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Thai Magazine answer to Stickman on Xenophobia


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The tour guide explained "Burma now has many problems and are very poor, this is because Buddha is punishing them for what happened here at Auyuthaya."



The correct answer then would have been:

"What happened in Ayuthatya was Buddha's punishment to the Thai people for what has happened in Angkor Wat in the 15th century!"




(Ankor Wat was THE highest culture in the 11th - 14th century throughout all south east asia. The influence of Ankor reached even down to Indonesia. In the 15th century then the Thais have destroyed Ankor Wat)

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Just saw this tv commercial today while sitting in the hospital room with wife and child. (She's doing better. The meds are kicking in and she is having oxygen/mist treatments four times a day for her lungs. But Doc says three to five days to get rid of the pneumonia. So trip down to the beaches is put off until sometime next week.)


I talked with the wife about the commercial, she saw it too, and she agrees it was done on purpose and is racist. She agrees with Jas, that yeah, all Thai parents teach their kids not to talk to strangers and take things from strangers, but this commercial wasn't showing just that as it's message. Nor did she think a black was used just to show off their white teeth against their dark skin.

(She is extremely paranoid of strangers around our daughter. Seems to have been a spate of kidnappings over the past few years of luk krueng kids. Rumor is for sex purposes in brothels overseas in the middle eastern states.)

Plus the Thai guys seem to be interested in the half breed/mixed blood girls/women as well. Inordinately so in some cases. The women even make a big deal over the mixed blood kids too. I guess this seems weird to me because it has been so common the past twenty years in the states that no one bats an eye over it now-a-days.


So maybe it was unintentional, but it looks a bit suspicious to me as well. Or at least insensitive and ignorant if unintentional.




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An article written (by a different writer) not long ago actually stated that he was tired reading or hearing the smart-assed "farangs" who thought they knew Thailand


I guess that's one writer who would not like to hear that dream I mentionned before, where HM asked me to take Him around town and tell Him about what is new , not having enough time to keep up on the nitty gritty, and then thanking me for the updates and insights in thai society..... :: ::

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he was tired reading or hearing the smart-assed "farangs" who thought they knew Thailand


Understandable, but if that is the way he felt, why not 'tell it like it is', so that we can *all* gain from a better understanding of Thailand from within ? I've seen interviews with Thai journalists who complain about the repercussions of criticising the Thaksin regime in print. I know that such writers must exist, even if their activities are severely curtailed.


We regularly face criticism here in Oz for our treatment of Aboriginal people : while many disagree with the simplistic analysis of outsiders, we dont deny that there are problems. The evidence is often right in front of us - particularly in our regional centres - even if successive governments cant solve the problems faced by our 'original' people. Very few of us will admit to racist tendencies, but I dont know too many white people who live near an Aboriginal or work with one - I wonder if there is a similar 'passive racism' in Thailand ?


Apologies for bringing politics into the thread, but racism is a very political issue.

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[color:"red"] Plus the Thai guys seem to be interested in the half breed/mixed blood girls/women as well. Inordinately so in some cases. The women even make a big deal over the mixed blood kids too. [/color]




Good to know that things are getting better with family.


Your wife is NOT over protective with the daughter, I was naive about these things and almost regretted it for life. I am glad that I did not raise my daughter in Thailand, I would have been paranoid. It is not rumor about kidnapping, a friend of a friend had her child kidnapped (a little boy of 3) and he could not even speak Thai. I was not going to give out the details but it has been 5 years and the mother wrote a story (in the form of a short story) so I will post when time allows. The child was found within 2 weeks, could you imagine what the 2 weeks was like to the mother? :(


There are people who will do anything for money including taking kids, boys or girls, half-blooded children, especially with caucasian blood seems to be in demand and this is nothing new. I am ashame of some Thais who have no kindness and concience and does anything for the sake of money. There are some people (mostly women) who induct their own village's women into prostitution and get commission for that! :(


The last woman arrested here in the States for forcing Thai woman into prostitution is a Thai woman (grant it she was a pros. before but still no excuse). That is why the Thais are taught not to trust people, sometimes even your own relatives. :(


I am not proud of this aspect of Thailand. :o



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I just came across this thread. I can't be bothered reading all the other replies but in my opinion the 'analysis', if you can call it that, is not a good advertisement for the intelligence of the author.


It's an incredibly childish piece, I'd be embarrassed to hear any adult associated with me use such simpleton logic.


But you know Thai1 does not equal Thai2 who does not equal Thai3. I'm sure there are other Thai thinkers/writers capable of discussing the topic of racism in Thai society without some ridiculous, muddleheaded defensive claptrap that agin tries to illustrate warm heartedness and moral superiority of Thai culture.

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''Its hardly like africans are seen in any other part of Thai TV. Why not just use another Thai''


This is not true, the commercial was probably done by a friend of mine "Joey" whom is tall and has long rasta hair (I will check this with him). He is getting quite famous and he speaks and understands Thai close to perfectly. I know his thoughts about racism, so he would have never done the commercial if he thought it to predict racism.


He as a black man is on Thai tv quite often and get's recognized a lot on the street. He is the only one though as far as he knows.



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