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RIP Khun Sanuk

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It was very sad to hear of his passing. As someone said here he WAS one of the good guys. Too young for him to go. Quite a few of his friends were there at the funeral. Marcel brought so many of us together, virtually and in person. He will be missed by family and his many friends. Raise a glass of cola to him next some of you all meet. The meetings he used to arrange were classics and a great way many of us met personally. 

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I haven't visited the board for a while, and I couldn't believe when I accidentally read the news. I only met Marcel once long ago, at Gulliver's, and he made a very positive impression on me. His board was by far my favourite thai board. End of an era.

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It was the death of someone else that caused me to come back here today. I've sadly been away more than too long.

We were not close or even friends but in decades past, post the Nanapong board, here as Nanaplaza, I met more than a few when being "in love" with Bangkok. We shared a table, a laugh, never enough.

I am now 55, I was early 30s back then, less than that in the earlier days.

Perhaps because of the age, similar to mine and a discussion with my daughter about mortality this evening over dinner, I am more taken back by this than I can adequately compute right now.

I shed a tear to another one gone too soon and I wish his family every condolence.

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I guess a lot of board members these days use other social media platforms however after a personal experience with one such platform I am completely off them and recently have realized just how socially destructive they are to the point I see them as being socially regressive and are creating catastrophic outcomes mentally and emotionally for younger generations with zero accountability.

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I echo, concur and support this view.

I prolly said this before, when Google etc started out,  their Algorithms were easier to examine and were based on the "Wisdom of the masses" or "Popularity = Truth".

I said then and say now - "this'll end badly"

It's not just, teens and young'uns, but all ages who depend on these networks. And then there's the Advertising and Marketing foofs with no moral compass. Wot about bad actors getting involved in other countries affairs?

Related perhaps, a cunning plot, pagers are not necessarily what we're talking about, but if you can get a whole lot of them where you want them, you could explode them ? See the news today. 

Do smart phone batteries contain the raw ingredients for a good boom? I think so. My school chemistry involved exposing bit of lithium to oxygen  and then running away a bit, but turning to see it go up.

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