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Face Washes vs. a Bar of Soap

Fiery Jack

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Guest lazyphil

i use dove soap (neatral PH other soaps make my skin almost burn red) and running hard for 4 or 5 miles 3/4xpw causes alot of sweat followed by a shower i think this clears the skin somehow

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Teddy, who has a few more female genes than most blokes, uses all sorts of facial applications and could probably talk for hours about the latest products pour homme.


He's particularly into face scrubs which is perhaps due to the fact that he only has to shave once a week and so, unlike most of us, half his face isn't scraped clean every day (or twice a day in the case of any particularly furry board members).


You cheeky cnut :mad:


But for the record I use mainly Clinique for men and Clarins products. Clinique face wash and face scrub, and Clarins shower gel, I never touch a bar of soap which after all is a melted down horse. :barf:




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I'm a snag. Definitely face wash.


It's so much gentler on the facial skin.


That's why I'm 35 but still have a baby face! :D


You guys will regret it when you're older and have a face that looks like a chewed-up running shoe inner sole.


That's probably why so many old blokes you see wandering around Nana, Cowboy and Pats are really ugly - coz they used soap instead of facewash.




My bet is the following boardmembers use fashwash:

Christian Troy, Jungle Soup, Drogon, The Numbers, Bibblies, Wearth, Zaad and Sua Dum.


You'd be wrong. I am not gay.


It's gay/woman-like to waste money on those things without any evidence that they have any strong benefit.


Soap doesn't make any long-term difference. Those leathery wrinkled faces you see are caused mostly by sun-damage.


If you want younger-looking skin, stay out of the sun and use something medically proven, like tretinoin, not some marketing con for gullible women and gays. :)

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