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How often do the bargirls insult you?


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Thinking back, it seems that at least ten percent of the bargirls that I have barfined have felt the need to call me "pum pui" (i.e. 'fat' as far as I understand) during the activities. I have been a bit miffed about this, especially since I do not consider myself grossly obese at 179cm/78kg - none of it muscle, though. Strangely enough, the girls have not taken the trouble to make me understand any disparaging comments about my balding head and small dick.




How common it is for the girls to bad-mouth their customers into their face about their physical imperfections? Is this common or just part of my special jinx of Thai women not liking me?







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Ok I may be wrong on this but I'm thinking this is your own sensitivity to the issue. I have found that because heavy set people untill more recent years are much more rare in LOS


that Thais find it to be more of cute or amusing thing and really aren't blatantly negative. But then if you are bar fining girls that really dont feel comfortable about going with you anything is possible.

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I have wondered the same thing myself. Are they calling you fat, ugly, stupid? I am sure it happens to some. I tell my friends that have never been enlightened, "Everyone is smiling at you. They might be calling you every name in the book, but they do it with a smile." Maybe it's time to get serious about my Thai language skills.


Of course, they would never call me fat at 6ft/180lbs. Or ugly for that matter because I am such "hansum man". Stupid, on the other hand....it's possible I suppose. To my knowledge it has never happened to me, but I know only a few more Thai words than your average German shepard.


Ignorance is bliss...haha



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Fat,bald,small dick? you just discribed me to a "t":) Anyway, as I understand it from my Thai teacher, pom pui is a way of saying you are cute but chubby, as opposed to other words that could be construed as mean spirited. Look at it another way, you can afford extra food and drink, so be proud to show it off! Anyjackass can go to a gym and develope "a six pack" of abdominal muscles, I just have have a whole keg! "Baby beer " as the girls call it.

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I wouldn't worry about being called pom pui, it is actually more like a cute word for something Thai girls would like to cuddle. Correct me if I am wrong. I think fat would translate into something like her pointing at your stomach and saying "wan wan". Correct me again if wrong, I am not really an expert. Well anyway, lets face it, 95% of all farangs do look a bit fat compared to the average Thai male. I think if a bargirl would want to insult you, she would most likely do it in Lao language, making some strange sounds starting with something like "Ay....".




Best regards,





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As a teacher, I hear students insulting other students all the time. They range from "he is fat", to "he is gay" right through to "he failed his exam". The big difference between insulting in the West and here in Thailand is that in most cases it is done with a smile on their face.




Some bargirl insults are downright rude and insulting and some are more them just jesting with you. Sometimes it is difficult to tell. If they do make downright nasty comments, I'm never shy to throw it back at them - in their own language.

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I'm with the others on this, 'pom pui' is (usually) not an insult. Many Thai girls prefer there may to put on a little bit of extra weight, it shows that you have the money to feed yourself, and that she is taking good care of you.




As for being insulted, I honestly can't remember ever being insulted by a bargirl.







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I think everyone has covered the pom pui reference.




However, you bring up a good issue with bargirl insults. And, I liked Stickman's comment.




Lately, I have run into a few bargirls that think it is cool to insult farang customers. I used to just ignore the insults or move on preferring the Thai way of non-confrontation.




However, several times I guess I was just in one of those moods and decided to sling it right back at the girl - in Thai, as Stickman said. In each case the lady's eyes widened and she just melted into the woodwork.




While pom pui is not an insult, I can assure you there are plenty thrown our way. While I suppose it is always best to ignore them (especially if you don't understand them), I love it when a guy who understands Thai puts the insulting person in his/her place.

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I always make a point when I arrive to make them know that I maybe not fluent in Thai but I can understand some of it so they put out that kind of small talk between themself because they are afraid I can understand them, very fun to watch but sometime they start to speak Lao so maybe I will start lurning a little Lao to surprise them a little more.








"It was not the apple on the tree but the pair on the ground that caused the trouble in the garden. "

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I don't speak even conversational Thai, but know a few words. Even tho most of the girls tell me I speak Thai good. I think they may be more cautious about insulting you, but if they say it fast, you may not understand it. Personally I have more important matters then if being insulted by a BG. You could try to learn a few Lao words. That usually throws them for a loop. I only know a couple. "Lie lie" is Lao for "mak mak". And "bah" is "let's get out of here or lets go". Just because you probably have a higher education then the BG, doesn't and usually means the BG is still smarter then you. Sooner then later, they will quickly figure out most of us can't speak Thai, so I say don't try to fool them.





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