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Am I becoming just another ATM?


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[color:"red"] I went to Thailand to work, not to indulge. Were you trying to 'judge' me? [/color]


Yeah, and I went there for the great reservation system they have at the movie theatres.


Judging by your previous post your wife was a previous BG. Gee, that didn't take long did it? Not trying to crack on you, but I know of few people that solely go to Thailand for the crappy salaries. There are two camps of people, those that indulge in the p4p arena and those that lie about it. Probably there are a few that don't but they could order a table for four with the Virgin Mary and still have a seat free.


I"m not judging you but looking at what you wrote... when you say, ' families might not have sold the girls directly as the case I described, but sent the girls to 'work' because others of the village have done it before, do you think that those families do deserve a satang?' I wonder 'why?' . Why are these families different than those that did not have a daughter as a prosty? To me you are making a moral judgment about them, even though by the looks of things you benefitted by that same system. Obviously selling a 12 year old into bondage is horrible, no doubts about it, but an adult female that goes to work in a bar to help her family doesn't make the family a bad one.... especially in a place like Thailand that might just have a different value system than ours. If I'm misjudging what you've written, please clarify!


Maybe I'm a little jaded, but I see some guys come into town and develop as follows; guy gets bar girl, guy starts to develop short relationship with bargirl, guy begins to decry bar girl environment while still boning bar girls, guy decides to 'save' bg from her horrible (to him) existence. I've went down that road before as well. I'd be very careful to make sure that her concept of a 'better life' and mine were the same before 'rescuing' her.

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[color:"red"] but an adult female that goes to work in a bar to help her family doesn't make the family a bad one.... especially in a place like Thailand that might just have a different value system than ours. [/color]


From my experience and the value of my Thai family, such deed will make family a bad one. I know that the poverty does make people do things different ways.


I used to think that the women just took easy ways out, however, thanks to some ex-BG I met here in the States and Europe, and with open ears to listen, I have realized that things are not black and white.


If all things are equal, perhaps these women would not have taken this profession.



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>> Yeah, and I went there for the great reservation system they have at the movie theatres.


Agree, Emporium reservation system is great!


>> Judging by your previous post your wife was a previous BG.


And the problem is?


>> but I know of few people that solely go to Thailand for the crappy salaries.


From where have you deducted that I went to Thailand on a Crappy salary? The only reaosn I went to Thailand was the $$$ I was going to make in few years, do you want I expose here my ex-pat package?


>> but an adult female that goes to work in a bar to help her family doesn't make the family a bad one....


12 years old is and adult female?


>> guy gets bar girl, guy starts to develop short relationship with bargirl, guy begins to decry bar girl environment while still boning bar girls, guy decides to 'save' bg from her horrible (to him) existence. I've went down that road before as well. I'd be very careful to make sure that her concept of a 'better life' and mine were the same before 'rescuing' her.


Probaly your story, but not mine, sorry. How much did you end up paying her for the divorce? She told me 5 MBaht!!! were you that idiot? ;)

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Quite the selective quoter aren't we? I was taken more out of context than a cribbed positive review for 'Pluto Nash'!


One would assume reading your post that you are valiantly striving against someone who advocates for child slavery. So many things one doesn't know about oneself until they start perusing internet message boards...


If you have went there for the fantastic financial opportunities, bravo! You are one of the few. I know a previously well-heeled Lawyer from the US that is working in one of the most prestigious law firms in BKK and is pulling in the grand sum of 40k a year. He's doing about the best of all the ex-pats I know (although I know one in Indonesia that is doing far better). I'm sure you only stumbled by accident into the bar scene while you were on your way to renew your skytrain card but I digress.


As far as my story, I am creatively filling in the spaces, like an unfinished paint-by-numbers picture. You provided some of the details (Guy meets BG, Guy marries BG, Guy posts on message board about how horrible system is that allowed him to meet BG). What part of my story was inaccurate?


Again, what I responded to is that you somehow think of families that implicitly or explicitly condone other family members going into prostitution (clarification Creative, adults!) being morally bankrupt as opposed to one that say has a son that goes to work for Nike and sends them dough. Support for family is a big part of Thailand (and other countries). As another poster aptly pointed out it's part of the cultural safety net. It's a part of this paradoxic morality that seems to creep in here and adhere like lichen where conflicted men rail against prostitution, or people who are touched by it (like families) yet can't seem to keep their hands out of the pooying cookie jar.


BTW, you never answered my question which was : Why are these families different and so un-deserving of support?


[color:"red"] How much did you end up paying her for the divorce? She told me 5 MBaht!!! were you that idiot? [/color]


What on Earth are you talking about?

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>>As far as my story, I am creatively filling in the spaces, like an unfinished paint-by-numbers picture. You provided some of the details (Guy meets BG, Guy marries BG, Guy posts on message board about how horrible system is that allowed him to meet BG). What part of my story was inaccurate?


All your story is innacurate, I have my reasons to do npt openly share my full story, maybe one day I'll do it. You're creativity is by far innacurate. :drunk:


>> I know a previously well-heeled Lawyer from the US that is working in one of the most prestigious law firms in BKK and is pulling in the grand sum of 40k a year.


I'm sorry but that's a shitty salary. 40K US(,Baht, Pound)/year? I know people that is making much more there. :devil: I would not move one finger going to Thailand for 40 K US/year, just a detail, my expenses allowance per year was around 100 K US. :p


>> BTW, you never answered my question which was : Why are these families different and so un-deserving of support?


Not only the families that are sending or selling their childs into the prostitution business are un-deserving support. Child slavery is not only related to prostitution. ::


Fun you write that I don't answer your questions while you, at least, left couple of mine unanswered:

- Is a 12 year old girl an adult?

- Are you the idiot that paid 5 MBaht for a divorce? :p


and let me ask you another one: have you ever written an email regarding 'scrap' and 'decency' ;)

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"just a detail, my expenses allowance per year was around 100 K US"


Who gives a rats arse! What you make back in the old US of A or whereever is irrelevant........


40K USD in Thai Baht is roughly 1.6 million Baht per year, which works out to be 133,333 Baht per month which would allow anyone to live a good life in Thailand! Obviously the cash would not go as far in farangland but it would allow a person to lead a very comfortable life in Thailand.......



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>> Who gives a rats arse!


Aparently somebody did and started to post amounts. As I posted originally I came to Thailand just for $$$ not for the nightlife scene, then that Casper doubted about it. I simply p0sted that number in order to make him understand that he was wrong about that, I was not trying to trigger 'admiration' towards me because of my earnings.


>> 40K USD in Thai Baht is roughly 1.6 million Baht per year, which works out to be 133,333 Baht per month which would allow anyone to live a good life in Thailand! Obviously the cash would not go as far in farangland but it would allow a person to lead a very comfortable life in Thailand.......





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