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USA election thread - If you're not interested, then don't look!


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Exactly how is Obama a leftist ideologue. Cite specific legislation.


His problem is that he is not left enough IMHO. He is about as left as Nixon.


So you do admit he is "left"...that's a step in the right direction.


Specific legislation: Health care bill. Many other items on his agenda (like raising income taxes and taxing coal-fired power plants out of existence, continuing unemployment benefits for years)which, fortunately, he has not been able to achieve.


The term "divide and conquer" sound familiar? That is what he is attempting to do by "spreading the wealth around" (as he admitted to Joe The Plumber on camera). Nikita Khrushchev noted decades ago that "socialism" would be gradually introduced by "our people" through the political process until, one day, America would wake up and find itself a communist country. You probably weren't born then, but I recall old Nikita quite well. Obama is only one of Nikita's people.


Obama is like a guy who hangs out in queer bars and denies he's queer. He won't admit to going upstairs to a short time room, but his long associations leave little room to think he doesn't.


My guess is that he will get desperate enough for votes in the next Demoncrat primaries to lead the Gay Pride Week parades in Long Beach, CA and SFO and be a keynote speaker at the annual La Raza convention.


Your attempt to compare Obama to Nixon is lame, lame, lame.



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But then' date=' the one who made the greatest growth in the Federal Government was GWB. Why is he considered a nice guy?[/quote']


I don't know what you're talking about here; and, seriously doubt that you do either.





US CENSUS claims in 2001 there were 2,697,602 Federal employees.


In 2008 it rose to 2,768,886.


GWB created Homeland Security, a major addition to the Federal payrolls.

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I didn't want to start another thread so forgive me if I add to this one under a US News umbrella.




Corporate Profits Were the Highest on Record Last Quarter


I read this in one of the comments to the article. Fact or fiction?


Another day, another lie from this criminal Federal government. Sure, record profits for corps when they've been legally allowed to keep two sets of books, one for profits and one for losses. Lest you forget FASB (Financial Accounting Standards Board) changed the corporate accounting rules in Feb. 2009 which allowed banks to price assets on their books like Mortgage Backed Securities, not what they are worth on the open market which is pennies on the dollar, but what they choose to price them at. Yeah, these corporations are rolling in the imaginary dough all the while corporate execs (insiders) are selling their corporate stock at an 8250 to 1 ratio e.g. selling 8250 shares to every one they are buying! Do you really think the insiders in these companies are getting out of Dodge (selling their shares in their own companies) at a record pace if they're companies really were making record profits? This Federal government lies 24/7. My advice to all who believe this propaganda tripe: time to take the red pill, Neo.

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Dang this country is truly farked. When ever there is a time to get together its now. The economy is in shambles. Its all about power, NOT helping the people. This excerpt from the article:


Already, Republican congressional leaders have very publicly avoided setting a date to meet with President Obama in the White House. They've also refused to back the START nuclear-arms-control treaty with Russia, despite support from prominent Republicans such as former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. The moves, says Valliere, were widely seen as signs that GOP leaders are unwilling to agree to any deals that might potentially help Obama.


But two can play that game, and the Democrats are jumping in as well. Senate Majority leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has said he'll soon schedule several votes on what to do about the expiring Bush tax cuts for middle-class and wealthy taxpayers, though they have no chance of passing. Instead, they appear designed to put Republicans on the spot and create fodder for campaign ads that can be used to bash them come 2012.



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Steve...It's all good. The less that Congress and the Presidency does, the better. Congress should not be allowed to convene for more than 3 consecutive months out of the year, except for emergency sessions such as to declare war.


The rest is just political posturing. With respect to Reid, et. al. holding firm on increasing taxes for 1 or 2 % of taxpayers he's gonna risk the wrath of the other 98% who will also get them? Even most Demoncrats legislators are smarter than to do that. :content:



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Obama job approval sinks to 39%, as even Democrats' support melts away



President Obama has passed the Big 4-0 - going the wrong way.


Turns out voters were not simply satisfied to spank the Democrat and his party in the Nov. 2 midterm elections with historic losses in the House of Representatives.


Obama's job approval rating as calculated by the Zogby Poll has now sunk to 39%, a new low for his 22-month presidency that began with so much hope and excitement and poll numbers up around 70. As recently as Sept. 20, his job approval was 49%.


[color:red]A whopping 60% now disapprove of his job, up from 51% disapproval Sept. 20.[/color]


Obama now trails in hypothetical 2012 matchups against Republicans Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich and the next Bush, Jeb.


[color:red]And, oh, my! Lookee here! Obama has even fallen into a statistical tie with none other than Sarah Palin, the former Alaska governor. How embarrassing that is because other polls have shown a majority of Americans believe she is unqualified for the presidency. So it appears many have now decided, on second thought after a nearly two-year test drive, Obama looks that way too.[/color]


Obama began losing the support of independents in the summer of 2009, as he responded to polls showing voter concerns focused on the economy by staging 59 town hall meetings on healthcare. Independents were a crucial part of his coalition win in 2008 but have now dwindled to 39%.


Only 6% of Republicans, not surprisingly, approve of Obama's job performance. But younger voters, also crucial in the ex-state senator's convincing defeat of John McCain, now approve by only 42%.


Nearly 7 in 10 likely voters say the country is on the wrong track, rarely a good sign for incumbents.


[color:red]But, Zogby notes, perhaps most ominous for the president is that he's now losing support among his own party people. His approval plopped nearly 10% in just one week, from 78% down to 72% in Zogby's latest read.


Obama, John Zogby writes, "is failing to please more than one-fourth of his own party’s voters. This is a perilous position for the President.[/color] :shocked:


"Conventional wisdom calls for him to reach for the center and assume that Democrats will stay with him in 2012. But as we saw in the mid-terms, Democrats can't win without strong turnout from the young and minorities, both of which are demographics that need more motivation than others to vote."


Former governor Romney fares the best against Obama (44-38%), then comes Gingrich (43%-39%), then another former governor, Jeb Bush (40%-38%), who says he is not running. Palin ties (40%-41%). Obama does, however, destroy developer Donald Trump (39%-29%) and New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg (32%-13%). A separate Quinnipiac Poll Monday found Obama in dead heats with either Romney or former Gov. Mike Huckabee.




The Dems in Washington don't learn. The Titanic has hit the iceberg, but they are determined to charge straight at it again! :dunno:





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