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Stickman Lite Monday 26th


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"That is probably up the the owners of dollhouse to decide if they want to renew. but I think with huge readership and more contrivercy brewing, I think that they should"


I was not so much talking about the Dollhouse actually as I was about Stickman.




"I bet you 10-1 the this weeks column has the most readership ever."


No argument from me here.






Why should I buy it? I already run a site that does rather well.


And if Stickman continues to turn away his nightlife visitors this can only be a good thing for me, right?







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And there won't be a Stickman Lite Monday 2nd because I am offended that this one has been raped by too many posts which are so serious that i am still struggling to understand the very first ones. Flyonzewall arrived on the scene .One thought starts to trouble my mind : is Stickman indebtured by the Dollhouse management ??? Has anybody ever seen him recently ? Is Stickman Trink ?? Please consider yourselves banned, all.





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Hello fellow addict,




You may have a problem. I said bringing a lowerclass girl to a party with the so called upper crust. Why do you equate lowerclass girlfriend with being a whore girlfriend?




Well my friends would treat my girlfriend with kindness and open arms. You see my friends do not prejudge a person by the car they drive. I am sorry your corner of the world so easily disposes of people with less material wealth.

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"Why do you equate lowerclass girlfriend with being a whore girlfriend? "




Because I have never seen an upper class lady of the night, especially on the arms of a foreigner. I have been here long enough to realize the majority af farangs with lower class girls friends picked them up in a bar which has very few "good" girls



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I read Stickman before I found Nanaplaza.com and I've got to say that I can now go months without looking at his column. (I'm talking about his website column, not his snapper, by the way.)




It's may be something to do with the fact that I can read a wider range of contributions here but also there's the sense that I've heard what he's got to say by now and that it has indeed turned into self-parody.




When I think of Stickman now, I think of this man walking around, head bowed, flagellating himself like one of those medieval monks! The guy seems to be falling apart in front of us and I'm note sure that he's going to pull through!




There are still useful items to be found, but you now have to endure the torments of a story of a man agonising with himself. It's like going for drinks with a mate whom you know is always entertaining at the start, but is liable to get a bit maudlin later in the evening and start laying the tears on you!





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>> What would happen if you meet up with old university buddies back home and introduced them to your whore girlfriend.




I would not introduce her as my 'whore' girlfriend. What kind of twat are you?




What would happen if you meet up with old university buddies back home and introduced them to your Thai girlfriend?. Probably they know the reason why you came to Thailand and remember some of the adventures that you explained them about the bars and similar shit, they might probably think that your girlfriend/wife is a whore.




>> I can just imagine what my family would say if I brought a lower class thai/ whore to a family party.




If you 'wear' her as a whore probably they will give you the shit, but if you GO with her and your and her behaviour is 'normal' nothing will happen, unless your family doesn't respect your feeling about the person you like/love.




>> Everything has to be balanced




Including you.




>> and if people live an the fantasy world of NEP and consider it normal, they are in for a shock when the return to the normal world




Is NEP at Mars?

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In response to Stick's comments in this thread (see below the stars) and his Weekly, I would ask this: Given your opinion of prostitution and the alternatives you mention (working in another country), I'm surprised you did not suggest the following: TRY TO START SOME KIND OF "MOVEMENT" TO GET VISITING FARANGS (OR ANYONE COMING FROM THE "HIGHER-PAY" COUNTRIES) TO PAY THE GIRLS MONEY IN THAILAND, SO THE GIRLS WOULD NOT HAVE TO MOVE!! Certainly this is not going to happen easily, but some progress could be made in trying to raise the girls sex-wages in thailand!!








Partial excerpt of Stick in this thread:


Re: Stickman Lite Monday 26th [re: ALHOLK] Reply


I do not advocate human trafficking, but rather offer that there are alternatives for girls to make real money... These girls go through hell, one way or the other, so why not make enough money to set themselves up for life....


Since writing the piece, I have heard about girls working in the UK earning 200,000 pounds a year - likely mroe than almost everyone on this board. Yes, this is an EXTREME case, but it is possible. ..... snip.......Stick





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IMO Stick is adjusting from tourist to ex pat.


He tends to focus on the sex scene and gives the impression at


Times of looking down on Issan girls.(Probably due to his peer group in BKK).


When I first started visiting Thailand I encountered the same musings from Old Hands.


Me,I live in Issan.I have no problems with the sex scene as such.


But every day I have to stop myself having racist feelings.


My dealings with the majority of Thais evoke the following thoughts/feelings


??lazy,ignorant,very selfish,self pitying,two-faced,very racist,irresponsible,


dishonest,unreliable etc.


My dealings with the HiSo fairskinned Chinese business community ?racist


Thieves.ie They have your money and you have your shite.


Why am I still here? I love the place and my friends.


The country is a putrid mess with a thin veneer of Western civilisation.


If you try to apply Western values or logic You?ll end up crazy.


My advice is to go with the flow as long as you can and if you cannot,


Go home for a break


Stickmans writings make an excellent case study of a farang attracted


By the sex scene and eventually turned off/despising it.


Stickman is coming in for flak,because his weekly has gone from


An ally of sex tourists, to raising uncomfortable aspects of the scene.


The Dollshouse banner is just a reflection of his confusion.


(My problem with the banner is I have always boyctted DH because of their attempt


to import US strip bar style and prices into Thailand.)




Stick Don?t take any criticism to heart.





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