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Hmong man opens fire in USA, 6 dead


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Is it in your capacity to read my posts I have made lots of posts without any reference to Sweden.


Ther are flaws in the Swedish legal system as well as others. The particular flaw you mentioned mentioned that the court has to establish who did the actual killing is well known and that law is now under review and will be changed.


On the other hand there is a Swedish woman in a Californian jail that has done more than 25 years. Her crime? She was present when her boyfriend killed a cop but did not participate in the killing. Great legal system eh?


The bloke in a Swedish prison that has done longest tima is now on his 22:nd or 23: year.





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Hi Guys


I was reading this thread just now and more hunters going nuts. I just heard on the news that a guy caught two guys hunting on his land. He beat the shit of both and got arrested. Im telling you these hunters here do take hunting serious. I don't hunt because there is to many crazy pissed up fuckers with guns. One other thing you have to lookout for here is when the pissed up fuckers with guns chase the deer onto the roadway. I have a friend who just smoked a deer with his car. I think this is a real problem lots of people hit the deer with there cars, Hell some even hunt with there cars easier than shooting them. Im telling you there are crazy bastards here in the north woods. So if you visit be carefull!!!!!!

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>>>This you achieve by renting the hunting rights from somebody who owns a wood and it is terribly expensive. <<<



not necessarily. i do know for a fact that some owners of wood do give hunting rights away just for getting the occasional deer. ;)


what many people do not understand is that hunting is serious business far beyond shooting deer on a weekend.

a person taking over a hunt has to be responsible for lots of things. he has to fullfil the quotas of keeping the population healthy and in balance. he has to know exactly the population of his area. that means also that a certain amount of foxes have to be shot (and sometimes those quotas are a bit irrealistic), that sick deer has to be shot, etc.

in the end a hunter has to be responsible that the population is in a healthy relationship with each other and the forest.

not easy to find someone who can do that. guys with guns you get lots, but those pure trophy hunters are more of a pain in the arse than any use. not much thrill in having to shoot dozens of foxes, and old and sick dear, but necessary.

many hunters in germany team up and share hunts, or go on guest hunts.


anyhow, i personally don't really see much pleasure in killing animals for fun. i love my occasional deer though.

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Guest lazyphil

<<he has to know exactly the population of his area>>


I fully understand your sentiment on conservation but how the hell does one assertain the population of a given species of animal in a vast swathe of northwoods forests, pretty hard I would say, yes rangers and wot not do surveys but its wilderness area.

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Guest lazyphil

<<many hunters in germany team up and share hunts, or go on guest hunts>>


How does LOS compare with standards of animal conservation with the USA, I read the Thais have a cavalier attitude towards hunting and/or selling endangered species overseas in cruel cages.....if I chose to hunt in Thai jungle how would locals take this?....slightly rhetorical questions I know :o

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A few things to say. Regarding the suggestion that a gun with 20 rounds is necessary for hunting? Maybe not and it may not be a personal choice of some or even most. Should it be outlawed? At least for hunting purposes. That seems to be the suggestion. Other than a preference not to use it, why shouldn't a person NOT be able to if it is their desire to do so? Would a rifle suitable for hunting deer be overkill to hunt rabbits? Probably. Should a person be forbidden to use a deer rifle for rabbits? Again, other than overkill, why not?


As for as hunter instruction. In a perfect world, its ALWAYS better for a hunter or a prospective hunter to be as knowledgeable as possible. I don't think anyone would deny that. So the question is does the U.S. need it or rather the individual states? And would such instruction have prevented this tragedy?


Every state that permits hunting has restrictions on what you can hunt, what you can hunt with and when you can hunt specific aminals. Same with fishing. You can't go into the woods of Wisconsin and shoot any wild animal you see. The states are very cognisant of the number of certain animals. There more than enough 'greens' in each state to make sure the legislature is aware also there are federal restrictions on certain animals. Shooting a bald eagle is a federal crime. Some animals are protected federally and that supercedes whatever a state may deem huntable. For Wisconsin, I found this site that states a little about the hunting requirements there


And for those who don't see the purpose of hunting. Fine, such is your right, but do you want that legislated to ban hunting? I don't see the use for my ex-girlfriend to buy 5 pairs of white shoes (even though she claims one is white, another off white, another eggshell, etc.) but I wouldn't ban her from the right to buy shoes...bad example, i actually would. ::

But you see my point. I am wary of legislating 'opinions' and 'feelings' as it takes away someones right to do something. Unless an overwhelming and compelling argument can be made to restrict someone from doing something, then I say let them.


Regarding the number of crazed people going into the woods with a gun, well I don't have the acutal numbers but the fact that tragedies like this made national news suggest its the rare occurance rather than the norm. How many hunters here on this board in the U.S. can tell us the amount of people htey are aware of who are shot by beer guzzling rednecks in the woods?

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Good post CS. A vote for common sense and self discipline.

Tragedies like this massacre in WI are very rare. I agree that we should avoid making emotional knee jerk reactions as the mainstream media seem so prone to elicit.



Responsible hunting in many parts of the US is necessary. With the absence of natural predators overpopulation of deer is quite frequent.

When that happens they will damage crops and often over graze and damage trees and starve. Hunting is an integral part of healthy environment.

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