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Slipping into Oblivion


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Things do not have to be invented to 'demonise' islam, it is demonic. It's histroy and writtings speaks for itself. Rather than compare ctitics to antisemitism it seems more accurate to comapre islam to German national socialism, although Islam is probably more dangerous-peter

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Peter, are you this thick? Didn't you read my warning to STH?

I will *not* tolerate this crap on here.


And I getting seriously pissed off with having to repeat myelf to you time and time again. One more word from you about islam / muslims and you *will* get kicked off!



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Sorry I did not see it as I did not read all the thread. I only entered it as originally someone was virtually begging for someone to put the other side. I guess this has run it's course then.One bit of good news at home is that they have charged imam Habu Hanza with inciting racial hatred and of soliciting people to murder jews. Sadly he is not what either he or I would consider an extremist, just a man honestly folowing the faith as laid down. I'd better zip it then-peter

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This is why they hate us.... good reading at this link






"They call us devils, because they truly see us as evil. We are the embodiment of the forces fighting against God and Islam, and we're winning. We win in terms of economic might; in terms of military power; in all forms of temporal power in fact. And we're winning the fight for minds and souls; our ideas are infecting the Arabs even in Holy Saudi Arabia, the very core of Islam, home of the two Mosques. We profane their faith just by breathing."

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The muslim bashers on this board are no better than the muslim extremists whom they love to vilify.

I partly blame the media for this anti muslim hysteria as any ratbag with a radical Islamic view is deemed newsworthy.

Extremists represent a tiny minority of muslims but they make good print and unfortunatley help fuel anti muslim hysteria.

The vast majority of muslims are law abiding decent folk but they and their views don't make good press so we hear very little of them.

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Christians, what're they all about eh?




Them rattle-snake dancing freaks.


Them wackos who think God created the earth in a week.


Them nutters who follow a God who told a man to kill his own son for a laugh and years later thought it would set a good example if his actual own son would be killed in the most horrific way.


The ones who who believe that you can walk on water if you're good enough and believe you can feed a football crowd with a bag of fish and chips if you really believe oh and if you've only got a bottle of water don't worry 'cos you can still get pissed on it if you really believe you've turned it to wine.





See, the bible says lots of nutty things. Millions of sane people are supposed to believe it. Some do and believe that it is literally God's word in print, despite the fact that we know there were a lot more gospels then the big hitters that currently comprise the good book.


I expect somewhere there's a muslim message board where they're wondering about the activities of fundamentalist Christians. If you sit back and examine your own "faith" and try and look at it from another man's eyes then perhaps you wouldn't be so het up about Islam? Or perhaps you'd start buying guns and bombs and set out on a mission to convert the world? ::


Live & let live fella. ::

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Sukhumvit said:

Christians, what're they all about eh? :(


I agree completely! As an Atheist, though. Here's how I see religion: Way back 2,000 years ago, before we had science and TV, lots of guys in robes and sandals went about saying they were hooked up with "the big man in the sky" who had "spoken" to them. (Certifiably insane!) Pick your own flavor of "big man in the sky."


Part of this came from caveman animism and fear of death, part from the self-aggrandizing need to believe that "I will never die."


After the "big man in the sky" spoke to whoever - Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, Moses - he quit talking, will-nilly, for 2,000 years, can't get another word out of him, zippo. Huh!?


Now, if people want to subscribe to such mass insanity, okay, but leave the rest of us alone. It's when their mass insanity moves them to murder and mayhem that I say, "Look you insane idiots...get a reality check!" But no, it won't happen.


From the point of view of evolution, this suggests that intelligence was an experiment that didn't work. The "intelligent" species developed and subscribed to ridiculous belief systems that caused them to fail socially. And perhaps in the end to destroy their species.


Zane May :banghead::cussing::banghead:

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