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BG Interviews#1 Is it "fun" to be a prostitute?


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I just read your post!

Your interview was SUPERB and to the point. It illustrates

and reconfirms to me why I "finally" stopped being so interested in BG and BF. There is so little heart - generally a soul-less experience-...but there were exceptions wqhich still make me smile to this day :: :p ::

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Says flyonzewall:


but then, even if a bargirl would be on the board here those blokes would either try to chat her up or find some other excuse why bargirls are in thegame because it is so great to satify middle aged westerners wetdreams day in day out.


I don't know when it was the last time you made a round in the bars fly but there are a ton of young guys who are punters. Maybe most expats/local farang are middle age but in the BKK bars I notice a pretty good balance of 20-40yr old farang Japanese etc.

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Says BelgianBoy:

Says jjsushi:

Says Tiger Moth:

Ever hear the expression "the grass is greener on the othe side".


I live in Colorado, USA and I am not happy here. I just spent 3 weeks from Columbus, GA (100 miles south of Atlanta and 1 mile from Alabama). Columbus is a hot, humid, flat, unattractive place.


Last night I returned to Colorado. It warm and dry, blue skies, beautiful mountains, relatively sparsely populated - a paradise. Interview me today, Colorado is wonderful. Interview me 3 weeks ago, not so wonderful.


Why not take a bg, have a work in the fields for a few days for 12 hours a day under a broiling sun and then interview her?


Bottom line, ad hoc interviews with a few people by someone not trained to be a Social Scientist produces results that are ... well, not scientific.......


What your point is I don't know. How the hell does your "bottom line" statement about science apply? I don't think that my post was meant to be a scientific study. I merely offered a "perspective" not a universal fact or theory or proof. Are you to say that if a social scientist did the same thing that I did then the perpective would be more valid?


What is all of this nonsense about the grass being greener? I am sure you would have a different response if you were a convicted felon who is the prison "bitch" and made to service every inmate with his hand, mouth and ass that will provide you with protection. I guess vs that scenario your current life is peachy and the grass is very green. You really have me confused here with your response because you basically did not say anything relevant.



I do understand what Tiger Moth is trying to explain here.......


We are all focused on the actual complains / situation of the BG's, whereas TM implies that they should not really complain as they did 'improve' their situation / security already by moving from the ricefield in the poor village to the bar in BKK.


Of course, compare the bar situation with whatever better situation and they are still bottom of the ladder.

And hence the grass is always greener elsewhere !


Cheers !


Yeah, I get what he was trying to say however the comment is unneccessary because there is no BG complaining. I have yet to have BG complain to me about her decision to work in a bar. When asked the question they will tell you how they feel. Yet I have not personally met one that bitches and moans about her fate, they seem to accept it.


The grass is greener is a ridiculous argument and until Tigermoth "scientifically" (as he initially phrased it)conducts field research in the matter and physically peddles his ass literally letting a man shove his penis inside of him for cash then his comment has no merit to me.

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Hi PT127,



It will take the act of another (punter?), to change their life. It's just my observation, but I see an overwhelming lack of desire for the average prostitute to change their life, on their own. Again.....just my observations.....




My observation is that many of the women do not have the "know how" on how to change their lives. I don't see it as much as lack of desire but lack of opportunity with knowledge. I have helped several over the years in various ways some successes and some unsuccesful. The thing that is evident in every case is the lack of knowledge or know how to change. Many needed someone to show them how to live differently.

One example of a girl I knew was that she wanted to work a legitimate day job. I asked how she went about looking for work. She said she asked her friends or she would see a sign posted. The problem was that her network of contacts were other BG's so they are not going to be a great source of daytime job info.


I asked her did she ever bother opening up a newspaper and looking at the classifieds or even ask people working at places she had a desire to work at? The thought never crossed her mind as she only read the Thai shock rags and was nervous to ask strangers questions. Well she followed my advice and since she had previously completed her mathayom education she got an entry level clerk job at Tesco Lotus

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Says flyonzewall:

just depends on your definition of middle-aged - for me everything above 30.


i'm 34.



30? Well someone lied when they said life begins anew at 50!!!

I always thought middle age began at 40 because that appears to be tthe age in America when people really seem to focus on family, retirement and second careers.

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"physically peddles his ass literally letting a man shove his penis inside of him for cash then his comment has no merit to me."


Uncalled for and in poor taste.


As for your interview... Bargirls are very adept at telling folks what they want to hear, or what they think they want to hear. If a young person put these questions to the same BG, she might say she prefers young... But that's a whole other can of worms.


What she did say is that, "I not care if he handsome, yes I like man look nice. I like man that smile." So I think it's safe to say that she would prefer those that look nice. All things being equal (lol) on average I believe most people would say young looks nicer than old (ages I gave you in another thread.


It is very tough designing good marketing studies because the questions have to be carefully planned, and how they are asked have to be carefully planned.


"I have yet to have BG complain to me about her decision to work in a bar. "


I don't understand. They don't complain about their specific decision to work? I know they complain to me quite alot about having to work at the bar because they have "no other" options. To me that's complaining about the decision.



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>As for your interview... Bargirls are very adept at telling folks what they want to hear, or what they think they want to hear. If a young person put these questions to the same BG, she might say she prefers young... But that's a whole other can of worms.



If we stay with the thread: Do they think bar work is fun?


Some of bgs may say "love to be fucked with a different drunk (other attributes abstracted) stranger every night! Enjoying it. Have a go on me".


In fact, some may say that in the bar or in your room.


That is what we want to hear, isn't it?


Has any of them ever said that in a sober conversation? Would love to read/hear that.



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and the ruthless supression made it difficult to get drugs now does not mean that the problem is over



Its had very little to no effect on availability in the pong. Maybe they are hitting the supply source but i haven't read about it. Killing the middlemen will ultimately have 0 effect, their's millions of nihilistic thai men as you pointed out willing to step in.



a dangerous polarisation in the society here is in progress now along classlines.


Its only dangerous if a marxian type awareness becomes prevalent amongst a decent size group within thailand.



what i can see and feel is a lot of supressed anger and resignation


I feel this as hatred of farang from a good chunk of the thais who hang around the farang scene.

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