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Why I'm Betting On Barack Obama's Victory


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From what I recall it was swept under the politial rug. I'm admittedly pro Israel more or less in comparison to most folks but I think the relationship and the blind support needs 'adjusting' because things that I would think would be constructive in terms of the Palestinian situation couldn't be done because of the political fall out.


The present relationship for the U.S. is too restrictive I think.



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I think the relationship and the blind support needs 'adjusting' because things that I would think would be constructive in terms of the Palestinian situation couldn't be done because of the political fall out.



But "The One" (who is supposedly the topic of this thread) would certainly get it all straightened out after an almost 2000 year absence. :rotl::rotl::rotl::rotl::rotl:




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You're right that he can't but neither can anyone else I think. I'd really love to see us just be a silent ally behind the scenes.


Leave the mid east peace talks to an international body. We end up with both sides not liking us. The Palestinians don't trust us because we're pro Israel, and strangely enough I've read Israel doesn't trust us as much as we think they do.

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My own focus would include closing the border, enforcing the immigration laws, and appointing strict constructionist judges. That and vetoing any tax increases or expansion of entitlements should be enough for the first term.


Can you please explain how you would budget each item?

How you would balance the budget?

How you would pay down the National Debt?

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I think the relationship and the blind support needs 'adjusting' because things that I would think would be constructive in terms of the Palestinian situation couldn't be done because of the political fall out.



But "The One" (who is supposedly the topic of this thread) would certainly get it all straightened out after an almost 2000 year absence. :rotl::rotl::rotl::rotl::rotl:




You know HH. I think every learned candidate either knows it can't be solved by the President but has to say that to win. The ones that truly believe it can suggests me to least that they really don't know the situation and that would bother me greatly.


I also get the feeling that every President tries because they can make history. The peace 'tween Egypt and Israel pretty much saved Carter's legacy. Not much to show for other than that.


Clinton came close though. Closer than anyone that I can recall.

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My main focus would be to eliminate government waste, in all its forms. I'd work to eliminate earmarks and pork barrel projects that siphon off billions each year to fund the sex habits of goldfish and the like.


I'd reign in defense spending or more specifically get a better accounting. Its roughly a quarter of our budget I think. I've read that over a generation there has been a trillion, not billions but capital T, trillion dollars at least that have gone some black hole or rabbit hole that no one can find it. The General Accounting Office has no idea where it went. I can certainly see the benefit of black ops and skunk work secret projects that yield things like the stealth plane but that doesn't account for the untold amounts of money that has disappeared. Its not all $50 hammers.


I think once you cut the waste we'd get hundreds of billions back into the budget to put to better use.


I'd restore our civil liberties. Publicly set a match to a copy of the Patriots Act. I'd turn off that super computer that reads everyone's emails. I'd restrict what customs can and can not look for and their detainment policy would be under review.


I'd legalize prostitution or at least make it not a crime. I'd legalize pot and tax it. Use the money for drug counseling, treatment, etc. Pardon a shed load of Federal prisoners on a lot of the BS posssession drug charges. Use all that extra space by offering each prisoner the choice of being in general population or private cell with limited exposure to the general population to cut out brutality and prison rapes. Place far more cameras in prisons to guard against it, in cells, every nook and cranny.


I'd remove corporate welfare. No farm subsidies for these huge corporate farms owned by Cargill and others. I'd limit it to the true family farmer. I'd remove subsidies for companies like Dole and Del Monte for trade in the banana republics. Same with loans from the ExIm Bank (Export Import Bank).


Form a national lottery and the proceeds used for either social security or education. Not sure but the proceeds would fund something.


Reduce dependence on foreign oil by the hybrid amortization plan I wrote about but I would decide wtih the G8 a consensus on which plan to use.


Whew! That's a long first day, now for day two....lol


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As much as the GOP 'hates' unions, why is the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE), the largest federal employee union which represents 600,000 workers in the federal government, still in existence?


AFGE exist even though they support Obama. Doesn't it seem strange that the employees who run the country at the Federal level, suport Obama?

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