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Obama Is Quickly Establishing Himself As a Loser


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Even then, there are tons of places in Silicon Valley where you can be "wealthy" on 250k. Try East Palo Alto. ;)


Guess you haven't visited EPA in a while. Serious gentrification going on, with a large newish housing development that sold off-plan for $800k, and houses are now going for over $1mm. The cheaper stuff in EPA is utter trash, in te remaining gang -infested areas.


Those who make $250k or less live in cheap townhouse apartments in Redwood City or Mountain View. Or they commute from the East Bay or the Central Valley


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Is Obama quickly establishing himself as a loser?


As bad as the social perversions (homosexual marriage and partial birth abortion), I'm MUCH more worried about him undermining America's ability to recover after him. This 1+ trillion $ bailout only has a small % going to infrastructure, the remaining is social engineering, enviro-facism, etc...


Demand-side economics is not sound practice.


One large financial institution has already tried to pay back its bailout. Obama refused receipt. Successfully repaying being refused? There can only be one reason for that--control. What a lack of moral integrity. It is illegal to refuse payment of US dollars. The bank oughta dump the money on the front lawn of the white house. under federal law, the feds are required to accept it. Let me repeat: IT IS A VIOLATION OF UNITED STATES LAW TO REFUSE RECEIPT OF US DOLLARS TO PAY A DEBT.


Hyperinflation devalues a currency. Our dollar could be almost worthless by the time Obama gets finished with us.


Q: Why not print and distribute $1 million dollars for and to each American???

A: Coz then the money would be worthless


Of course, this will make him highly unpopular when this causes significant problems with the standard of living. But he isn't worried. All he's gotta do is grant amnesty to the illegal aliens (guess he feels a certain kinship) and the dems won't be losing any elections for a long long time. And the "Obama Youth". That can only lead to one thing.


As Obama's underlings say, "never let a crisis go to waste". All they need is one good crisis. It doesn't even have to be a terrorist attack. Sayyyyy a major power shortage--extended blackout. Gotta have a military presence to "maintain the peace" or distribute supplies. Or a food shortage--but I think they'll save that one for later.


It's not a democrat vs republican thing. It's a freedom vs slavery thing. I, as so many people do, used to ponder, how could the German people be so hypnotized to follow Hitler? How could Stalin get away with murdering so many people? And Pol Pot? And how could people rape and hack-to-death as they did in Rwanda. As differently as black African people are from white Europeans/Americans, how could anyone even consider the ownership of another. Eugenics. Aborting and sterilizing people who are "less desirable". And the list goes on...


We Americans are NOT racially or intellectually superior beings. We are subject to the same mass hypnosis as others--living in denial of the existence of the very evil that seeks to fully subdue us. We're afraid to see it and name it and face it.


In the history of the world there have always been people who feel superior. Humans are sheep to them and their property are assets to be "managed and redistributed" as the superior see fit. From time to time these scumbags get organized,Alexander the Great, the Roman Empire, National socialists, hard-line marxists, the French Revolutionaries, just to name a few...and now it's these NEW WORLD ORDER (NWO) fanatics. Basically they use a mix of philosophies to achieve their agenda, but ultimately it's fabian socialism.


We are all sheep to be managed, and our proprty are "resources" to be "redistributed". These Luciferian, eco-fascists think that the Earth can sustain 2 billion people. That means 4 billion of us gotta die. Some of these guys are nicer than others. Some of them want a "kinder, gentler" New World Order, on par with "A Brave New World". Others are more in line with Orwell's "1984".


They'll reduce our numbers by "family planning, a woman's right-to-choose", sterilization, and "yes", ultimately war and famine, and pestilence.


But they're not through with us. Oh no, no, no. Sheep are animals and they have to be managed. Because of their messiah complexes the NWO's gotta save the Earth. And since the Earth doesn't need saving, they've got to create another crisis--such as global warming, lying, saying it's man made. Global warming has already been proven to have ended and was related to sun spots as the VAST MAJORITY of climate scientists have been saying all along while being suppressed by mainstream media and risking their careers and suffering from a lack of funding for not "going along".


