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Japanese... is it right? do they care?


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wendella said:

Yeah in the US if someone wanted to be bigoted with their business and not allow certain races to enter their restaurant or whatever, not only would it not be more power to them, there's a pretty good chance they'd be sued and be forced to shut it. I guess you guys all missed the civil rights movement. That kind of stuff is illegal in the US, Britain, Australia and I'm pretty sure in all of western europe.


Strange that all you guys, who I presume are from these same western countries, are in favor of a policy that's illegal where you come from.


Shouldn't seem all that strange, there are tons of laws I think are retarded here in the states. weed is illegal here, but I smoke it anyway. whoring is plenty illegal here, but few on this board seem to find an objection to heading over to another country to enjoy the women...


a lot of this kind of racism ended around the time of the civil rights movement, and I don't mind it so much. there was some bad shit going on over here, but in the end, it was to stop lynching and injustice, to secure voting rights and access to public facilities. public facilities that minorities had as much a right to as anyone, but were denied equal access. In the end, we've made it difficult for a businessman to allow his bigotry to hurt his own business if he chooses, and while he has a right to do so, the laws over here don't let him because we pushed the limits to get other things set right that were even more wrong.


now, i'm never one to sacrifice the rights of the few for the good of the people, but there are much worse things to worry about than this in america, it's just not at the top of my list of wrongs to set right. Hell, almost no one cares over here.


just because it's not on my priority list of things to fix in america doesnt mean i'm going to get fired up about trying to force other countries to make that mistake as well.

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"...whoring is plenty illegal here, but few on this board seem to find an objection to heading over to another country to enjoy the women... "


I buy whores at home as well, just fewer of them, given the prices they charge...and you don't even want to see the "item" I pulled out of a truck stop country western bar in Lodi...it was disgusting! Mind you, I fucked her anyway...

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wendella said:

I can't say I'm encouraged, since you're all basically saying that you're in favor of racial discrimination, and that you don't see anything wrong with it. At least you're being honest about it.


Yeah in the US if someone wanted to be bigoted with their business and not allow certain races to enter their restaurant or whatever, not only would it not be more power to them, there's a pretty good chance they'd be sued and be forced to shut it. I guess you guys all missed the civil rights movement. That kind of stuff is illegal in the US, Britain, Australia and I'm pretty sure in all of western europe.


Strange that all you guys, who I presume are from these same western countries, are in favor of a policy that's illegal where you come from. To the guy who says he can't enter some club because he's white -- well, if that is true (big if -- I'm not quite buying that no white males are allowed in there) it's not legal there. I'm also betting they don't post it on a sign or tell people at the door "no white males allowed". Let's face it, they'd be legally screwed if they did that.


Who gives a tossers fuck what you think? I hate all people who annoy me, be they Smelly Arabs, Indians or Africans, Euro Trash, Football hooligan's, any one who doesn't shower, any pain in the ass tosser regardless of race, even White people. Add to that adopted fat bald tossers who recently found out they are 1/2 Siberian, if they act badly, stink or do something that pisses me off...


Your post assumes that we are just discriminating based on race, you are wrong! In big mother fucking way, and frankly, I and I am sure others resent it! Many guys here judge a man by his actions rather than his race. Most of us go by a person to person basis. Your assertion that we are evil ignorant bigoted racists because we prefer not to drink/associate with certain types of people (see above) is way off, and an insult. I hate seeing farang women in gogo bars in LOS, espeicially if they are fat and get up on stage to dance... does that make me "anti woman?" Get a grip dude.


As for the civil rights movement in the USA...yeah, heard of it, plenty of folks here think not much has changed. Plenty of places a black man can't show his face, and plenty of places a white guy can't show his. Plenty of places Inter recial couples can't go, and never mind the whole hatred against gays... still a long way to go...oh, and since you are so good at pointing out bigots, can you name one place on earth that doesn't some form of bigotry? Let me guess, you have no predjudices at all right?

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If you guys were talking about not letting people in for some reason OTHER than race, then I misunderstood. My apologies then if that's the case. That's what I was talking about, what you responded to, talking about excluding people only based on race -- so to me, what you guys wrote above looked like you were saying it should be fine to not let people in based solely on their race.


One guy still seems to be saying that laws that prohibit excluding people based on race are ridiculous. That's what he thinks, or at least seems to be saying here. I'm not going to jump to the conclusion this time that that's what he really means, but if it is, then he and I just disagree. And I'd be happy to leave it at that.


So if I offended anybody by lumping them in wrongly with what I was reading as support for racial discrimination, and that's not what you were saying at all, then sorry about that.


Now if some place is not letting soccer hooligans in because the security people have sized them up as just that, to me that seems totally reasonable.


I don't like smelly people sitting near me either. I woudn't say I HATE them exactly, but if the odor's bad enough I'll move. But thats a whole other thread.

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wendella said:

I'm not going to jump to the conclusion this time that that's what he really means, but if it is, then he and I just disagree.


I'll be very clear: I have no moral problem with racial discrimination in private business, or personal life.


I believe it is often a poor decision for both, but support people's rights to make poor decisions. There are lots of things that I do that people think are stupid, that I'm quite happy they keep thier noses in thier own shit, and out of mine because of. I certainly won't be sticking my nose in thiers! Just because I think people have a right to descriminate in thier personal or business lives does not mean I think it's smart of them, just that they have a right to do it.


However, Racial discrimination has no place in any goverment institution, law, law enforcement, or the like.

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