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Yank shoots Brit dead in Hua Hin


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If you are a renter and have been paying your rent on time, the landlord has no right to come in without your permission. If he did, it had to be illegally -- and probably breaking the lock, since the renter had changed it.


I know would be decidedly pissed off if I came home one day to find my landlady hooping it up in the house I PAY TO LIVE IN!


p.s. Of course, this being LOS, who knows what could happen. One of my colleagues noticed his neighbour was suddenly acting very hostile to him -- even threw acid on his car. When he complained, his landlord finally told him that he had sold the house to the neighbour six months earlier. My friend had been paying rent on a house his landlord no longer owned! But would the ex-landlord tell him? Would the new owner tell him? Duh ... welcome to Thailand.






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It was a weird situation. He has a drinking problem and he got drunk one night and invited a bunch of people he had just met at a bar to party. He lived upstairs from me in a small apartment. He realized my place was much better for a party so he climbed through a window and let everyone in.


While my landlord was passed out, his new guests invited more guests and they took my gun, some cash, some porn, and an ounce of extremely high quality ganja that cost about $750.


I lived there for another year. Our arrangement was 4 months rent free ($6000) and he had to go to rehab.

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All you pro gun lobby advocates,


If you could stand in the accused American's shoes right now, and turn back the clock, would you wish you had kept a lump of wood, and an electric shock zapper in your bedroom




a loaded .22 rifle?


Could've saved himself a heap of hassles.


Martin Connolly and his two orphaned kids might have been a tad grateful too.



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It would have been easy enough to grab the rifle by the barrel and whack him with the gun butt. As I've said before, why shoot someone when you don't have to? But I seem to be in the majority. Even in the Army, one would catch hell for shooting someone who was unarmed. Looks like I'm outvoted though.





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Because nobody has ever killed another person with their bare-hands, or any type of blunt/sharp object they could easily find sitting in a house;

I guess we should assume that they would have only come out with bruises if there was no gun.


A piece of wood can kill somebody quite easily with a solid hit to the head. Just because you see people get batted around in movies doesn't mean it happens that way in reality.

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