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Thai transexuals candidates for Air Hostess jobs at P. C. Air

Central Scrutinizer

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I think Peter Chan is doing a good thing, there are more Third Gender (Transexuals) in Thailand percentage wise than any other country in the world.


They are not all Sukhumvit Road Pick pockets, I happen to know one who became the fist TG eleceted to goverment as a member of parliment, he /she studied politics at Thamassat.


Look beneath the surface, i happen to have many more transgengered and gay friends in Thailand than I do what one may call "Normal People" and they are a lot more honest and loyal than their so called straight compatriats.


I used to hate K-Toys but nowadays I have respect for them, they are living their life as they feel comfortable with and good on them and the more that companies accept the fact and allow them into the job market the better.


One should never judge a person based on their sexuality, it is often said that the homophopiacs who shout loudest about gays and transexuals are probably closet gays themselves in denile.


Well done Mr Chan and I hope other employees in the future also offer equal opportunities

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"...it is often said that the homophopiacs who shout loudest about gays and transexuals are probably closet gays themselves in denile."





William James (1842-1910) The father of modern Psychology: "There's nothing so absurd that if you repeat it often enough, people will believe it."




"Believe none of what you hear, and half of what you see" (Benjamin Franklin, famous American inventor, statesman)








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Most of the trannies at Thammasat are in the Drama Department. (Figures, I suppose.) One day I got into the lift with three rather tall and well endowed girls in student uniforms. Then I started noticing things weren't quite what they seemed to be. The biggest give away was the way the khatoeys tend to go overboard trying to act "female". Yep, they were drama queens.


That was the first time I'd ever seen any in a student uniform, since it was supposed to be a no-no. Since then the rule seems to be that they can dress as females provided they've had their balls whacked off and their willy turned inside out. The man-made ladies were demanding separate rest rooms at Kasetsart Unie a few years ago. They said they weren't men and they weren't women. They wanted his, hers and its. :dunno:


The trannie students are usually all right. On the other hand, some of the over-the-top poofters are just plain obnoxious. Also, I once told a student she looked cute dressed up, not realising it was one of them. Ommagawd, I suddenly became "her" favourite ajarn. Poor whatever-she-is must have been dying to hear someone say that to her.


The students I haven't quite figured out are the girls who dress as boys. Are they really dykes or just confused?


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Bizarre the way they dress. They don't wear a male student's uniform, but rather wear dark trousers and a loose white short hanging out. No university pins or anything to distinguish them as students. But when you are behind them, you'll notice the bra straps showing through. I'm told most of them wear tight bras to try to flatten out their boobs. :dunno:


They usually wear their hair short, but not as short as a boy's.




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I remember meeting one of my wife's friends at the local temple once and she was with a young guy. That surprised me as she's always been single.

So, I asked my wife, "Does she finally have a boyfriend?"


Wife looks at me puzzled, then bursts out laughing. I'm confused, ask her what is so funny.


She tells me that's not a boy, but a girl.


Would never have guessed.




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