Want proof? Look it up yourself. It can take quite some time to document claims. As I read reference material, much of it I save, but I do NOT maintain a computer file of reference material. It is quite fair to ask for "proof" or "evidence" when one claims statements to be fact, however, I have found that the vast majority of people aren't willing or able to acknowledge the obvious even while living through it. For purposes of academic integrity, documentation is necessary, but for purposes of belief and convincing others, it's all just pissing in the wind. Either you are truly "searching" or your mind is already made up. I didn't start out with any of these convictions, I got them from reading a variety of sources. If you really want to know the truth, it shouldn't take you much searching.


Back to "global warming". They've already made the adjustment to calling it "climate change", probably a wise move since we're headed back into another ice age. Their latest manufactured crisis, carbon dioxide, aka--air for plants, isn't getting anywhere near the levels it can hurt us, but will do wonders for the plant world. Of course, it takes time to witness the results, but it takes only moments for a NWO scumbag to make a panicked speach about the evils of CO2.


So, how to fix this problem? Ah yes, carbon credits. Heard of them? This is how they work: Each country is allowed a certain amount of CO2 pollution (decided by a global governing body, of course--gee I wonder who that will be), when a country exceeds their "permitted" level, (in other words, a country that is productive) they will have to stop producing OR they will have to "buy" an undeveloped country's, unused credits. In other words, a redistribution of wealth and paying others for the priviledge to produce and for the unproductive company, they receive money for NOT producing. Instead of the non-industrial country developing an industry base. What a bunch of NWO scumbags. And please notice: there is NO decrease in the amount of CO2 produced, money is simply transferred to the unproductive.


So these scumbags get a double whammy--production control AND socialist redistribution. You gotta admit, this scam's genius. You get all these PHDs scaring people and the government is the savior.


Now for the biggie. You still gotta get rid of the "excess people". You go to war against the inferrior, and especially against the peoples who's leaders won't go along. After all, they've got resources that must be managed. Everyone in line now.


But to "reset" the Earth and its population. How do you really bring the numbers down and make people totally dependent on you? By controlling what they've got to have--FOOD. You arrange a blight, massive crop failure. you can blame it on terrorists, terminator seeds, plant disease, overpopulation, overgrazing, lack of honeybees,or nature, whatever suits your needs.


Now you've got your population numbers down to a manageable level, people are scared and will do anything to survive, to not make waves. Of course, since resources are so few, to be "fair" everyone must be tagged, ur,uh, I mean I.D.'d to track consumption. And now they've got their "brave, new world".


Of course, it is such an aberration that the natural man's burning desire for freedom cannot tolerate it. These scumbags are going to incite tremendous violence and bloodshed. People are going to quit trusting each other and turn on each other like wild street dogs. Similar to people who turned in their neighbors to the Nazzis.


If you question it, you're not a team-player. If you doubt them, you're a fool. If you tell people about their true goals, you're crazy--after all, see how crazy I sound? In spite of the fact that recorded history has PROVEN many regimes have pulled off similar schemes, albeit on a smaller scale. Ah, but they shall fail. There are limits to human nature. There are "poison pills", and good, decent people around--shepherds among the sheep that the wolves don't see. And what these NWO fools fail to realize is that the end game has already been predestined. The god they worship can do nothing more than take as many down with him as possible. And nothing more.


Is Obama quickly establishing himself as a loser? Yes, he and those like him HAVE ALREADY FAILED.



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Interesting rant, much of which applied completely to the previous Bush regime. You appear to be trying to apply the same logic to Obama. Curious.


I agree that there's an element of mass hysteria to governance....or mass hypnosis, as you so eloquently put it, but I'm still inclined to give Obama a chance. 100 days isn't long, bearing in mind the appalling state of the nation he inherited, arguably the worst mess any incoming president has inherited.


I'm certainly willing and able to criticise Obama and I suspect that if he does make some misguided judgments others will also hammer him. You appear to have a lack of faith in your fellow man.


