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Ass Wiping


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I rent a big modern house in Bangkok. Unfortunately, the drain pipes they used on the commodes are about maybe 2 inches (5 cm) in diameter. Almost anything can clog the damned pipes. Have to keep a bottle of Draino nearby. Now imagine a place like the airports, with hundreds of thousands of people flushing paper down them every day. :p



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Not many people here done much backpacking and roughing it off the road, huh?!!


In rural areas in Asia of course you put it in the bin! The plumbing is old and cruddy and it *WILL* block if you put paper down the loo. And the result is really a lot uglier than a few bits of brown paper in a bin.


Going trekking in Northern Thailand you have to burn your loo paper after you've taken a crap in the bush.


Just as a side-note, my friends at home in Australia can't believe I use a bum-gun over here and have pretty much abandoned toilet paper. They think it's disgusting. Fools!!


The analogy I use is:

Say you were walking along the street, tripped over and put your hands out to break your fall and ended-up with your hands covered in dog shit... and I offered you a choice of a bunch of tissues or a bucket of water to clean it off, which one you going to choose? 'Nuff said.

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I'm absolutely with Moo Noi on this one. I avoid toilet paper like the plague. I detest using it. It's filthy. Gimme a bum gun any day.


When I went back to Ireland for a year I took2 of them with me for my folks' house. Visitors often wonder what the fuck they are.

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I'm with you on this guys. Give me water over paper any day.


I don't mind the bum guns but prefer the seats with the built-in bidets. Variations in water pressure mean that sometimes you get a good wash and other times your eyes damn near pop out of your head.


I tried looking for these seats back in Australia and could only find one or two models, and all very pricey. I'm giving serious thought to buying a couple in Thailand or Indonesia and bringing them back to Australia.

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..... Things were just warming up when she decided to go to the hong-nam. She was in a while. I heard the shower. She came out, and I then went in for a shower......

If "things were just warming up" then presumably if she hadn't gone for a shower then warming up would have been closely followed by shagging. Why did her decision to have a shower make you then decide to take one, as you obviously wouldn't have bothered otherwise?


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