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Israel plans nuclear strike on Iran


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Yeah, I am aware of that, I am talking post war. From what I have read on the subject, UK was getting over run, the USA was getting hit, and most of Europe just didn'twant them, so a new solution seemed to be the creation of Isreal.


My assumption is that they would all flock off to the remore dessert, die off, get killed off, or just plain be out of the way...wonder if anyone ever bothered to think of the long term consequences...

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Really, CT; you shouldn't be hitting the sauce so hard so early in the day :grin: That said, a number of "facts" you state are merely opinions (which is okay). However, it is interesting that you are blaming "jews" rather than Israeli leadership. It IS a fact, however, that many Israelis in Israel do want peace...and many "jews" in the U.S. have condemned certain attacks by Israel. As long as there is an armed Hamas, Israel will need to fight. As long as Arab neighbors support Hamas and give it sanctuary, Israel will need to have the capability to keep from being over-run and it's citizens killed off.


Lots of b.s. in this thread about a report in a newspaper. I guess it's good to vent, however, eh?





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I agree with some of that HH but "As long as there is an armed Hamas, Israel will need to fight." is the same circular argument that never gets anywhere.


Hamas is quite a recent development. They represent a more extreme version of Fatah precisely because negotiations have not led to a viable independent Palestine. Hamas say they intend to resist as long as Israel insists on total submission prior to any kind of deal. So round and round it goes.

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1st jews should be separated from zionist .. most jews are not zionist.


the 9/11 Commission Report reported the fact that the main motive for the 9/11 attacks was outrage over 1 sided U.S. support of Israel / zion.


the zionist's actions are responsible for / was motivation for 911 as per the official US government report.



In july 2006 1 line of a long speech by R. Nicholas Burns, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs (#3 at the state department), "We want to see the Israelis and Palestinians find peace, a two-state solution." drew incredible ire from the zionist.


for a representative of the US to even OFFICIALLY suggest a Palestinian state was cause for back tracking by this revelations driven white house.


Cheney opposed the fair minded Burns from the git go .. Condi wanted him.



in late december 2006 Israel expanded illegal settlements.


State Department spokesman Gonzo Gallegos urged Israel to comply with the internationally-backed blueprint for peace.

"The establishment of a new settlement or the expansion of an existing settlement would violate Israel's obligations under the roadmap," he said.

"The US calls on Israel to meet its roadmap obligations and avoid taking steps that could be viewed as predetermining the outcome of final-status negotiations [with the Palestinians]."


Earlier the European Union also expressed its "deep concern" at Israel's decision.


the zionist response to questioning expansion of the illegal settlements was to question even the existence of a roadmap that applies to them!




sharon /israel is a man /country of peace defines US policy.


Sharon's massacre of 1000 women & children at the Sabra refugee camp(1992) immediately preceded & motivated the Beirut barracks bombing(1993).

Sharon was actually removed from his post by the zionist as a result of the sabra massacre .. it was to blatantly evil even for zionist.



the zionist are not america's (or anyone's)friend

they are disparate (& vicious) people haunted by the holocaust.


& there will never be peace in Arab Mesopotamia / Persia until the zionist are disappeared..


how deep can hatred be ..

i do not think I can even comprehend the deepness of .. or the intensity of .. the Arab hatred for the policy / actions of Zion. (or America?)


the real complicator to ignoring the arabs is the oil & the wealth / access to globalised military resources it provides.

militants in Somalia or Afghanistan are inconsequential because they lack resources that the Sunnis of Saudi or the Shi'i of Iran possess.


remember the USS Liberty if you think anyone is a zionist's friend.

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Well, the entire region is screwed up and has been for what seems forever. I don't think the Arabs really care what happens to the Palestinians, except Hamas is handy proxy-warrior for those Arab leaders who'd like to see Isreal blown off the map. Hell, even the Palestinians can't get their act together. Fatah and Hamas can't agree. About the Iraeli settlements: agree totally; boils my blood that U.S. taxpayer $$$ go to building settlements which is forbidden under the terms of aid agreements and contrary to the "roadmap". Sure, the Israeli's will say "we aren't using THOSE $$$". B.S. They're using $$$, then, that they would have to use to invest in other "country-building"/sustaining purposes if they weren't getting U.S. foreign aid.


Oh, well. This crap has been discussed here more than in the U.N.....and with about the same result..a lot of key-stroking (lip-flapping) about something that will only be solved when the involved parties want it to be solved. (But for CT to accuse "jews" of not wanting peace...that was a bit of nonsense, IMO. I mean, does he really think that people who have lost their relatives and friends to suicide bombers say, "Mai pen lai, we're getting U.S. Aid. Small price to pay?")





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Uganda was discussed as a place to send them after WW2 - I still like the idea of giving them Bavaria, that would teach the right wing germans a lesson!


Agree with HH (And I miss him too) It's the Zionist's who are the problem I know many Jews who aren't Zionists and think the whole thing is pretty dim



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Guest lazyphil

if nazi germany wasn't such a blood thirsty murderering bunch of lunatics we wouldn't be in the mess we're in now.....germany created this monster so should fix it!


ks your forums are screwed up this post was posted after CT's post not before, I'm answering a post he hadn't already thought of....i'm a genius!

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