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Berkeley Backs Off On Banning Marines


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"...Which question?..."


The first/main one, who would you rather have "steal/control" oil? The USA, China and or Russia? It is going to be grabbed and used/controlled/pimped by someone, so who of THESE 3 would you prefer?


As for the price of "petrol" in the USA...so what if it is cheaper here than in Europe? several reasons for that, and GAS is cheaper in many other countries. Regardless of the final "petrol" price, a barrel of oil is the same price on the world market, and this price is pretty much driven by greed and speculation, little more.

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Do you mean military control? When you put it like that I'd have to say USA definitely tops my list for stealing/controlling oil. I haven't noticed China and Russia doing it militarily lately so I can't really judge. Russia's colonial days are long gone unless you count places like Chechnya and Azerbaijan...and their big mistake in Afghanistan which was more about politics than oil. China's last conquest would be Tibet I guess. No oil there. Yep USA for sure but the current leaders don't seem very good at it. Just keep driving the price up.


I think Europeans are probably overtaxed. It's the cost of social services.


Oil price is driven by greed, speculation and fear of supply cuts due to war etc. Didn't we just discuss that?

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Yes, we did discuss the price of oil, some refused to get the bottom line (not you as I recall).


Point is, someone's big corporations are going to pimp the oil, China didn't use troops (GWB may have beat them to it?) nor has Russia (same reason?) but, they are a major influence in the middle east, with their growing demand.


Sooner or later, someone (else?) is going to try and control it all, be it with large corporations and corruption, or with a military force. Either way, regardless of who, WE will all be pimped on the price. Of the big 3 (right now) I'd say you/we are better off with the USA's hand up our ass than the other 2.


As for the price of gas/petrol, yes, taxes are the final flaw of the high prices in many countries, as well as transport costs, and refining costs.

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Guest lazyphil

as i've/we've said before. lets go all out for nuke power. heat/cool homes, electric driven cars etc etc, nuke powered cargo ships etc. its the only long term way pure and simple. green options can be incorperated too. its going to be a challenge but mankind will always have the will. oh and wars, just be over something else thats all :(

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I remember the oil price thread but not what I said. Something really perceptive I expect. Somebody made a good point about production costs increasing I remember. Demand from China too of course. Combination of factors driving the price most likely but it's a fact that oil has gone from around $20 a barrel to almost $100 a barrel since the Iraq invasion and the Iran problem.


I don't see the Russians as a threat...except perhaps in the Arctic and the Chinese are much too shrewd to waste money on military adventures. There was a potential flashpoint in the Spratleys but we don't hear much about that anymore. Sudan could get ugly if companies start squabbling over concessions but the Chinese are staying out of the Darfur trouble.


I agree phil....the wars of the future will be over resources. Water, food....the world is getting crowded.

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I've posted this before but the G8 nations should get together and decide to base their collective economies on a non oil energy source or at the very least, hybrid cars that require very little oil.

Whatever the biggest economies decide the rest of the world will have to follow. They have no choice but to follow suit.

A concerted effort with timetables for achievement.

There will be a bit of a transition pain economically and socially like prior changes. The world has gone from an economy based on sail to steam engine, to trains, to cars, to airplanes.

And it created new jobs and related industries with each transition. The same will happen.

This change is necessary from an economic and geo-political point of view. When given an economic incentive, man can be very inventive. I have no doubt there will be vast strides made in modes of transport based on whatevery they decide (hybrid, fuel cell, or whatever). Its happened with every change.

It also makes the middle east politically and economically (and militarily) unimportant. The west (and America in particular) wouldn't have much reason to be involved in the region.

It also helps the air and environment so the environmentalists will all be in favor of it.

It takes big oil out of politics and out of our lives.

Eliminates OPEC as a global force. Cuts the economic knees of Iran and Saudi Arabia (and Iraq unfortunatlely) and the region will have to come up other ways to make money and they will have to play nice when they lose those euros and dollars.

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