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L.A. Teacher Calls for Mexican Revolt in the U.S.


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If it belongs to anyone, it belongs to the Injuns ... and there were never more than a few thousand of them in So California. ;)


Try 150,000... :neener:


CALIFORNIA currently has the second largest Native American population in the United States, including over 100 federally-recognized Indian tribes.


In 1769 the first Spanish European immigrants settled in California in what became Old Town, San Diego, Mission Presidio.


In 1845 the California Indian population was estimated to have been 150,000 strong.


In 1848, at the end of the Mexican-American War, Indians in California out numbered whites in California by 10 to one.


By 1855, the California Indian population had been reduced to 50,000.


By 1900, less than 16,000 Indians in California had survived the onslaught of invading white immigrants  some 134,000 California Indian lives were lost during this 55-year period AFTER the U.S. Government took control of California.



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I said SOUTHERN California. Comprendes???


Most of the Injuns got killed off or driven off in NORTHERN California during the Gold Rush years.


The Mission based Injuns in the South had largely died off from diseases. I lived near what is left of the Chumash (one small reservation with a hundred or so mixed Chumash-Hispanic). It is recorded that the Chumash were so depressed by the loss of their independence that women started aborting their babies. :(


<< In 1845 the California Indian population was estimated to have been 150,000 strong. >>



Changed "estimated" to "guessed". That is what the figure is.

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So California is confusing, could be a typo.

Or an abbreviation for anything but southern.


SO is an abbreviation for Scheduling Operator

SO is an abbreviation for Seller's Option

SO is an abbreviation for Senior Officer

SO is an abbreviation for Shift Out

SO is an abbreviation for Signals Officer

SO is an abbreviation for Significant Other

SO is an abbreviation for Somalia

SO is an abbreviation for Sorting Office

SO is an abbreviation for Space Opera

SO is an abbreviation for Spurious Outputs

SO is an abbreviation for Staff Officer

SO is an abbreviation for Standing Order

SO is an abbreviation for Stationery Office

SO is an abbreviation for Strike Out

SO is an abbreviation for Sub-Office

SO is an abbreviation for Sulphur Oxide

SO is an abbreviation for Supply Officer

SO is an abbreviation for Symphony Orchestra

http://www.probertencyclopaedia.com/N19C.HTM :neener:

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Admittedly there's a bit of a double standard there, in terms of SoCals (a fairly recent term, AFAIK) expecting the world to know all about our locale (via Hollywood) without us being required to have any reciprocative knowledge of yours. :p

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"...CALIFORNIA currently has the second largest Native American population in the United States, including over 100 federally-recognized Indian tribes..."



Might have something to do with the bullshit casino laws...any group of Supposed Indians can buy land claim to be a tribe and open a card room or casino...then not pay people who win, because they can't be sued for it because of sovereign nation laws for Indians.


As for this teacher, he needs to be fired, if a white teacher went off like that, all sorts of groups would be calling for his balls on a stick. So in the name of fairness, hang this racist fucktard.

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Lots of folks have suddenly decided they are "Native Americans" because maybe great great grandma was part Cherokee or Choctaw. Some of the genuine tribes have become very suspicious of white folks who ask to be "enrolled" as members.


I have a friend who is 1/8th Cherokee. (He's also 1/4th Jewish, but that doesn't count.) Since he owns a nice little paddle wheel riverboat, I suggested he claim to be a redskin and open a floating casino. Unfortunately, he's a Southern Baptist and doesn't believe in gambling. :(



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Back to the OP, I really fail to see how what this knucklehead is spouting is any different than the idiot redneck wingnuts who come to political rallies with sidearms saying they are "gonna take back the country" and that they want to "water the tree of patriotism."


As close as you can get to sedition without being charged, both of them.

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Exactly my Point LK, this guy is just the klan with a tan. But of course he fails to see that we are not against ALL Latinos, just the illegal ones. Of course should legal Latinos act like it, and want the laws enforced, you'd think they would not be on board with all the illegal bullshit and crap. They would be against them, as they, the illegals make it that much harder for them, the legals...


Now for all those who love illegals, and see nothing wrong with them, and who are against "racial profiling" let me ask you this...how many times have you, a native born American or national of your country, been held up at customs when returning from LOS, only to see hordes of Arabs in robes going odd scott free without even a glance and thought "jeez, aren't we at war with these assholes? shouldn't someone check them, they are Arabs for fuck sake..." Ok same same the Latinos...they comprise nearly 100% of the illegals along the border states, so why not stop the ones who seem most obvious?

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Odd how racial issues creep into conversations when the real issue is USA citizens want drugs and no matter how hard they try to secure the borders, drugs are going to get thru and the violence that overflows will be blamed on the illegal Mexicans].


In a free country that spouts off that democracy should rule, drugs other then by prescription should be made legal no matter what the totaliarian dorts say.

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