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What would you have done?


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Couple of things:

- I have never met GTG so cannot say either way if she is female or not; nor do I really care

- SuaDum didn't so much out you as you (IIRC) posted using that handle for a time; I have also been well aware who you are for some time

- banning multiple accounts: you'd be surprised how few there actually are; of course, you have about 3 or 4, right?

- As for you being blackmailed, wouldn't that be a case of "You reap what you sow"?


And finally, stop acting like the eternal victim. A huge amount of what you went through could have easily been avoided if you hadn't been so nasty to several people on the boards.


As far as I am concerned this discussion is over.


You are welcome to stay and post here, provided you behave yourself. Nagging and whining about how badly you were treated is NOT something I want to read about.




Sorry could not log in as sanyar, some kind of block. You are right KS, sorry you were not there, I was thinking of something else. But you talk about me moaning about being a victim of blackmail, yet accuse me of making victims of other on here (no names as usual)


It was wrong of OH to accuse GTG of being a whore and of having tattoos as she does not, if somebody else was posting in her name why did you not ban the account?


'SuaDum didn't so much out you as you (IIRC) posted using that handle for a time'


Don't know what this means but do know I am the only person to have had my name repeated on here several times and the 'rule breakers' got away with it, if I had done it I would have been making a victim of somebody I guess?


The problems I encountered were due, I know now, to one person who exagerated as usual the row we had between us which was not even on this board. Due to what happened to me I guess 'reap what you sow' will come calling on him one day.


Don't think I will be staying around as there are too many unpleasant characters on this board, but thanks for the invite.


PS you are wrong as I do not have 3-4 other log in's just one more, so you have more posters than you thought.

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cent said:

'Futhermore, contrary to what seems like populair opinion at the moment, people do NOT get kicked off for disagreeing.


Just to get some of the facts straight...



Thai3 was NOT banned because of his views on adultery; hell, I *agree* with them! What got him kicked off the board was him consistently trying to ram his opinions down everybody elses throats. And I am not just talking adultery issues here either, I already (most likely) lost an advertiser over some of his other crap (think Eden).

Thai3 was warned (literally!) dozens of times to lay off and tone down his posts. He ignored every single one of these warnings.


PS ND made some interesting points on internet vs real life. I think they help to explain this as well.



People might not get kicked off for disagreeing, but often bullied off, I could give you a very long list, mostly the ones YOU seemed to have diagreed with. GTG looks a recent one scared off by OH, and you wonder where all where posters went, what a joker.I was not warned 'dozens of times' think I had one PM after which I did not mention the club again, and never have since anywhere.

I thinks it's 'popular' BTW

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