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1 in Every 100 Adult American Is In Jail


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It could just as easily be argued that it proves that Americans are capable of doing such things if they think it is needed.

That's the way any intelligent person would interpret that action...




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'...sane, intelligent, and not a leftist...'


I wonder if those terms are not mutually exclusive. hehehe I notice how the term leftist is thrown around. Especially when that person has a differing opinion. Wouldn't it be more fair to judge a person's opinion on its merits?


A person can be a leftist and still be right or factual just the same as a conservative.


Many things aren't black and white, as much as we want them to be. If they were, there wouldn't be so many people arguing polar ends of an issue.


1+1=2. Black and white. I don't know too many people debating otherwise.


Ideology, economic theories, are still argued by people far more 'sane and intelligent' than all of us on here. Some are even 'lefitsts'. :nahnah: :nahnah: :nahnah: :nahnah: :nahnah: :nahnah:

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Oh please. Anybody who thinks that Americans are going to round up other Americans and put them in camps or who thinks that Americans are going to allow anybody to round them up and put them in camps just doesn't understand Americans.


Right, Rogue... right.


Guantanamo on the Hudson

Guantanamo on the Hudson was a term coined during the Republican National Convention by a lawyer who, amongst 1000 other people, was detained in a facility by the New York City Police, in such conditions that he said that the city had created its "own little Guantanamo on the Hudson" (an allusion to the tortures reported in prisoners camps in Guantanamo).


The City police reportedly closed a whole street where some protesters were marching, and arrested protesters and bystanders alike. [/b]People were required to show identification cards or face arrest; the arrested people were not immediately informed of charges against them[/b] (HALT!PAPIEREN!).


The facility was the then-recently closed Hudson Pier Depot at Pier 57 on the Hudson River in Manhattan, a three-story, block-long pier that has been converted into a temporary holding facility, though unfit for detention of prisoners.


Arrested protesters have complained about extremely poor conditions describing it as overcrowded, dirty, and contaminated with oil and asbestos.


People reported having suffered from smell, bad ventilation, and even chemical burns and rashes Deputy Police Commissioner Paul J. Browne denied the accusations, pointing to the fact that ventilations and sanitation had been installed.[citation needed]


Numerous troubling cases were reported, notably:


A 15-year-old diabetic girl on her way to a movie was arrested.

A former vice president of Morgan Stanley was arrested while riding her bicycle.

A 16-year-old protestor was lost to her mother for two days, even though her mother knew about and supported her daughter's participation.

Small pens were used to contain "30 to 40 people" at once.

Many people were detained longer than 24 hours on relatively trivial charges. One was a 23-year-old Montreal student arrested for disorderly conduct and released three days later. "He says he spent a total of 57 hours between the pier and Central Booking, during which time he says he was moved 14 times and repeatedly handcuffed and shackled to other protesters as young as 15."


The City reportedly refused to release the prisoners until a judge threatened to fine it for every extra hour every prisoner would spend in prison. The victims of the arrests have filed lawsuits against the City of New York.



I suppose you think the police did the right thing, eh Rogue? I'll be Hugh Hoy agrees with this kind of bahaviour too.








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No man.. the constitution is only a piece of paper. Just ask Rogue or Hugh.


People who disagree with the government shouldn't be allowed freedom of speech or freedom of assembly! In voicing their opposition to the actions of the REAL PATRIOTS, G.W Bush, Cheney et al, these people are GIVING COMFORT TO THE ENEMY!


As such, they waive their rights to free expression and assembly!



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