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Old pets


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<< Fuck cats, they're worthless and stupid! >>


So are women. What have you got against pussies?



p.s. Our most memorable dog was a beautiful white Alsatian (shepherd, Schaeferhund etc). She used to go out into the yard and round up our cats when it was time to come in for the evening. No one trained her, must have been bred into them. She weighed 90 lbs and thought she was a lap dog. And she slept on my bed. :p





Who knew that a dog sickness thread would devolve into a cat hatred thread? I didn't see that one coming! :)


PS. I agree that cats are worthless.

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Hope your dog is doing well, did he get that op?


I had a sweet dog for 18 years and one day he went to lay down under a tree in the garden to die.

Very sad day.

Didn't want an other dog fro 5 years,


Then in Thailand a dog is a necessity as an alarm against intruders. We got one from a neighbor dog who couldn't feed all the puppies.


He was a great dog but got poisoned by some idiot dog hater 5 years ago. I still loathe whoever did this.


Had 2 other dogs in the meantime who also died.


Now have two and they are doing fine, one is an idiot and the other is a sweet funny dog.


We still miss the poisoned one though, without that he still would be with us.


Dog poisoning is one of the nastiest habits that some Thai's have. Really pisses me off :cussing:

My brother in Buriram has had 2 of his dogs poisoned in recent years. He'd likely have been in prison now if he knew who had done it?


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Pet poisoning is typical Thai courage in action. If they are pissed off with you, they will seldom confront you - unless it is a spur of the moment thing. Instead, they will kill your pets, slash your tyres or do something similar.


If it is absolutely serious, they will lob a grenade in your window or hire a hitman. I've mentioned several times on this board how my bro-in-law was the victim of a hit by a business competitor.



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ERY MUCH missing my last dog, Kota. A 55Kg black w/white trim female Akita who was the Buddha of dogs. If she ever even acted remotely interested in something, you KNEW it was something worth investigating. The most gentle creature ever, despite her very imposing looks.


Peace, Kota. You are missed very much!

Ah, found the HDD where Kota's pix live. Here she is, in all her majesty, about a year before she died (maybe ~12 years old). The Lizardettes and even the stone-cold ex-Mrs LK shed a tear as well when talking about her this week. Funny how that happens easier than human family members...



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