened I wouldn't be having these testicle pains which severely pisses me off. I think I'm suffering from epididymitis which is what leads to fertility problems.

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short-time said:


And the preferred treatment is Azithromycin with Doxycycline the second choice. As I said in a previous post ? a single large dose of Azithromycin 1.5 ? 2 grams will generally whack it out in as little as six hours. This is not quackery or BS, but a medically documented fact.




Come to think of it, what you say must be right. I was in the pharmacy and pharmacist said to me, the doctor has prescribed 3 X 500mg for one day but the usual dose is 1 X 500mg for 3 days, so he phoned doc and doc must have just gone along with the pharmacist to cover his arse or save time. But he probably DID mean to prescribe a one day dose of 1500mg and that would have knocked out the infection over night. He was an emergency doctor and prescribed me an emergency dose but didn't have the balls to stick to it when phoned up by a pharmacist. So again I've been fucked! 500 mg for 3 days is the dose for non-STDs. What a load of shit this is driving me fucking mad!!

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