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Fury as academics claim 9/11 was 'inside job'


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p.s. It's pretty much accepted that Lincoln forced the Confederacy into attacking Fort Sumter in 1861. Otherwise, plenty of folks in the North would have been willing to let the southern states secede. Politicians!



My, oh, my . . .


Unless one is rewriting history, I think it was Lincoln who waited for the Conferacy to "fire" the first shot.


Although slavery was not the paramount reason behind everything, it was always simmering.


It was keeping the Union together.


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I agree, the planes hit the WTC1 and WTC2...I am very skeptical about the fire being the only reason the collapsed entirely. Can you explain Building 7? Smaller fire, not caused by 100s of thousands of gallons of Jet fuel...sprinkler supposedly could have put it out...and how do you explain the searchers/investigators almost immediately finding the passports of 2 of the hijackers, in all the rubble, you would think they would have burned with the bodies. I will not buy any one theory, but I will not buy the official story either.


Same with the TWA flight that exploded over Long Island, I know too much about that particular type of airplane to buy that theory...


An interesting thing about "experts" some will agree with the side that says they collapesed from the heat, others will say they must have been pre rigged for demolition...same with the TWA flight, some say the fuel tank exploded due to faulty maintaince, others say Bullshit, that couldn't/wouldn't happen that way... hence who is really an expert? and which ones should we believe? I say believe no one blindly, not ever.

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OH, did the TWA bird have the fire supression foam in the fuel tanks?


I know of one plane that I had flown years back that had an what maintainers described as an "in-tank explosion"


The crew that had flown the plane that particular day had said there was what they thought was a really rough spot in the air -turbulence-


When back on the ground, routine post flight maintenance revealved that an explosion had occured in the tank but the foam in the tank prevented it from being even remotely catastrophic. The bit of gases that were created were simply vented out through the tank vent system.


As far as the whole 9-11 issue...I will say that a TSA official I correspond with, stated that the extent to which the British and American governments claimed the recent planned attacks on airliners as highly exagerrated.


I was able to watch a video that described the subway bombers incident. Many of parts of this documentary showed actual video footage from the subway and eyewitness reports.


In one video that recorded one of the backpackers whose device exploded, I saw at least three distinctly different explosions.


Eyewitness testimony said that the explosion on the car he was riding did not occur in the location the individual was actually sitting but more towards the center of the car. The damage pattern described was consistent with a blomb being placed under the floor of the subway car rather than in the car itself.


The official story of the Brazilian? who was whacked in the subway was also thouroughly discounted by eyewitness acounts.


While that incident in itself could simply have been overzealousness on the part of security officials, it highlighted the propensity of the British officials to try and cover the facts with misinformation.



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Nobody will be surprised to discover that I also believe the London bombings were an inside job.


I challenge ANYONE to explain what transpires in the clip below, whether you are a conspiracy theory nut or not, this WILL SEND CHILLS DOWN YOUR SPINE! Phil, watch it, digest what the guy says and then try to explain it away.




I also wonder why the POLICE FAKED a photo of the bombers.. and it is still on their website. Take a look at the photo from the UK police website below. Note the "bomber" with the white baseball cap. Note the railings behind him. Take a look at the third railing down. It passes IN FRONT of his body.


Met police pic

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Oh, and there's also this:

Report: Israel Was Warned Ahead of First Blast

10:43 Jul 08, '05 / 1 Tammuz 5765



(IsraelNN.com) Army Radio quoting unconfirmed reliable sources reported a short time ago that Scotland Yard had intelligence warnings of the attacks a short time before they occurred.


The Israeli Embassy in London was notified in advance, resulting in Finance Minister Binyamin Netanyahu remaining in his hotel room rather than make his way to the hotel adjacent to the site of the first explosion, a Liverpool Street train station, where he was to address an economic summit.


At present, train and bus service in London have been suspended following the series of attacks. No terrorist organization has claimed responsibility at this time.


Israeli officials stress the advanced Scotland Yard warning does not in any way indicate Israel was the target in the series of apparent terror attacks.



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In that police pic: the rail most definitely does NOT pass in front of the guys body.


The clip you provided does not prove anything unless of course you like conspiracies than it takes on a larger meaning. The guy "says" he was there running a bombing response exercise on the same day. Maybe he was maybe he was not. Regardless, the clip does not support a claim of an inside job.



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It reminds me of the old addage "...their is your side of the story, and the other guys side, somewhere else is the truth..." Lies, coverups etc all set up to distract/deceive from the real agendas. The government, or factions within it, could well be fueling all these counter theories as part of a bigger cover up. Not sure why people have a hard time believeing this goes on.

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As long as there has been people in positions of power there have been intrigues...As history marches on they(plots) seem to get more complicated and harder to solve. I will side with the thought that there are elements within a government that do this stuff. Not the government itself. Most people are honest, good people.


There are others who do not care but for themselves. There are some that have deluded themselves into believing their actions are for the good of their nation.

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