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USA easier for sex than Thailand?


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<<<BTW- Delusional? Delusional is thinking that a 20-30yr old Thai chick is hooked up with a 50yr old foreigner because "he has a good heart"? That is fucking DELUSIONAL.>>>


Probably so (in the majority of cases), but at least the 50 yo farang can have a more or less gfe with a 20 to 30 yo TG. Also, I believe there is a decent chance of something worthwhile relationshipwise developing out of one of those situations eventually, although probably lots of disappointment as well. All part of the LOS experience.


I still submit that except for those who have the requisite "game, attitude," looks, money, fame, or whatever, the 50 yo is not likely to be generating much interest from good looking 20 to 30 yo women in the US. Moreover, this game and attitude stuff is not something that can be easily emulated or put on like a flashy outfit. Kind of like star quality , you either have it or you don't, and as P127 says (paraphrasing), some people have it in some situations and not others, and it is something that probably cannot be changed, like being gay or straight.


I think you are totally coming from your own situation and vantage point in life, which is fine, but I submit that your experience (which I am not questioning) simply doesn't apply to everyone, even though you seem to think it should. The unfortunate reality is that the vast majority of +50 yo men are simply invisible, if not repulsive, to most young women in the US.

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Walk in, ask how much and walk out with a chick.


loosely translated for home turf as:


walk up, ask, answer "no? ah, OK! :( ", and walk home with a schTick! :D :D :D.


Back to topic, another thing though is, by the time you're 50, it's ok to get set in your ways sometime, like knowing yourself.

A guy like me who's never been a "dragueur" (french, no translation really for english, means easy to get girls) will not expect to get laid for the asking or the outing.


Therefore, I don't need to spend so much energy looking for something so elusive. When I was a teenager, it sure brought a lot of unconfidence, but I soon learnt to avoid walking into such disappointment, by walking around the wall rather than walking into it, and get ego-bruised*. In one word: be yourself. It's the easiest way.


We all have assets, and shortcomings, the trick is to make them work to your advantage, and know your own dynamics. Mine is patience. At 17, it was synonymous with desperate, ie. IMpatience, at 49, with confidence. Big difference!


Therefore, I take exception to the fact that a 50 yo guy cannot be outperforming a young stud. It's a rich world out there, not everything is written in marble. I do think that in LOS, an older guy has no special handicap compared to a younger guy. and it's not about money so directly. There is just something settled about being older that seems to work in Asia and appeal to women.




* which i think is the rule of the game in the singles scene. Do not put your ego on the line. If it's so personally engaging to you to get laid, you're already starting with a handicap, and no way it's about enjoying yourself. There will be enough ego-stroking when you wake up by her side. Or as i like to say: ego is a technique, not an asset.


PS: good thread, BTW!

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>What region do you live in?<


Tampa area, some very hot young girls here. I'm pushing forty. When I was thirty a few hot young girls did come my way tho not by the dozens. I've had a dozen relationships lasting six months to two years each. I would even say that my approach to relationships was similar to how you have described yours in other threads (don't stay serious for long and move on when you get bored).


I've been going to bars since I was sixteen, the best times i had was when dancing was my thing.


Where I live, the fun dancing bars belong to the young. Would even say that the night belongs to the young. I could go to these bars but am in the extreme minority age wise, and WTF am i gonna do with a 21 year old farang chick anyway, talk about MTV reality shows? There are lots of bars playing to the older crowd with 70s even 80s music. I can't dance to that shit! ::


And after hitting some amazing bars in LOS i would come home and go to a bar with some friends who thought it was great and just shake my head at the whole thing. A farang in a bar in the USA is not even remotely comparable to being a farang in a bar in LOS IMO


>>Seems kind of a waste to spend the majority of your time without female companionship and only interact with women a week or 2 at a time on your vacations to Thailand. <<


Its by choice. I make five trips to LOS per year and lost interest in the farang scene. When in USA i focus on work and my son. I imagine there is a price to pay for foregoing intimate relationships with woman. The advantage is some freedom to do what and go where my heart tells me. Farang girlfriends have a way of getting into your life in ways that are not always good. One girl might be ambitious and you better support her ambitions, and her stress level matches my own and that is not a good match. Another has no ambition and wants to go out and party every night and if you aren't always up for it then you are a boring asshole. Another wants to have the standard american dream: home and children and domesticated husband and WTF is my problem for not wanting the same?


The few thai girls that I've had an extended relationships with don't match the above, but I don't claim expertise on TGs. I'm not dissing farang girls, they are works of art to behold just like others. I'm in a different sort of phase at this time.

