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why farang like to get bar girls to be wife?


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Originally posted by lazyphil:


Look at the divorce rate in the UK, lots of very unhappy folk who spent a fortune on a lavish wedding, I didn't!!

I guess you are part of the 1%.

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Guest lazyphil


However I gave a wad of cash to the inlaws, would that happen with a non BG family?, i'm curious. Not that I had a big problem with this, only that WE both are working our butts off to make up the difference, the cost of living in the UK is so goddamn high, piss poor value here and miserable climate too.

I sincerly hope i'm one of the lucky 1%!!

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BTW a very simple reason why some farang marry BGs is that many - but by no means all - farang who do so are considered losers in farang country, not able to find a marriage partner.

This is a common and completely invalid (IMO) belief. There are extremely few farang men who could not find any girlfriend or wife in their own town or country. No matter how ugly, socially inept or ill-mannered they are there is some woman who will have him and love him. However, many men are not willing to settle for that woman and end up alone.

The fact is that all farang men who come to Thailand move a notch or two up in their eligibility as a suitable mate. Any farang in Thailand who chooses to ridicule some poor "loser" who finally has a GF should take a look at the girl he is with himself. Most likely she would not have chosen him as a mate if they both were in Farangland.

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Guest lazyphil

I think the bottom line is that some people just cant bear to see a happy couple and pull it to bits, why I dont know?

It's not jealousy, as plenty of willing bg brides abound in the kingdom, finding one you click with is another matter. As for only losers marrying bg's, please, come on, we all know why we visit/live in los

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007, or was it funny?

Just want to start up a conversation with someone who you think is cute? (same advice goes for guys) Just take off your watch and go ask for the time.

If your standing at one spot, continue on saying that the person you are supposed to meet is very late, blah blah blah. Man, if that ain't an opening that the other person can walk through...


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Oh dear god, has yet another thread turned into a flame? Can't we just decide that marrage is a crap shoot at best? and go on with it!? I don't care what a woman's passed is, all marrages are a gamble and to debate whether a BG or "normal" girl will make a better wife is rediculis! smile.gif" border="0

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