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Slipping into Oblivion


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spirit_of_town_hall said:

I wont discuss my views on muslim issues on this board again, as it does seem to upset a lot of board members a great deal.




Maybe I'll clarify it a bit for you : its not that you upset others, but its that you are claiming false things and have no idea of what you are talking about. That plus evident racist comments. People are not roaches IMO.



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Hi BB,


I accept what you are saying, I obviously upset Suadum with some of my comments on muslims, my ranting to quote him; also Khun Sanuk's attention was brought to my comments and he was mad at me.


Re Pattaya127, I am not interested in joining or partaking in racist boards, I have not time for uneducated losers with a keen interest in the 3rd Reich.


I wont continue the debate , indeed this will be my last post on this thread. I realise in hindsight members of this forum may have worked in the middle east and have fond memories of their time there.

I myself have lived in a muslim country and family members have done business with muslim states for 2 generations. I am not talking from total inexperience, however I am not a seasoned old hand that has worked on oil fields for the past 20 years and soaked up the local colour living with locals






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glad i stayed out of this thread.

i have had many dealings with a certain Muslim Family in the City where i live for the last 20 Years and they are complete(insert any bad word you might think of).

they run many rackets and the Police are too afraid to do anything about it,pisses me off big time.

along with some of the Family who have lived in the UK for 40 Years and still cannot/have not bothered to learn English.

for fucks sake if i moved to another Country i would attempt to learn a little bit of the language.


and no i am not being racist by mentioning that unmentionable word 'M*****',we also have a big Hindu,Sikh and Jewish population but the unmentionables have used their muscle to make their millions....... :cussing:

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You pulled out your bible and did some research :up: You left out one of my favorites where the israelites marched three times around the town of jericho, blew their trumpets, the walls fell down and all men woman and children inside were slaughtered at the express command of god.


>>We also read about Jesus ordering the killing of apostates (those who desert him) "I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If anyone does not remain in me, he is like a branch that is thrown away an withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. (John 15:5-6)" Apostates are to be burned alive according to the new testament. <<


i don't agree that this is a directive to burn people. Jesus often spoke in metaphors (or at least is quoted that way in the new testament). That quote is full of meaning regardless if you are an atheist or christain or whatever. Tho he uses the words "I" and "me" he is not really talking about himself. His teachings were closer to buddhism then to old testament morality.


The rampages of the christains are not supported by the teachings of Jesus. If you pull out some additional quotes maybe i'll change my mind...

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sayjann said:and no i am not being racist by mentioning that unmentionable word 'M*****',we also have a big Hindu,Sikh and Jewish population but the unmentionables have used their muscle to make their millions....... :cussing:
It is not that simply mentioning a group is wrong. There are assholes in all walks of life. Feel free to condemn them for being assholes based upon their actions. I do. But to blanketly claim something as a truth when it is plainly not true is stupid and irrating at best, dangerously inflammitory and illegal at worse. THAT is what set me off and will every time.


Example: Osama bin Ladin is an asshole. Dr. Mahathir is not (despite being painted as such by Western media). Both are Muslims who are very pious. ObL has no clue how to function in society but is rich/charasmatic enough to get others to follow his "way" no matter how wrong it is; Dr. M has proven that he understands the issues and condemns idiotic actions promoted by ObL and luckily also is charasmatic enough to have a large group of followers.




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