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Global Warming - Do you believe it ?


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I used to be very much on the pro-side, but as I get older (and more cynical) I'm beginning to wonder if what I hear is factual.


Only this week we found out that respected scientists from the University of East Anglia were "enhancing" results. The BBC seem always to show the shot of the polar bear on a slab of ice but are things as bad as we think....could it be mother nature taking her toll. Are we responsible for the so called warming or is it something that else ?


I'm swinging to the anti-side, my natural distrust of politicians, BBC propoganda (when have you ever heard a balanced report?) and growing sceptisism from scientists makes me believe a lot of whats being said is bullshit.



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I think every scientist who's not sucking on the corporate tit accepts it's happening. It was acknowledged long before the taxes were discussed but big business panicked at the thought they would have to clean up their mess and increase production costs and put billions into a very efficient propaganda machine. Read the results by... doing a google.


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Global warming is a fact. The debate is over how much mankind is affecting it and how serious it is.


The weather in LOS certainly has changed in recent years. Don't know if it's global warming or due to the greedy bastards clear cutting so many of Thailand's forests. I remember timber covered mountains where now there is just scattered scrub growth. A colleague from Vietnam a few years ago told me the same thing has happened there - done by greedy "communist" officials.





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My main point in questioning how much this or that affects global warming is that I am not sure we know enough about the long term past.


Only today I see articles saying that in the distant past, swift climatic changes happened in 10 years or less.


I know we are screwing up the planet but is it just a case of over population which will run its course and many of us will die off until we are back at a more manageable level ?

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Global Weather Change is more accurate - polution causes problems - to name exactly what the problem will be is a mistake the conservationists made


There is no doubt that the “global climate†is changing. It has done so for several hundred million years now. To try and measure that change over the space of even a few hundred years is pretty meaningless. The debate is over what is mankind’s impact to that global climate change. I don’t think we have the tools to be able to come close to being able to prove that.


In the meantime, this debate over whether there is actually a problem we can fix and especially some of the proposed solutions is taking away from solving real issues, such as the pollution of the oceans and local toxic emissions that make life dangerous for people living nearby.


The people most active in this so called movement are in reality actually anti-human and want us all (except themselves) to go back to the Stone Age.


There is actually a great debate (over 1,000 posts) going about this on at TV. Besides being highly entertaining at times, there is some great information on both sides.


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