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Tempers flare on nanaplaza.com


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Actually, David66UK is a good example. I recognize the name, but unless I started doing a search, I couldn't tell if you if we agreed, disagreed or completely ignored each other in the past. Do you remember?




Likewise, but no I cannot recall any of our discussions (if there ever were any :D). I think perhaps to be more "known" the trick is for me to not change my nick name (actually even I cannot remember all my own past nick names!!), and to frequently insult folk / treat others as complete idiots who should bow down to my superior knowledge on all things Thailand :D :D :D


But it is nice to know that I am not completely alone on this - although perhaps a bit of a downer for those addicted to their internet "personalities" ::





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There are posts with that heading, and you may have a point about a different angle. Here is what I see happening:


- There is an incident, often high profile, where a Farang is the victim of violence, and this triggers a posting here. The Kiwi that got killed in a cold blooded motorcycle hit is a good example. Hard to argue he wasn't murdered.


- But some people claim he must have had it coming. They don't know why, but there sure there is more to the story, and in that story he did something to deserve what happened.


- We argue about that, but it is usually all based on newspaper accounts, and I am bit leery about them myself. (Someone might claim inside information that he cannot reveal which indicates that the Thai murder suspect really isn't responsible and the Farang really had it coming - how do you deal with that?) And, in any event, the issue that concerns me is the violence and the fact that the authorities fail to take it seriously - not the specifics of a particular case.


- Someone claims that Thailand is not that dangerous, and that this one incident creates the wrong impression of Thailand. Someone (often me) points to one of the many strong and readily available indicators that Thailand is a very dangerous place. I honestly can't see how this can be disputed in good faith, but it is.


- We then start hearing: don't be so negative about Thailand or some special strategy to avoid violence altogether here. The issue is no longer whether there is a violence problem and the fact that the authorities fail to take it seriously.


- It's gets personal, and we go further off the rails.


We do have these sorts of discussions all the time. And some clearly get very agitated when the whole subject is brought up. It's clear that there are some here who would, if they could, censor the whole internet on the subject. Fortunately, the can't. But I don't think the subject of violence in Thailand, in a meaningful way, has been discussed ad infinitum.


And I am sure it will come up again. Why? Because another incident will occur, the authorities will muck it up, and that will unavoidably generate a discussion.


Maybe someone can approach it from a different angle - I am sure we'll have an opportunity to see if this can be done sometime soon. Why? Because Thailand really is a violent place and another incident will happen.

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It takes all kinds to make a message board. All I can do is repeat that there seems to be a full range of opinions on this board. I'm sure there will be many more violent incidents and we'll see all the usual reasons and excuses. I'm still waiting for a new angle.

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Maybe someone can approach it from a different angle - I am sure we'll have an opportunity to see if this can be done sometime soon. Why? Because Thailand really is a violent place and another incident will happen.



We (myself and my male ex-pat friends from Hong Kong, that is) are reading about visitors getting murdered on a regular basis. If you skim the News section, you get the impression that a visitor is murdered every day. That is probably not true (I hope not), but those reports and these threads don't exactly create a favorable impression of Thailand. I am not an expert, but my impression, as someone who lives in the region and visits places like Thailand a few times a year (if I can), is that Thailand is much more dangerous than I thought. Probably not as dangerous as the Phiippines, but not as safe as I thought, and that is not exactly a positive factor for Thailand. Most of our information for these debates about where to go next will be based on internet reports in sites such as this, rather than listening to barstool prognosticators wearing their rose tinted glasses.

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One year ago I was attacked by four armed Thai men with machetes. All they wanted to do was rob me. They didn't get anything from me but another American, nearby did get robbed, I believed from the same gang, and he got machete wack to the top of the head and a cut on each side of his neck. He arrived at the hospital unconscious. Some of us thought he was dead.


What could have prevented these attacks?

If we were aware of how dangerous Thailand can be, we would have taken more precautions.


P.S. Some of these comments that some of us had it coming to us that is why we were attacked, is in of itself very tacky.


Me think some have been here too long and now some think a little bit like Thais.

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