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Aqui no hablan ingles ...


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How about searching for the unemployment numbers for the US? How much of a percentage of the work force is that? 2%? More? Illegals take jobs from legal citizens. It's a fact, and the largest portion of the unemployed in the states are likely those on the lower strata of the economy with the least training and education (which are the jobs they could be doing that the illegals are doing instead) who could/would take these jobs at a proper pay scale at least as high as the minimum wage or higher if the employers couldn't get illegals to do these jobs. Illegal immigrants are ruining the country and only helping those who would exploit them to make more money off their illegal labor, and hurting American citizens who would do these jobs for adequate compensation and benefits.



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USA unemployment is closer to 5% and that is only the people that are presently collecting.


This number does not include the people that have used up their unemployment benefits (usually six months) and then go on welfare. Lots of these people! The actual number may be as high as 10%!!!

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I agree. It is (the true numbers) hidden and fudged by the current government, and is likely closer to 10%. And, illegals are taking jobs at lower pay rates than Americans could and should be being paid according to law for these same jobs. The latest figures I could find was for 2005 at 4.9% and it was stated that the real unemployment rates then was more likely 7% at least due to many being off the unemployment payment roles but still out of work.


Throw the illegals out, arrest those who hire them and fine and jail them, and take some of the vast amounts of money being sent to other countries or spent on war and train and help Americans to do these jobs, and even give them a subsidy if the jobs pay under the minimum cost of living wages needed for their area where they reside, and/or up the minimum wage to reflect the money needed to live on a 'living wage'.


There's no excuse that any American is unemployed and/or on welfare if they want to work. Don't want to work? You don't get welfare or help. And set up a reasonable health care plan for the nation. There is no excuse to not have one in the USA. None at all.



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Nope. You misunderstand. Only losers can be guilty of war crimes. That was the real lesson of Nuremberg.


So true


You numbers are incorrect in that all the illegals are not working. Some are on welfare, some are Moms at home, etc.


True, but they can't really be on welfare if they are illegal can they? Pls correct me if I'm wrong, i dunno how the american welfare system works.


All these ppl work underneith the minium wage so who'd replace them?


All they have to do is to pump some crack cocaine into some poor african american communities just like daddy bush did in the iran-contra affair. then the police can incarcerate more african americans and have them work for free in the prisons. just like the good all days.

maybe they can invade colombia or/and bolivia too so they have full control over the cocaine production. just like they did in afghanistan after when the taliban had eradicated all poppy production.

just a thought :)




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I did some research on this. According to Center for Immigration Studies:

"The foreign-born population of the United States is currently 33.1 million' date=' equal to 11.5 percent of the U.S. population. Of this total, the Census Bureau estimates 8-9 million are illegal immigrants. Other estimates indicate a considerably higher number of illegal immigrants."


So if we assume the lowest number 8 million. It means that 2% of all U.S workforce is illegal. In that case they might now bring the country to a halt but it would constitute a major blow to the economy if theoretically these ppl would stop going to their jobs. All these ppl work underneith the minium wage so who'd replace them?


You numbers are incorrect in that all the illegals are not working. Some are on welfare, some are Moms at home, etc.




Many are also just [plain criminals, as in the Jamaican mafia, Salvadorean Mafia, Chinese Mafia, common drug dealers, burglers...should I go on?

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Its all a moot point. Doesn't matter if you're on the side of the illegals or the other, bottom line is its a poltical hot potato and neither party will do anything about it. I started trying to learn spanish in earnest over the last several months and my hope is to become fluent. Its just how it is. Like it or not southwest america as well as other parts will be significantly spanish speaking and/or latino descent and it will be reflected culturally, economically and politically. You can argue about it but be prepared to live in that type of environment and prosper in it. If I had a child I'd make sure they were bilingual. Its just how it is no matter what my personal opinion or politics about it are.


Its too late. Its not a black and white issue, there are loads of gray areas. The republicans know they'll be labeled racists if they act too strongly and the democrats see millions of potential party members. Business wil continue to hire, people aren't willing to pay $10 for lettuce. All this means the 'problem' will only grow so learn to adapt.

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