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Face Washes vs. a Bar of Soap

Fiery Jack

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It makes sense to me, KS.


Myself, Junglesoup and Munchmaster have all said we use it. And there's three people who have voted for using it.


So where doesn't it add up??

You were correct about me as well (use Nivea for Men face wash), and I voted that way. Who didn't vote? Coward!


My advice? Avoid soaps with alcohol (I only use glycerin soaps from The Body Shop).


As far as "waxing the sack" as someone mentioned...well, a gal pal* of mine recently said, while giving me a superior blowie: "your gai are so beautiful, I just want to keep them in my mouth forever." My thinking is that anything that makes a gal want to suck on my balls for an inordinate amount of time has got to be a good thing, chai mai?


That Gilette five-bladed razor works a treat...





* - one of those gray area GTGs...she is not P4P in that if you offered her $$ she'd be right pissed off and you'd never see her again, but fully expects you to go shopping with her the next morning (and you pay, of course).

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As far as "waxing the sack" as someone mentioned...well, a gal pal of mine recently said, while giving me a superior blowie: "your gai are so beautiful, I just want to keep them in my mouth forever." My thinking is that anything that makes a gal want to suck on my balls for an inordinate amount of time has got to be a good thing, chai mai?


That Gilette five-bladed razor works a treat...


I really shouldn't have read that while I was having dinner... :(

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"So where doesn't it add up??"


Not so much talking about it adding up as that reading the thread might make one think that most men use facial creams, while the poll shows the opposite.




Just goes to prove that a lot of blokes partaking in the sanuk scene are very insecure about themselves and their sexuality and incredibly worried about being perceived of as gay if they use a facial scrub! Sheesh... :(


Gay if you use a face scrub.. whatever next?

Bi if you use an electric toothbrush?


Quite sad really.



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Guest lazyphil

i really dont see the need for facial scrubs moo noi. but maybe if you live in a polluted envioroment like bkk, poor diet, no exercise to speak of, abuse alcohol, not drinking enough water/keeping hydrayted, exposure to too much sunshine you can try and negate these effects with 'facial scrubs' sheeesh :smirk:

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Of course they arent essential LP, but they are certainly beneficial...in exfoliating scrubs for example the micro beads help to stimulate the face and remove dirt and grime that get into the little pores. Theres no doubting that...also it softens the stubble and lifts the hairs to ensure a closer shave...I think theres nothing more refreshing in the morning than a good shave. As I said shaving is a lost art. I always remember my grandfather with his shaving bowl, brush and lather and cut throat...he took alot of pride ina good shave,it wasnt something to be rushed.


But as Moo Noi and me both said its the well bein factor that comes from bein good to yourself.


The healthy diet that you lead LP makes you feel better and gives you a sense of well bein...so thats a positive thing. Its the same with looking after your skin. You get a vibrant sense of well bein which makes you feel relaxed and comfortable...


Yes your right we dont need them, we wont die or anything...but you also wont die if you dont have your healthy breakfast. I m not bein critical of you. I think its great that you are leading a healthy lifestyle because I know it takes alot of discipline. I find it hard to find that discipline all the time.


What was that magic breakfast shake again LP?

I m trying to drink alot more smoothies(Innocent brand)and taking linsit seeds and cod liver oil every morning...

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nothing more refreshing in the morning than a good shave. As I said shaving is a lost art. I always remember my grandfather with his shaving bowl, brush and lather and cut throat...

I remember going to the barber shop with my Dad in the 60s. I was too young to need a shave, but he always had the barber lather me up and use the straight-edge on me, just like him. Even tho' no hair was there, it was still refreshing (prolly the adrenaline, the menthol cream and the thought of being "a grown-up"). And an early exercise in trust re: letting some stranger with a sharp knife rub it all over your face LOL!


Good memories.




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