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NotStickman defeats Stickman


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At least he a had finally the guts to show his face and his name! He posted Sticks pic and name which is so fucked up!


The most retarded thing Galt did so far is advertising his companies! He is accusing Stick for making money but now Galt is using the exposure of his website to advertise his company (with url in the watermark) After all the accusation from Galt that was the most lowest thing he could do!


Sticks PI activities are basically the same what Galt does on a different level, he is stalking BGs getting background informations and he is selling them, clearly an invasion of rpivacy as well! What comes around goes around, or in other words, Karma bites ass!


That doesn't condone Galts stalking and releases but if all rumors on the street are true, Galts Karma will bite his ass too!

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Summers must really be a genius ... not. According to him, Stickman must be richer than Thaksin. Why, just look:


"4.4 weeks in a month, do the math and we come up with $147,400 baht."


This is just from Stick's PI work too! Uh ... is that US$ baht, OZ$ baht, Canuck$ baht or more likely Kiwi$ baht.




p.s. Don't read this message, if you're not interested.


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Agree, MODS, can we bring all the threads into one huge "THE STICK THREAD"


It's pretty sad, I like stick as a bloke, I am 50/50 on his site, it's the kinda site that's good for a newbie to read, but a old hand who is convinced of his own mstakes being gosspil (ME!) then it gets a little repetative.


I would read his site more for the Photo Comp, now THAT WAS GOOD!


However all things being equal, they aren;t Galt is a hypocrite, a wally and wanker to boot.


Bugger it but I am pretty disgusted at the level slime slides too, but then I guess slime has no backbone



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It was exactly twelve months ago that I posted on here that Stick was heading for a mighty fall, and so it proved. The reasons I gave then were not accepted by most of the posters who replied to me, but I think I have been proved right.

1. Stick ran a highly commercial enterprise and yet tried to present himself as a public-spirited guy who gave up all his free time so that we might benefit. No problems with Stick making money from his site - good luck to him - but he treats us as fools if he thinks we don't understand his motivation is truely commercial.

2. Can a guy spend so much of his time in the lowlife areas of Bangkok, writing up about prostitution, recommending brothels and investigating sleaze, and then turn up to his day job teaching young kiddies, and expect no one to say anything. It might not be a moral case for you, but perhaps the parent's of Stick's pupils and his employers should be able to make an informed choice as to the kind of person they want in their schools.

3. In the light of the John Kerr case, expats and teachers in particular have come in for a great deal of criticism in Thai circles. Could Stick think he really could continue in such circumstances.

4. Stick ran his businesses in an illegally. I'd emailed him on the subject as had others, whether he had a work permit for running his commerical web site, and for his PI business. Without ever receiving a reply I assume that he has no work permit and is neither paying tax on his income. If my assumption is wrong, I'll withdraw the allegation, but until then I'll stick(sic) to my opinion.

As a submitter to half a dozen stories I'm sorry to see him go. His was an informative and entertaining site. But his demise was inevitable.

Stick refused to heed warnings, probably because he was making considerable dosh, and had made several influential contacts in the nightlife industry, he probably flt himself beyond reach.

The speed with which he withdrew his site indicates that he must have known he was operating in a twilight area.

Bernard Trink was shoved aside after 40 years by the new kid on the block, and not many tears were shed for NightOwl.

For those who miss their weekly Thai fix, I'm sure the market will respond to fill the vacuum and you'll see somebody with a little more savvy than Stickman coming up with a replacement.

That's just the way it goes around.


[Removed Stick's first name - KS]

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While you may have a point about the teaching / nightlife issue I fail to see how anybody could be concerned wether Stick's website-activities have been legal , if he paid taxes or if he brushes his teeth every fortnight .


If you are into stopping illegal business in Thailand why don't you have a signpost made " Stop prostitution or I call police " and show it at Patpong on a Saturday night . What you publish here sounds very very similar to what this twat Galt has been vomiting for the last fortnight . A little bit too similar if you ask me.



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"The speed with which he withdrew his site indicates that he must have known he was operating in a twilight area."


Mighty big logical leap there. Only Stick knows why he pulled the site.


I'm trying to figure out what you meant here. "he probably flt himself beyond reach"


Was your spell-checker not working in the post because it has several misspellings? Did you mean John Karr instead of Kerr?


Mr. Galt is that you?

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