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Don Imus off air for "nappy headed hos" remark


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In America the truth is protected by political correctness.

on air last week my favorite TV talk show shock jock (tivo-ed daily) went over the edge calling the Rutgers Womens Basketball team 'tattooed nappy headed hos' with always offensive 'skin head' sidekick Bernard chimin' in with 'jiggaboos & wannabees' .. Bernard does a skit with a fed ex envelope on his head as 'Cardinal Eagen' w/ a heavy Irish accent.. sometimes a riot

Bernard also does a New Orleans Mayor Ray Negan personality .. often a stereotype riot .. often Mayor Negan is tired ..


the Rutgers womens team does have a tattooed gangsta :medusa: motif & their opponents from Tennessee had a considerably more surburban :hippie: look.


he's quick to call politicians 'liars & a disgrace' & all the Rosies 'fat'.

TV personality Contessa Brewer, on-air by calling her a "pig" and a "skank" with a "fat ass," .. "she's a moron," "she doesn't have any understanding of the news," "she's an idiot," "she's stupid" and an "airhead."


He has thrown verbal spears at everyone from 'it's safe McCain' to 'big butted Hillary'.


+ he raised $10m to help build a privately funded state of the art army hospital for injured soldiers

& has a ranch on New Mexico for kids with cancer.


I'll be sad if he is forced to change his humor.

if you don't like it listen to something else.[/color]

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Shock jocks are just that,


they need to come up with crap to say every morning,


This was just more crap, nothing special, he did not keep it up for a week or anything.


If a black shock jock had said it no one would have cared.


I do not listen to any of them , because I know what there job is , too piss me off !


everyday life can piss you off why do you need help from these idiots :)



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heavily tattooed womens (of any color .. & heavily tattooed men) are striving for the gangsta / ho / pimp look.


Imus calls the Knicks gangsta pimps all the time ..


[color:red]laugh out loud daily[/color].

:rotl::mooning::rotl::monkey: :bangit: :monkey:

"Blind Boy Pig Feet" is a regular blues player character.. w/ a new blues song with each appearance..

funny funny funny stuff ..

next blind blues players will call for justice.


this is the best promotion for him ever!

Even the Drudge report has him at the top of the page.

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Al Sharpton is playing the outraged black hero,


always butting in on things to get his face on TV , just like Jesse Jackson , and there is a black "spokesman" in LA doing the same thing,


None of these guys live in the ghetto, they know better than to go there at night , but thats not racist just being smart.


Listen to what blacks say about themselves, its just as bad as Imus ,


Hey its all a George Bush conspiricy to get Iraq off the front page !



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But the JV and Elvis show on WFNY (92.3 FM) was already making "nappy-headed ho" jokes yesterday, and JV said it's almost impossible to draw strict content lines outside of Federal Communications Commission-prohibited areas like cursing.



interesting that 'cursing' can be said on cable TV that cannot be said on radio.


This is an advertising campaign that Imus could not have planned better.

it's the headline on all news service sites.


[color:red]way to go I-Man .. beautiful marketing.[/color]


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I prefer the Rude Pundit take on this. For the record, I agree. Imus was over the top and should be punished. Free speech also comes with responsibility.







Why Glenn Beck Ought To Be Repeatedly Cock-Punched (Imus Edition)


The Rude Pundit doesn't give a shit about Don Imus. Everyone all of a sudden realizing that he's a racist, sexist asshole now is a little like waking up after an acid and whiskey-fueled fuck night, looking across the bed, and realizing that the incredible three-way you thought you had was just one really fat guy. Imus was a vestige of a post-Watergate media moment, when the jerk-off, loudmouth DJs were cool, when a few of them, like Imus and Howard Stern and Rush Limbaugh, were given chances just to talk and shitcan the tunes. Now, the only reason anyone should care about Imus is that Stern's take on their ongoing feud was viciously hilarious.


Imus has said worse than "nappy-headed ho's." What's most offensive about the comment is that a) it's not funny, and B) it was a pathetic attempt at imitating black English, the joke equivalent of lisping to make fun of gay guys. The sad part is that so many people would find both the comment and the lisp hilarious. The sadder part is how long people in the media gave Imus's sub-retarded rantings the imprimatur of respectability by appearing on his show.




The Rude Pundit's problem here is not with insults or any such shit. The Rude Pundit would be a hypocrite of Beck-like proportions if he dared to say anything against the art of derision. It's with the targets. See, Imus and Beck use insults to attack the powerless. Yeah, yeah, they called Hillary Clinton a "bitch" and "Satan," but there's a huge difference between going after politicians and attacking [the powerless].




Imus is done. He's fucked the goat. He'll always be remembered for this, not his ranch, not anything else...

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everybody is talking 'bout the I-Man

he is on several of the 'morning shows' today


[color:red]Imus in the Morning streams each morning, 6-9 NY time, on wfan.com[/color]


"jiggaboos & wannabees" is line from a spike lee movie

'black speak' only for black speakers is the issue.


his #2 sports guy was busted at the final 4 couple years on a hotel roof smokin' crack .. lost his job but is back

Imus often brags of coming to the radio station in his youth wearing his bathrobe coked to the gills .. & he relates these stories with the editors of Newsweek & Time + senators & congress men.


McCain has already stated he will be back on Imus radio.


Imus ratings will go through the roof.

his show is for white folks in their 40s up..

he often laughs about the all white male 'guests' on his show each morning.

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