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Independence Day


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It depends upon which sleeve they are wearing it. Army Regulation 670-1 states that [color:purple]when authorized for application to the proper uniform the American flag patch is to be worn, right or left shoulder, so that â??the star field faces forward, or to the flagâ??s own right. When worn in this manner, the flag is facing to the observerâ??s right, and gives the effect of the flag flying in the breeze as the wearer moves forward. The appropriate replica for the right shoulder sleeve is identified as the â??reverse side flagâ??.[/color]


http://www.usapa.army.mil/pdffiles/r670_1.pdf (pg 241)




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God bless America. The country isn't perfect but doesn't claim to be.

Also, it should be recognized that some Americans love the country enough to criticize when they deem it not living up to the lofty principles it was founded on at the risk of being called unpatriotic.

The actual facts of the founding of the country is romanticized when the truth would actually taint that pristine image. Nevertheless it should be celebrated.


None of the european nations at the time, including those that supported the American cause thought that, that type of government would last. Monarchies were the rule of the day. It was thought we wouldn't last a generation.


Ben Franklin said we'd be around 200 years later and in his will, willed the city of Philadelphia a large sum of money to be paid 200 years after his death (1793). His will was realized and the monies became available in 1993. Turned out to be millions when you compound interest.


I often wonder though what the fathers would think of what America has become. What would they like or dislike about us? They would differ in opinion as they did in that day. Jefferson and Adams had opposing viewpoints on government for example.


Just my guess but I think they would be astonished and happy at America's place of pre-eminence in the world. Glad we ended slavery. Happy that we expanded the country to the pacific. Greatful that we still remember and even revere them and their ideals even if we don't always live up to them. Admiring of how we accepted and included millions of immigrants from all over the globe and are seen as the preferred destination of most peoples who wish to emigrate.


However I think they'd have been saddened by the Civil War and hoped we could have resolved that matter without costing more American lives than any military conflict before or sinc. Disappointed that the party system and the special interest has diluted the voice of the people. Shocked, and a few even disapproving of women's place in society and their being able to vote, but overall grudgingly approving that we've progressed as a society for that to happen.


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I think the Founding Fathers would be gratified to see our place in the world and to see our Constitution largely intact and somewhat followed.


I think they would be shocked that someone could sneak into the country, give birth, and that their child could then essentially be raised and (mis)educated at public expense, never learn a skill or even to speak English, never know anything about history or economics, never hold a legal job, not own a thing, and be a habitual criminal, and yet at 18 years old that child could then vote for Representatives who promise to provide even more free stuff to the able-bodied but unproductive at the expense of the productive, often on the basis of race.


I think our Founding Fathers might wonder what part of the Second Amendment the over-burdened taxpayers failed to understand.

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Almost as good as Cinco de Mayo in Los Angeles ...


Two things I have no use for are Cinco de Mayo and Los Angeles.


Forget about Cinco De Amateur Tequila Drinkers' Night, today is the best holiday of the year and LA is not a bad place to celebrate it.


Where I grew up, they held a pro beach volleyball tournament (before those guys made any money) in the morning, then the biggest parade in SoCal in the afternoon. Parties all along the parade route, and public drinking ignored by the authorities for the day. Even as a teenager, I remember how difficult it was to make it to parties on the night of the 4th, because it was an all day drinking marathon and you really had to pace yourself.


Another great place where I've spent the past few events is the peninsula in Long Beach. On the boardwalk, there are backyard parties everywhere and it seems everyone knows everyone since childhood (unlike the aforementioned Pacific Palisades where not everyone could afford to buy a home after they grew up).


For those of you who haven't experienced it, it's not like a bunch of flag wavers, the spirit of community is fantastic and I'm sure it's played out across the country (with the possible exception of some small enclave in the Democratic bastion known as The Bay Area where Rogueyam and his pals are waving flags).


Today I'm staying in, though. :crazy:





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I think they would be shocked that someone could sneak into the country, give birth, and that their child could then essentially be raised and (mis)educated at public expense, never learn a skill or even to speak English, never know anything about history or economics, never hold a legal job, not own a thing, and be a habitual criminal, and yet at 18 years old that child could then vote for Representatives who promise to provide even more free stuff to the able-bodied but unproductive at the expense of the productive, often on the basis of race.



Lets leave certain historical facts about some past (and a even few present) residents of Little Italy, Chinatown and Little Odessa section of Brooklyn out of this.


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Forget about Cinco De Amateur Tequila Drinkers' Night, today is the best holiday of the year and LA is not a bad place to celebrate it.


Thanks for the reminiscences of Independence Day down in SoCal. That sounds like the real L.A. which I am far too much of an outsider to have ever experienced.


I hope you have a great day today.


As for "Amature Tequila-Drinkers' Night", it seems twenty years ago or so May 5th was Amature Tequila Drinkers' Night in S.F. These days it's more like "Stay In and Avoid the Professional Tequila-Drinkers' Night".

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