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Don Imus off air for "nappy headed hos" remark


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its all George W , trying to keep Iraq off the front page !


OK,,,,,shock jocks bore me , they need to be angry / funny / outragous every day,


No one is , so you can be sure most of it is just a gimmack to keep you listening (commercials).


There job is to piss people off, I think most open their mouth without thinking , and shit comes out.


Most politicans think about every word they say in public, knowing it can come back and bite them in the butt later , not so with shock jocks


This will pass, radio / TV people will be scared for a few months , then they will be back to normal,


Remembere its all about the $$$$$$$$$ , Imus would still be on if the advertisers did not dump him ,

He will be back someday when it all dies down and new advertisers sign up......



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Perhaps, my dad always had this common sense way of explaining things that I miss. I got sent to a suburban school (the one near me was crap) and some kids called us poor. I told him and he said 'they only have what their father's give them just like you. Until they earn their own keep you're both the same'


He definitely wanted us to use our own mind. If I repeated an opinion based on his he'd say 'but what do you think? My opinion is different than your grandfathers. You can't go through life saying 'my dad said'"


Getting back to Imus. The media played it up big time. They had a statement by the players. What do you think they would say other than they were outraged by it. They probably would have liked the whole matter to be dead in the water to a certain extent and the focus be on the fact they went to the final. I'm not the saying what he said shouldn't go without comment or even repurcussions by the public if its deemed bad enough if its offensive enough to people but he's a shock jock for goodness sakes. Its gotten more attention than it deserves considering who said it. Had it been Bush (you all would love that..haha) or someone that has a say over the quality of my life, okay, but Imus? A roll of the eyes and a "whatever" from me initially.


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Yeah well I don't give a shit what Imus or anybody else says on the radio. Just making conversation. I'm not even American so it's none of my business. I was raised not to give offence...very middle class English. England has changed a lot too.


I understand Imus is just keeping the ratings up but it doesn't explain why people enjoy listening to it so much. To me it's almost like being anti-PC has become the new PC.


Depends what kind of social standards you want to promote I guess. Or maybe freedom of speech trumps any kind of standards. You tell me. :dunno:

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Thinking about it some more I guess Imus is like the kid at the back of the class saying stuff that other kids were scared to say. Tee-hee. Difference is instead of getting kicked out of school he gets a funny hat and his own radio show.


I'm sure he's sincere about the charity work too. It's not just a tax dodge or a trick to confuse his critics.



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I think that saying stuff no one should say was part of the deal..

what he said was often a shock.

I'd think, "I can't believe he just said that .. "


Oh, CBS just canned him.


he has a large loyal audience, will be interesting to see how this plays out over the next year.


He has said a couple times that his actions did not constitute a breech of his new 5 year $25M contract, will be interesting to see how that plays out over the next year.

He has been in the shock jock biz a long long time, I'd wager his newly signed contract is shockingly rock solid.


His staff also has contracts..??

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Oh I'm sure he'll do just fine financially. There's obviously a huge audience out there for his shtick. Lets see how loyal they are.


His guests are pretty stupid too mostly...the way they let themselves get provoked. I guess they love being on public radio as much as he does. If I was a guest on his show I'd just sit there grinning take the money and go.


It's interesting that Borat managed to insult just about everybody in America and they loved it.

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Cultural differences. Americans don't have that nice middle class english politeness. Although I would say your tabloid journos are your outlet. Culturally we're just more non PC although that is changing. That's why Borat was popular as well.


We have these roasts here on cable that make me cringe and trust me, it takes a helluva lot to me cringe. These are celeb roasts and I heard stuff that I thought was way over the line by anyone's standard but a part of me took perverse pleasure in it. Pamela Anderson and Hugh Hefner got the most brutal roasts that I have ever witnessed. The mildest one I recall was 'Her kids friends come over to her house for 'Milf and cookies' and the rest was mostly about how good she could suck cock...litterally and how loose her pussy and ass was from too much fucking. It was surreal.

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I see now that some black community leaders are taking this opportunity to call on rap 'artists' and the like to stop denigrating black women in their lyrics. I'm happy to see that. If there's anything worse than censorship, it's hypocrycy, so if people wanted Imus fired, they should hold others' feet to the fire as well. After all, it wasn't Imus who created the lexicon he used.

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I know what you mean about tabloids in the UK. They fill the same niche as radio shock jocks in the US. There's an appetite for it.


Watching Paula Zahn I'm starting to think this Imus thing is just the hot topic of the moment...in a week or two it will be something else.

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I know what you mean about tabloids in the UK. They fill the same niche as radio shock jocks in the US. There's an appetite for it.


They've been around a lot longer too! Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm not sure they have the same type of audience. My impression of tabloid readers is primarily non-working moms, more akin to Ophrah's audience (or any daytime show) over here. I would think the demographic for Stern and Imus would be more working male.


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