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Not much in the nightlife forums

Saint Alphonso

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Am I to assume most members here have aged out of the nightlife scene, have sig others, too old, too ill, just not interested, too expensive these days?

Is anyone still active in the scene and can provide recent info. Where? BKK, Patts, Phuket, elsewhere? Have the known venues gone downhill since Covid? Is BKK nightlife still a thing? Cowboy? Nana? Other areas? Just wondering as there's not much info here any more.

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13 hours ago, Saint Alphonso said:

Am I to assume most members here have aged out of the nightlife scene, have sig others, too old, too ill, just not interested, too expensive these days?

Is anyone still active in the scene and can provide recent info. Where? BKK, Patts, Phuket, elsewhere? Have the known venues gone downhill since Covid? Is BKK nightlife still a thing? Cowboy? Nana? Other areas? Just wondering as there's not much info here any more.

Sir,  surviving posters on this fine board worrying about barfines and increasing beer prices in gogo-bars might have definitely lost control over their life . Not sure what you could be looking for but there is a lot of enjoyable opportunities available if you are after true love and have some baht in the pocket. My observation .

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I haven't spent much time in the famed areas of Cowboy and the Plaza recently as it has lost it's appeal for me. I do pop into one particular bar in NP when the owner is is town who I have know for years. MPIH will know the one I mean. We had a whipping good time there one night.

I actually prefer just sitting having a chat watching the world pass by in all it's shapes and forms. I haven't barfined up there for probably 10-12 years but do hear some of the girls should be wearing balaclavas like most thieves.

I actually spend more time up in Phnom Penh these days. Sort of how BKK was 30 years ago. Was there a few months ago. There used to be 3 main areas along the riverfront where you were able to take a girl. Last time I was there Streets 136 and 130 were still pumping but Street 110 had been decimated. Went there one night and only a couple of bars still stood. Covid-19 and ruthless Chinese owners had ruined it.

Bar fines from memory were $10-15 and $30-6 0 for St or LT although everything was negotiable the later the nigh got. Much cheaper to drink as well.

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I've actually got a different pic of her somewhere sitting legs crossed.

I remember taking someone to Thermae once and gave him simple instruction on how to know if the girl is interested. "She will make eye contact"

During his first lap every girl he liked looked directly at the floor as soon as he stopped. This went on for 2 or 3 laps until he got the shits and left :rotl:

Was hilarious

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On 12/27/2023 at 2:51 AM, buffalo_bill said:

Sir,  surviving posters on this fine board worrying about barfines and increasing beer prices in gogo-bars might have definitely lost control over their life . Not sure what you could be looking for but there is a lot of enjoyable opportunities available if you are after true love and have some baht in the pocket. My observation .

Bill, I am an old member who was on here for many years. Even the earlier versions. Mo got me back on here a few years back as my old handle and PW no longer would work. Just looking around the site and seeing what the good gentlemen of Thai360 are up to these days. Just wondering where those that get to BKK on occasion tend to hang out and chat these days and scrutinizing the board.

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On 12/31/2023 at 3:39 PM, My Penis is hungry said:

How about yourself?


I'm just full of old stories and new Thai tales in Oz 

Married, happily for many years, and not trying to feed any hungry ducks. Looking ain't cheating and is still a nice 'sport' to indulge in. This is Thailand and there are many opportunities even without going out to the agogos for such pleasures. It's a bit of fun to watch the mongers try their luck these days and the ensuing humor that results. Had a friend recently, single, studly and usually lucky in his adventures, get shot down while at a local pub. He was hitting hard on a gal sitting at the next table. Trying his best to be clever and charming. The look on his face when she finally turned to him and said, 'No thanks. I'm a lesbian.' was priceless. He was in a funk the rest of the evening. LOL

As the song says, 'You can't always get what you want.'

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