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US Nuclear Charges Fake - Syria


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Even if it was free I wouldn't eat it. If it meant not starving to death, I might just take a bite.


On the subject of Syria, anyone ever been? I am going to Damascus next week and I have been assured that there is plenty of Sanuk to be had :dunno:


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Did they teach you that Gen. Douglas MacArthur visited JFK and practically begged him not to get involved in Vietnam? Big Mac said the US should never again get involved in an Asian land war. And people slam GWB for not listening to the generals?


Why should they. They never slamed Hitler for not listening to his generals.

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The Congress didn't officially delcare war on north Korea as well but that it doesn't mean it didn't give tacit approval to Presidents to use military force.

Intellectually its dishonest to say that Clinton sent the military without congressional approval. Officially. No, Congress didn't give it, but politically it did through its inaction and the point is Congress could have stopped Clinton had that body wanted to.

There is no war we have conducted that wasn't approved by Congress formally or informally. That's the point.

Therefore, if Bush is going to invade Iran, Syria or whomever, it would have to be with the implied or direct okay of Congress. Its ludicrous to believe that any President would plan any invasion without checking with the Congress prior. Either officially or through intermediaries.


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The Congress didn't officially delcare war on north Korea as well but that it doesn't mean it didn't give tacit approval to Presidents to use military force.

Intellectually its dishonest to say that Clinton sent the military without congressional approval. Officially. No, Congress didn't give it, but politically it did through its inaction and the point is Congress could have stopped Clinton had that body wanted to.

There is no war we have conducted that wasn't approved by Congress formally or informally. That's the point.

Therefore, if Bush is going to invade Iran, Syria or whomever, it would have to be with the implied or direct okay of Congress. Its ludicrous to believe that any President would plan any invasion without checking with the Congress prior. Either officially or through intermediaries.


What you have posted here is incoherent and dishonest. I suggested President Bush might bomb Iran and you said this was impossible without Congressional approval. I then pointed out that President Clinton bombed Serbia for 78 days without Congressional approval. In reply you offer the above claptrap.


You simply assert that Congress could have stopped Clinton's bombing of Serbia but you don't say how. So just answer the question directly, why don't you? If on November 15, 2008, President Bush informs the nation that Iran is a threat to our national security that can only be addressed by sustained aerial buttwhippin' and then proceeds to administer just exactly that, how might Congress force him to stop the bombardment?


My answer to this question is that Congress can refuse future appropriations of Federal money to the procurement of weapons necessary for the beatings to continue, and Congress can impeach the President and remove him from office, nothing else. Do you have a different understanding of our Constitution than that?


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