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Obama Plans to Cut Social Security Next


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AARP is a hoax! I NEVER got any less expensive insurance thru them...they were ALWAYS higher!

...TV icon Andy Griffith in a taxpayer-funded TV ad...another crock of shite!


Lawrence A. Hunter


September 2, 2010


President Obama is playing “Watch the Birdie†with Americans over the age of 50, diverting their attention with handouts and scare tactics to hide in plain sight the [color:red]enormous damage his policies are doing to the retirement safety net[/color].


First it was Medicare. The ObamaCare legislation drops a few free goodies like breadcrumbs in front of Medicare recipients (such as free diagnostics and annual checkups) to draw their attention away from the [color:red]enormous cuts in Medicare[/color] being used to help pay the freight for the new national healthcare system. Additionally, the White House has engineered a full-blown [color:red]propaganda campaign[/color], coordinated with the [color:red]AARP[/color], to deceive Medicare recipients and baby boomers about the magnitude and the implications of the [color:red]$575 billion in Medicare cuts[/color] being used to help pay for ObamaCare. Even more deceitfully, using TV icon Andy Griffith in a taxpayer-funded TV ad to talk about how happy days are here again, the Obama Administration and its mouthpiece AARP are attempting to hoodwink people over the age of 50 about the inherent healthcare rationing sown into the very fabric of ObamaCare...



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I'm 57 and have been getting letters from AARP several times a year to join. I don't need 10% discounts on some hotel chains, so I email them back and say I will join as soon as they use their status as the largest private group in America and start offering group rates that come close to the rate that government employees get, for health insurance for their members 50-65 years old. I don't know what the agenda of AARP is but it isn't helping its members with life's major problems for 50-65 year olds.

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The repukes and libertarians have wanted to can SSI gor years...Obie inherited a mess and somehow it is all his fault? Oh why bother...fox news gang has the truely dumb brainwashed...the repukes will gain ground on lies and misrepresentations...and in the end, the American people will get, as Jefferson said "...the government they deserve..."


SSI? Medical? economic crises? no the real problems are stem cells, gay marraige and a mosque at ground zero...

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