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What's with these brits?


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Yes, times are changing, sometimes too quickly, and often not for the best. I think this is true not just in the U.K., but in many nations and societies. At this point, I would like to say that, in my opinion, decline is due to over population ... less turf, increased aggresion. We can use history as a tool to predict this.


My dad (God Bless his soul) insisted that his 'world,' or at least his perception of it as a child, was superior to what I was experiencing or surrounded by, in my childhood. He was referring, not to monetary circumstances or financial stability, but, rather, simply to a comparison between kids from different generations, and the degree to which they seem to be content in their childhood(s).

Further, he stated that he remembered his dad telling him the 'same story,' based of his experiences (and he lived to 96). Now, I look at today's world as younger people see it, and, would tend to be inclined to pass along my own observations quite consistent with what my dad said.

Yes, to me at least, the world seemed better in my childhood than does the world today for today's youngsters ... just look at the world news each day, and ask if you agree. But, the violence of today's world breeds anger. How can it not?

Also, some of today's youth seem to never grow up ... for sure, some of these misguided individuals come to LOS, and can ruin it for anyone. The younger guys just like to fight. Look at the Irish areas around Boston (anyone familiar with the Shamrock Inn in Malden? ... "hello" Sean & Declun). Some of the neighborhood bars are legendary ... the cops routinely arrive on friday & saturday nights to break up the fights ... anyone who's not into the big brawl scene usually departs before 8 or 9 pm. The young Irish lads get faced, and just love to duke it out. No ethnic slurs intended. I'm part Irish, English, Scotch & Frech! ... typical American mongrel!

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I don't agree Pete. The view that this generation is the worst has always been there. It also is increased focus on stuff which did not even warrant a small notice buried in the newspapers before which creates images of horrible times.


The media focus on what sells papers, TV on what viewers react to. They blow everything out of porpotion.


Media were more balanced before, and not the crap we see today. The integrety of the press is long gone.



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Hey, checkbinkrap - I blame the British aggressive mentality on all that Viking raping you lot did back in the 900s! Changing our genes... ;):clown:


Before that, we used to be a peaceful agragrian lot. :angel:


Luckily, most of these lout types head straight off to Pattaya, which is one reason why I prefer Bangkok. Also, they tend to prefer outside beer bars for some reason, whereas I'm a gogo man. So I hardly ever even see these guys and have only ever had one guy wanting to fight me (and everyone around him) - a drunk Irishman one Christmas time!


The plethora of girls usually has a bit of a calming effect (compared to England anyway).

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Chico said:

Suddenly some Thai/Muslim guy appeared and started giving me verbal abuse about pushing him away. Now, when someone starts hurling abuse at me I dont take it well. However, I told him to mind his own business and bugger off. He just wouldnt leave it and started shouting and telling me he 'hated english', which was totally out of proportion to what we were talking about.


Though it may not be relevant for this instance, be aware that Thais will sometimes attempt to goad a foreigner into a fight as part of an extortion. They have the incentive to do it because the corrupt police force will cooperate for the kickback. Any pretext at all will do.


One of the little issues of visiting/living in Thailand.

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Could be the venues we all tend to hang out in, but I really think it tends to come down to the class of tourist we run into. Most likely, we will not run into Hi so western tourists in Nana or Soi Cowboy...Itend to think people with bigger vacation bucks will go elsewhere for holidays...

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I don't know how old you are Pete, but that stuff is not new. Whats new is that they operate more outside their conflict zone today, as the world has become smaller- and they are very media aware. Thats what they crave, those headlines. That started some time ago though, remember 1974 and the hit on Israelis during the olympics?


Terrorism was used during the British empires fall, the French one, Portugese etc. I would guess during the Roman empires fall also. I am not comparing the rightousness of anything BTW, I am not equalling those causes to the fucked up muslim extremists.


Added: I meant 1972, thats when those olympic games were.

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