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Wake up dude there ain't that much difference between the 2 groups of women aside from a few cultural issues.


I don't agree, the most important difference is about 30000 $ per year per capita of income.

Another important difference is the demographic structure: in western countries there are many older guys hunting for younger women.


The living standard of most thai women is very different of the living standard of western women and thus their wishes are also very different. And thus their selection criteria for men ...


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it is probably eaiser to form a relationship in the west as there are plenty of available women


And how did you come to this conclusion?!? Ever looked at the statistics? If it is true that women generally choose older partners (say 5 years) and given the demographic structure then in the west there is a lack of women. (Unless for the older ones)


In summary it is probably easier to form a more meaningful relationship in your own western country but in Thailand it is definitely easier to get sex.


Meaningful relationship in western countries? If you mean by this that most women want to be f** after only a few dates then you are right.


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As I said 'I'm no handsome man'. I've been 'played' by women and have 'played' women. But I think with maturity and years, the the most 'powerful' thing I ever learned about women, especially in the states and I imagine the same for all western countries, is the ability to walk away from women. As noted before: Have it be on your terms.


A while back I was seeing this girl here in the states. Young (she was 22 at the time), nice tight little body and if she asked for a little money I'd complain but ended up giving it to her. I knew she didn't respect me but the fact I was able to hang out with a young cutie kept me in her 'clutches'. Eventually I moved on, saw her a few years later. This time my attitude was totally changed (I think I'd been to Asia by this time). Before when she said come over, I would come over and pick her up, this time I was 'busy'. I had other women and didn't hide it. I didn't throw it in her face but I wasn't going to lie about it. She said 'hmmm, you seem different' with a sly look. She thought I lost some weight, changed something about the way I dressed but it was really my attitude. I ended up sleeping with her on my terms. Before she doled it out like it was gold and I only got some when I seemed to tire of it all. Now, when she got up I ordered her to get me something to drink. Or if she wanted to go the movies, I wouldn't go the cashier, I'd stand there. If she asked aren't you paying, I'd say 'you invited me to the movies'.


My attitude nowadays is changed completely. You have to be a bit of a jerk. Not meanspirited but not too gentlemanly. One girl at my job asked if I was seeing someone and she asked me this in front of her friends and I said '...do you wanna know because you're interested or because you're nosy?' she tried to feign disinterest and I said '..i don't tell nosy people my business, but call me when you're interested'. *note: this was said about a week after coming back from LOS...haha...so I was really in a 'don't give a f**k' mood.


The only problem nowadays is that I don't so much think about whether or not she'll sleep with me is the 'next morning'. Do I really want to deal with this woman on an ongoing basis after sex? So, personality plays into it as well. I don't suffer fools or ditzy chicks too well nowadays from women in the states

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A woman may have the perception of controlling the sex in the beginning but once you got her hooked on you, then you control the game and the sex so to speak.


I agree with this one. (at least in the case of nonP4P girls)


You guys don't honestly think that Thai chicks are that much easier do you?

They are. In Thailand women just make the first step to be with me (and the second). I have just to sit in a restaurant and wait that some young thai girl (under 25) tries to make the first step. In one week in thailand I get more chances than in 10 years at home.

When I tell the girls the truth about me, than in the west they just loose any interest while in thailand they want to go with me immediately.


I have probably the image of a "saint" and while this puts off most western girls, thai girls can't resist.

Another poster wrote that you just have to refuse sex and then the women are interested. This isn't true IME in my country, the women just leave because they want sex to be easily available, they don't want to wait. In thailand the women take the challenge, they might even try everything to seduce me.


In the west if I have a girl in my room and don't try to laid her she will leave in the next morning. In thailand she will try to seduce me the whole night.


Of course these are just my experiences, but I definitely think that (some) thai women have other criteria than western women.


Best regards

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You have to be a bit of a jerk. Not meanspirited but not too gentlemanly.


The only problem is that I don't want to be a jerk...


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Naiv, I understand what you're saying but I think you have compare apples to apples. You need to compare how western women treat you as a westerner and how thai women treat thai men.


I watch a lot of soccer here and there are american women who love the british accents and show up at the british pub I go to just to date guys with english accents. I've seen some ugly guys show up with hot American women. Once they hear my american accent I'm not considered. Foreign guys are desirable by native women. Lots of American women go for Italian looking; Brazilian looking or european accented men, and these men may not be the best looking men.

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