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Brexit And The British Expat


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Effects so far


Markets in Turmoil ... To be expected

Cameron to resign ... he couldn't really stay on

Corbyn facing a vote of no confidence ... never was a true Labour Leader

Scotland wants another vote on independence ... I will bid for the contract to reconstruct Hadrian's wall (if I can get the original plans off the Italians)

Northern Ireland wants out of the Union and reformation of Ireland ... 100 years too late IMHO


For me, I just want my 96 Page Hard Backed Blue BRITISH ENGLISH PASSPORT back not the flimsy piece of euro shit I have to carry now.

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Agreed . Complaining and cherrypicking finally are over . Boris will explain you on Monday how he will lead Britain into the better future . Brexit supporters should now start to read the fine ptint , for example access conditions to the Common Market which Britain largely depends on .


But how much longer will the common market remain? Holland looks like it will go and probably all it needs is for one other largish country to pull out and the dominos will tumble....

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From the Swedish point of view this is very bad. The UK is one of our major trade partners. Furthermore they have supported our views on free trade etc. I am sure that the EU will survive without an island in the North sea. The common market will remain and eventually everythong will be back to normal. I don't think that Holland will leave, and if they do, they're just another small country like Sweden, nobody will notice.

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"the idea for the European Union globalist superstate came directly out of discussions held at the secretive Bilderberg Group conference in 1955, at which European politicians considered “The necessity to bring the German people into a common European market as quickly as possible.â€


I believe this was the early basis for the EU.

Centralization has failed. In my view the EU is doomed and thankfully the egregiously enormous and intrusive

bureaucracy with it. The elite just go their heads handed to them.Thank-Buddha- Its a trend worldwide and will be fought by the Clintons The Duhbamas and whoever. Soros Rothschild FU.

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From the Swedish point of view this is very bad. The UK is one of our major trade partners. Furthermore they have supported our views on free trade etc. I am sure that the EU will survive without an island in the North sea. The common market will remain and eventually everythong will be back to normal. I don't think that Holland will leave, and if they do, they're just another small country like Sweden, nobody will notice.

exactly !


Now it will go from Great Britain to Small England :)



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I don't remember where I saw it, but SOMEONE was recently saying that EU bureaucracy and inefficiency and policies were all parts of the price that Europe had to pay to avoid another war between Germany and France.


Apparently, the concept was that this was a price the UK had to pay, to avoid war between Germany and France. As soon as the UK voted to leave, France started talking about holding a similar referendum. One is tempted to speculate that the French thing the pricetag to France will be too high if the UK is not there to pick up the check.

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exactly !


Now it will go from Great Britain to Small England :)




And what the fuck has Belgium ever been ... irrelevant , like apart from Tin Tin and Poiret what the hell has your little country given the world.


We are better off out, little islanders so what, show me one invention from the world and I could show you 10 from the UK, I have already submitted my bid to demolish the Channel Tunnell

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