Finally, a lot of your post is highly speculative and conspiratorial. I'd suggest you might want to reconsider some of it.

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100 days isn't long, bearing in mind the appalling state of the nation he inherited.



So what's the solution? Spend our way out of it. That's always a good idea. You're right on one thing- 100 days isn't long and he has spent more money that GWG has spent on the War in Iraq znd Afghanistan and Hurricane Katrina COMBINED!

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...much of which applied completely to the previous Bush regime...


Yes, it did. Bush and his daddy are scumbags. FDR, Woodrow Wilson, Lyndon Johnson, fucking scumbags.


...You appear to be trying to apply the same logic to Obama. Curious...I'm still inclined to give Obama a chance.


He's had his chance. He's been making public speeches to a world-wide audience for 2 years. If Obama wasn't a part of this, he would be shouting it from the podium. He would be talking all about the crap these NWO guys are up to. He would be talking about how to thwart them and alerting us to these scum. That's what President Kennedy did. I have downloaded a video from Youtube showing Pres. Kennedy warning about secretive government. Obviously Obama's either a part of it or so uncaring he doesn't even want to help people, just get his. I don't think that's the case. From his Chicago days and his known affiliations, he's a change agent for the left.


You appear to have a lack of faith in your fellow man.


Faith in my fellow man to do what? If people weren't so easily influenced, the world wouldn't be in the state it is. Also, there would be no television commercials. I expect people to follow their nature. Under certain environmental conditions people react certain ways. Some will give up their guns, some will wear the star of David, some will riot or rebel, some will stampede in a crowded theater.


When shocked and traumatized people will go into a state of mesmerization. They will wait for someone to tell them what to do. When facing a collective crisis, they will feel compelled to comply with central authority, since there is strength in numbers, pressure to not be labelled as NON-patriotic, and unity may be crucial to survival.


...a lot of your post is highly speculative and conspiratorial...


While listing possible generated crisis in THE FUTURE, since it is the future, it MUST be speculative. I don't know for a fact that these are the exact plans of these scumbags. I haven't read their game plan. But I have been reading history, politics, and psychology long enough to have formed a workable understanding of their mindset.


There's more than one aspect to conspiracy. These scumbags have publically announced their presence. That means they are confident they can't be defeated. I suppose that means sufficient control of resources to create any shortage or crisis they need to guide things. Hell, Tony Blair publically stated that this crisis is the ushering in of the "new world order". How much plainer can you get?


...I'd suggest you might want to reconsider some of it...


As these scumbags reveal themselves I will revise and "reconsider" things. But I already see them for what they are. So, as for "reconsidering" the truth of who and what they are, it's too late for that. Once you see, you see. Consider the 1920s Europe. If you had told people what Hitler would have done, the experiments on Jews, people would have thought you mad. Yet many fled Germany and Europe as soon as they "saw"--years before the war. Yet many others didn't "see". And even after the war, when German citizens were FORCED by allied forces to visit the camps, many people couldn't bring themselves to "see". If you had tried to warn the French about who was behind their revolution and what would come out of it, you would have been murdered for being a monarchist.


Respectfully sir, I invite you to reconsider that the historical trend of centralization is NOT accidental or unorganized.

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So what's the solution? Spend our way out of it. That's always a good idea. You're right on one thing- 100 days isn't long and he has spent more money that GWG has spent on the War in Iraq znd Afghanistan and Hurricane Katrina COMBINED!


It is a good idea sometimes. Can you make any cogent arguments either way? And whether it took 100 days, 2 days, or 10000 days to spend as much as GWB did is pretty irrelevant. Unless of course, spending rate per day has suddenly become an important metric.

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And whether it took 100 days, 2 days, or 10000 days to spend as much as GWB did is pretty irrelevant. Unless of course, spending rate per day has suddenly become an important metric.


It's not irrelevant when it's on a course to further enslave the tax-paying population with a debt that it might never be able to repay. And it's not irrelevant if it was relevant for the neo-libs to prattle on about deficit spending by the Bush adminstration.


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