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On ordering food or on Thai dishonesty


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Because I exercise a lot I require a lot of protein in my diet. I have thus learned how to say in *perfect* Thai: "...with extra chicken/pork/beef/shrimp" when I order my food.



Here is my observation though:



1.)I order with extra chicken with my rice. I get extra rice.


2.)I order with extra pork with my noodles. I get extra noodles.


3.)I order extra chicken/pork/beef/shrimp (whichever) with my food and for takeaway.

When I get home I open the package and there is LESS food than it would have been if enjoyed at the "restaurant". No extra protein, just less of everything.


4.)I order two dishes with extra protein.

I get one dish with extra protein, the other normal sized.


This also happens when my wife order so no discrimination against 'farang' from what I can tell.


Because in Thailand the customer is always wrong, my wife does not complain. Personally I elect to boycott these restaurants but I am rapidly running out of neighborhood eateries :)


I have tried a few different solutions to get my fill but there are additional observations:


I order my first dish of food with an additional plate full with chicken/pork/beef/shrimp (no rice/noodles). I certainly get more on that extra plate but I am noting that on my ordered dish, the trend is to put LESS than normal protein so in effect some of my order is getting transferred to that extra plate. Ordering one dish plus one plate of chicken is also strangely more expensive than ordering three normal size dishes. If [color:red]I order three dishes not only is it cheaper than above option but the total amount of protein is larger.[/color] However just transferring all chicken to a single plate leaves two plates with rice/noodles and vegetables to just throw away which seems totally uneconomical :surprised:


[color:red]I called my wife this afternoon and asked my wife if Thai language had a word for 'honesty' or for 'honor'. She said she would call me back...[/color]


Not only do I find this totally dishonest, irrational: -I'm a regular customer so why fuck me over!? I also find all cases above totally illogical.


Guess from now on I will just order three dishes and send the excess rice and noodles to Africa :)

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Pay??? lol


I do it all the time...never a problem !!


Khao moo dang....double moo...extra sauce....I pay extra...mai mee bpen har....


Always get a serve big enough to fill my "ample" gut.... and generally get charged...maybe 15 baht more


Can certainly understand the OP's frustration though..


It used to happen to me, almost every time I ordered something that is not standard menu


I remember "Dyslexic Dog' flipping out one day when he ordered a Ham, cheese & tomato sandwich off a menu....then he said....hold the tomato...I don't want tomato...


The Bill came...and he was charged 20 baht extra..(for not having tomato!!) WTF!!!


WHY...you may ask..... Specian order...not on menu


Gotta love 'em....555

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"...I'm a regular customer so why fuck me over!?..."



It has been my experience that *some/certain* cultures will fuck over their repeat customers first. Why? well supposedly, you have proven you like the food/service etc and will return, where as they need to win over a new customer...so they can fuck him over later...

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This reminds me of the scene in "Five easy pieces," where Jack Nicholson's character, in order to get toast with his breakfast at a resturant that doesn't allow substitutions or side orders, orders a chicken salad sandwich and tells the waitress to hold the mayo, butter and lettuce. He then tells the waitress to hold the chicken. The waitress asks surprisingly "you want me to hold the chicken?" He says "yes, between your knees." Maybe that approach would work in Thailand?

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