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Damaged BG?


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Whether working as a prostitute will damage her or not might depend on the point of view, but from my own very limited experience the scene will/can change the character and behavior of a girl definitely.


A girl, who was just a few weeks in the scene when I met her (she was the first I met in LOS ::) changed radically within two years. From a lovely, cheerful, maybe a little bit naive woman who was drunk after a glass of beer, she changed to a hardened (even visible in the face), tough and rough girl who started to drink at noon.


You can call it self protection, business experience or whatever, but I strongly believe that the nightlife, the drugs, the intimate contact with various men (some of them physically and/or psychically repulsive and some maybe even violent) have left scars on her soul. IMHO she would have taken a complete different personal development outside the bar scene.


The question is IMHO not whether a girl has changed, but if the change will influence her ability the live a healthy relationship (provided that the Farang is able to do so too and provided that the girls didn't enter the scene because of serious psychic problems)


I remember some stories here on the board where a member offered a new life to a woman and even the woman would love to take the offer she just was not able to do so...



I might be completely wrong, but didn't you have such kind of story?

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"...I asked about Mr Punter and Miss BG because if they both are doing the same thing everyday for a year then both must be damaged. R U saying that both suffer the same damage?..."



Not that simple, both are doing it for entirely different reasons. But the simple answer is, yes, both sustain damage, some different, some similar. The double standard is indeed part of the problem. But again, the reasons why they do what they do, are different. The punters want instant sexual gratification, maybe the illusion of love and girl friend, the girl wants money first, anything else she may want (if she wants more) takes a back seat...


Yes, the punters may go on to a "normal" life, but most are not on ex pat packages or even teachers, most I'd say are tourists. Some may have a wife at home, some not...I don't know. But yes, they go on with their business. So do the girls.


The difference may come in how they view themselves about it all. I would say, a lot of punters have troubles with relationships as do the girls. Figure a married guy is lieing to his wife, the girl is lieing to her husband (maybe, if she has one) or is lieing/deceiving as part of her work. Both are lieing and cheating for different reasons. The more they do it, the more they lie, and cheat, deceive.


For the unmarried, uncommitted guys, I'd say if they play with whores long enough, they forget to have a normal, loving relationship that isn't built around sex for money, instant gratification. We get selfish. My own experience is just that. I seriously doubht I can ever have a "normal" relationship, and almost really don't want to bother, partially because of all the jaded experiences with whores, and partially from childhood crap...one may have led me to the other, who knows?


So yes, both the punter and the bar girl can be "damaged" by prolonged exposure to the game, some of it different, some similar, but damage is damage...

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drogon said:



But who is not damaged by life?



To me that is a dangerous line. It leaves all experiences on a level field, making this one experience nothing special.


Yes we all have many experiences that influence our lives and who we become but I think this particular experience leaves a pretty deep footprint and it's difficult to draw something positive on a personal level.

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Damaged goods is used in a derogatory sense in many cases. A BG fucks over 100 falangs is considered damaged goods (derogatory) but if a falang fucks 100 BGs he is not considered damaged?


I look at it that neither are damaged but both would have a hard time, if at all possible, of having a monogamus relationship with each other. For the falang, fucking around is what some of us like to do, but have not taken the time to realize that Thai women might like variety also.


I think we might have some closet fundamental Christians on this board.

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all of yall are making good points....but this is where i get confused on this issue...i know women here in the west that have either be a stripper or a hoe and i'm sure most of there reasons for doing it would mirror that of the thai hoes, but this is the thing, it seems to me that most of the hoes here on this side of the world really want a knight in shinning armor to come and recue them, help them to take care of their kids or whatever and yes they may have some emotional baggage and trust issues but i'm sure most hoes on this side of the world wouldl take a chance on love and want to ride off in the sunset with that right man....but the hoes from thailand and maybe most of south east asia ,once they cross over that line cant seem to find their way back to something that could posibly end all their struggles and someone that can maybe help the familly at hand and just be part of a positive setting if not for them for their kids future...now i can see if they tried before with a farang and he was fucked up and fucked her up even more....but i'd like to think that alot of these farang really fall for these hoes and want to see them out of their harse situations.....so all this leads me to believe that maybe a big part of why the thai hoes think like they do is because of how they were raised in general...to me what kind of mind set can you have when your own familly pimps you......

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One day you will come to your senses Drone on! Then you will be financially broke and mentally broke.


Listen to what these people are saying they obviously have more experience and intelligence then you. Then stop whinging.

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I will be mentally broke maybe.....


Financially => no way.


More experienced board members? probably


Intelligent........you are certainly not.


And I dont whine or cry and will never do.


So please next time answer the question of the post or dont read it but dont start arguing....

Obviously you are irritating me



there are many people more intelligent than me but:

You are obviously not one of them


I forgot to add.

I admit being criticized or even accept that I am a fool chasing a dream but useless posts like yours are not welcomed.

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Drogon its not this post, it all you relationship posts, are you trying to convince us or yourself. Your previous posts dont match up so I dont know whether you are taking the piss or serious.


If your serious then you need to wake up and listen to peoples posts as they are telling you the facts. If you dont want to listen then your are the maker of your own destiny which in this case it headed for trouble.

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