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what is your thailand pet peeve?


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The honking doesn't bother me, as I usually honk at someone out of frustration in the u.S. but in Thailand a honk usually tells you that someone wants your land and you are going too slow for them. Its just basically to tell everyone else around that the honker is near and he wants to do something that will effect how you are driving or where you are driving. My girlfriend even got me to honk at every interection (not on highways)so other vechiles would know of my presence (thisis after my motorscooter accident, as I probably wouldn't have done it before).

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The pollution

The traffic

The inability to drive and be aware that there are other people on the road.

The lack of manners, for example when coming off the BTS, going through doors, holding open doors ad infinitum.

Thais lack of knowledge and curiosity about the world and it's history and geography.

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From what I've seen at crosswalks, the rule of thumb is that you don't have to wait until your light is green again. If you can drive through it before the person walking reaches your spot, you can drive right through. Also, once the person has passed your spot, you can drive through before the light has changed. I admit that i do the latter now.

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Sticking my neck out here but one of my pet peeves is falang who complain about Thailand all the time. Not saying any of you guys are like that.


I never liked people who drive motorbykes on sidewalks either. I know it can be cute first time you see it but it's not funny when your hearing isn't too good and some prick comes up from behind on a Harley.

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I think your pet peeves will be different if you are living in LOS or just visiting ,


only being there a few weeks at a time I just let most of it slide ,


I guess my main thing is the place is a mess , the sidewalks are a mess , the buses + big trucks polllute too much , just stuff like that.

Simple to fix if anyone really cared :(


How hard is it to fix the holes in the sidewalk on Sukumvit , a main tourist area , even in front of the Landmark a big $$$ hotel the sidewalk has holes,

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i dont like some of the bathrooms in the hotels over there. Some of them just have a shower head next to the toilet...

Try staying in even a semi decent hotel. Only cheap shite ones have bathrooms like that.


...and i really hate the taxi's there....always out on the scam..

Must be you, as apart from the occassional taxi driver trying to charge a fixed fare, when I'm going home from Patpong at the end of the night, I never find them trying any scams!


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Its not a pet peeve but does pertain to my claim that Thai drivers are the worst in the owrld. I occasionaly see thre or more on a motorcycle (its cute when the father has the son sitting in front of him unless of course there is an accident). This last trip, I did see something that makes me wish I had brought my camera. There was a family of four on a motorcycle, with the father driving and his daughter of maybe 6-7 on his shoulders. I hope that I never see that again.

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Other than driving, I really don't have any pet peeves about LOS. Its a relative poor, third world buddist country, so I try to go with the flow. I don't think that they are any more rude cutting in line than I've seen elsewhere, including the Tube in London. I enjoy the country, or else I would't be moving there. I do own a pickup truck and think that my motorcycle driving will be limited after the house is done and the pickup is no longer needed on a daily basis to pick up building supplies. I do find the Thais inability to accept blame to be irratating but I've managed to keep my temper in check, for the most part. I expect the experience of living there day to day to either drive me insane or to accept Thai culture, for better or for worse.

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