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Some Thoughts About This And Other Siam-Boards


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For future reference, when your employer asks you to cancel or postpone your vacation, consider Gordon England's reply.


There was just such a case at General Dynamics / Fort Worth Division, before I got there. They were about to ask a senior engineer to postpone a planned vacation, because of a crunch at work. The manager in question knew he needed support from higher up the food chain, so he went to Gordon England, Director of Avionics. He made his case, as best he could. Gordon listened, carefully, and then asked just one question. "What would you do if he was in the hospital?"


That was the LAST time while Gordon England was there that anyone at GD/FW asked people to cancel or postpone vacation.

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For future reference, when your employer asks you to cancel or postpone your vacation, consider Gordon England's reply.


Specialist: Who is Gordon England?



Some of the guys recommend Pattaya as inexpensive, cheap sanuk-scene.

Let us have a look at this place, which brings me back to my topic. I make it as short as possible, i.e. so much remains unsaid, not mentioned, although it is very interesting.

The following ideas are written in my limited school English and should be read by guys only, who are interested.

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The thesis: The decline, the descent of Thailand’s P4P scene inclusive Pattaya is in full swing. Slowly but surely.


What began in Bangkok, spilled over to Pattaya a few years later .

Prices exploded, went through the roof; for daily food and drink, beer, beverages, for barfines, girls.

Today Pattaya is not a cheap pleasure any more, partly; not only Bangkok but also Pattaya - in parts - changes in a place for “3-weeks-millionairesâ€.

Bangkok was only the vanguard of this development. Now Pattaya follows with a certain time delay.



Reasons concerning Thailand:


Reason 1: the positive economic development of the last decades

Thailand has been changed from a Third World Country into a well emerging nation! The Thai economy has millions of new jobs in the industry and the service sector; well paid for Thai standards; and the economy is growing. So there are more jobs for millions of Thais; for our girls too.


Reason 2: inflation, general rise in prices

The prices for accommodation, food and beverages, living expenses etc. increased noticeably in the last years. Thailand has become more expensive.


That is exacerbated by the stagnant western wages; the stagnant incomes of normal average western workers and employees and the bad rate of exchange.

In the first years of the 90ties you needed for a day full of fun and sanuk (hotel, bar hopping, drinking and a girl for the night) about 100 US-Dollars. Today you need round about 250 – 300 Dollars to buy the same!



Reason 3: negative demographic development

Since 1985 Siam has a fallen birthrate. Since that year the numbers of girls, who would work in a bar, is decreasing. Slowly, very slowly but surely the supply of girls will decrease. The raising living standard, higher incomes and better job opportunities together with the negative demographic development will change the sanuk- and bar-scene substantially.

Girls in the P4P and bar scene will be slowly dwindling away, and their services will be more expensive for bar owners and for us sanukers as well. But this a slow process.



Reason 4: change in mentality and attitude


In the 60s, the 70s the Thai society has been a traditional agricultural society. The mentality, the attitude of this society has been shaped by agriculture and the traditional and practiced Buddhism in Siam. Millions of farmers with their families practised an agricultural subsistence economy on their small plots of land. This economy affected the mentality, the attitude of the people in a decisive way.

In the 70s began slowly but steadily a structural change - the change from a traditional agricultural society to a modern industrial and service society, a knowledge-based society. A slow but inexorable change of mentality, of norms and values, of dispositions and attitude started. The embossing force behind this change of attitude was the capitalist market economy.


This process has been developing very slowly over many years and decades.


Today our girls orient themselfes more and more to the rules of a capitalistic market. Their consciousness, their attitude follow more and more market-based values and principles:

profit maximization, a calculative rationality. They home in on the rationality of the capitalistic market. They behave like normal market participants in the West.


This old behavior, this old attitue – we all love so much - gives way to a cool and aloof calculative behavior that gears to the profit, the amount of money they can get out of the Farlang.


This very special “girlfriend experienceâ€, the “take care feeling†we all love so much will fade away.

I repeat and emphasize yet again: this is a slow process.


Bakwahn alias Nasiadai

Hamburg Duesseldorf Bangkok

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"This old behavior, this old attitue – we all love so much - gives way to a cool and aloof calculative behavior that gears to the profit, the amount of money they can get out of the Farlang." Very true Nasiadai.


On my last visit to Soi Cowboy, the price quotes I was getting were laughable from the dancers. I also laughed about the drink prices. Oh well, at least Pattaya is still an option for now. Bangkok and its nightlife has prices that I no longer deal with, as I go to Pattaya and the Philippines for a nightlife that you don't have to spend a fortune or go bankrupt having a good time.

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