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Obama Plans to Cut Social Security Next


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Those figures look lower than any I've seen in a long time. I usuually hear about 16% of GDP for the US. Here are some more numbers (I don't know how it'll format):


Country↓ Life expectancy↓ Infant mortality rate↓ Physicians per 1000 people↓ Nurses per 1000 people↓ Per capita expenditure on health (USD)↓ Healthcare costs as a percent of GDP↓ % of government revenue spent on health↓ % of health costs paid by government↓

Australia 81.4 4.2 2.8 9.7 3,137 8.7 17.7 67.7

Canada 80.7 5.0 2.2 9.0 3,895 10.1 16.7 69.8

France 81.0 4.0 3.4 7.7 3,601 11.0 14.2 79.0

Germany 79.8 3.8 3.5 9.9 3,588 10.4 17.6 76.9

Japan 82.6 2.6 2.1 9.4 2,581 8.1 16.8 81.3

Norway 80.0 3.0 3.8 16.2 5,910 9.0 17.9 83.6

Sweden 81.0 2.5 3.6 10.8 3,323 9.2 13.6 81.7

UK 79.1 4.8 2.5 10.0 2,992 8.4 15.8 81.7

USA 78.1 6.7 2.4 10.6 7,290 16.0 18.5 45.4


Life Expectancy vs Health Care Spending in 2007 for OECD Countries. The data source is http://www.oecd.org and the image was built at http://flagscatter.com




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Differences could be the year data collected.


Health Care Costs Comparison.


Here is a comparison of the United States' healthcare costs versus those of selected other countries in 2006:


UNITED STATES: 15.9 pct of GDP, $6,657 per capita


BRAZIL: 7.9 pct of GDP, $371 per capita


CANADA: 9.7 pct of GDP, $3,430 per capita


CHINA: 4.7 pct of GDP, $81 per capita


FRANCE: 11.1 pct of GDP, $3,807 per capita


GERMANY: 10.7 pct of GDP, $3,628 per capita



Sadly, too many listen to the garbage and hate inuendos on Fox News with the likes of Beck, O'Reilly, and Hanity.


And those Teabaggers and Teanuts probably never read a newspaper in their lives. But they certainly do love to listen to the Obama hate mongers - perpetrators of mis-information.


All or most in the US think they are "middle Class" but in reality - most are dirt poor. I have traveled across US many times and I sometimes take only state highways/roads. My guess is that half of US live in upkeep challenged single wide modulars - and barely getting by.


One trip I stopped by the IMUS Ranch in Ribera, New Mexico. What a contrast. Serious contrast and serious poverty in Ribera, New Mexico. I doubt if Imus ever stops by at the local store in Ribera, New Mexico - because of the poverty viewed. And it appears he has contributed zero to that town. His not-for-profit probably pays zero in real estate taxes.


I once drove from west to east on Route 2 in Minnesota. The closed busineses and poverty viewed was obscene.


I once drove from east to west in Mississippi on state route 98. And even worser poverty. Stopped in many a small town and almost every shop on Main Street was boarded up.


The contrast between the haves and have nots is great - once off the beaten path.


And as I stated above. The Repubs do not want any change in the health care as their buddies are making too much money on the old flawed system. Reform takes money out of the pockets of the overpaid executives of the multitude of health insurance companies and cuts the dividends paid to the wealthy stockholders of such.


There should be no PROFIT built into any health care system.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Rather than start a new thread, forgive me for ressurecting this one since it has to do with Obama.


Bob Woodward has a new book out about Obama



"Obama's Wars"


I love Woodward's books. I've read just about all of them that have to do with Presidents. I'm amazed at the access he gets as well as the inside info.


I saw Woodward on CNN talking about Obama and his white house staff. He said he thinks his staff has let him down. That he needs to look outside his circle for more knowledge and insight. Woodward seems to like Obama. Had nice things to say about him. If the book is not negative enough for some that may be a reason. I don't know.

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My big concern about Obama was that he'd be another Jimmy Carter. Jimmy Carter surrounded himself with outsiders, largely people with little experience - as he was himself. Obama seems to be surrounded with Chicago folks he has known for years. From this side of the big pond at least, it looks like history is repeating itself.


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My big concern about Obama was that he'd be another Jimmy Carter. Jimmy Carter surrounded himself with outsiders, largely people with little experience - as he was himself. Obama seems to be surrounded with Chicago folks he has known for years. From this side of the big pond at least, it looks like history is repeating itself.

Maybe true, but Paul Volker led us out of that economic mess, NOT Ray-gun (who I'll only give credit for keeping Volcker on after transition).


Jimmy gets dogged by the tightie righties (mostly the uneducated ones), but his GDP increase (over his tenure) was better than Ray-guns. Hardly surprising, since Dem POTSUS' always score better than GOPers in that regard. At least in my lifetime...

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Actually the recession bottomed early in the Reagan presidency. And LK is right, Volcker got America back on track by slashing interest rates big time and big money had no where else to go but back into stocks and funding America's companies in the process. I also don't credit Clinton for the '90s boom as well. That was an internet boom. He did the smart thing by getting out of the way for the most part. Reagan as well, although the defense build up didn't help and it was unecessary.


Carter's main problem was the Iran hostage crisis. The economy was bad and that hurt him but the country had no self pride and Reagan gave the country that. He was the cowboy and we needed a stronger symbol at the time to some folks.


For me Obama's biggest mistake was tackling heath care so early. It gave his opponents fuel. Something of that size and scope your tackle in second term. He should have kept it simple. Jobs. Simple as that. Concentrate on jobs. Jobs in the swing states specifically. Its politics but the first 4 years are about getting re-elected. The second term is about getting a name in the history books. Every president fears being a Millard Filmore or Franklin Pearce. Worst yet, Herbert Hoover or Richard Nixon.



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