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Jesse Helms Dies


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Nice to see you don't have the same anger problem as me. I vent my right-wing spleen on this web board, too.


As usual you have posted dishonest nonsense.


Gee, I find CS to be unusually honest and fair-minded. And "no", I'm not a left-winger. I'm about as conservative as they get.


"Polarizing" is simply not a matter of fact. Only leftists accuse others of being "polarizing" because it is always a bullshit obversation.


Just out of curiosity, do you find your above quote as polarizing? I mean, do you think virtually everyone on the board is going to agree with you, or do you think you might find some who vehemently disagree with the above statement? Soooooo, that would make you polarizing...right?


If someone stands up and says something, and it pisses people off while others agree with it, that is polarizing. Surely someone who is NEVER polarizing is the most insipid of all, never making any statement of great truth. For example, both candidates Obama and McCain are walking tightropes to seem balanced, not wanting to piss anyone off or give anyone anything more bad to say about them. Surely Jesus Christ was polarizing. Got him nailed to a tree by some while others worshiped at his feet.


Surely there is a time to be "no compromise" inflexible, AND also a time to collaborate--but without moral compromise???


Leftists such as yourself are ignorant and irrational and filled with hatred so you all scream hysterically at conservatives. Then you leftists hear the echoes of your own demented cries and say "Look! The conservative is 'polarizing'!"


While I agree this dialectic is used by many on the left, it's also used by global corporate neo-cons on the right. Sticking your head in a lion's cage then complaining that you've been mauled is a common feminine tactic to gain sympathy. Also, a moderate political position is a compromise--a bad one, IMO coz it appears to be reasonable and temperate, but has within it the seeds of decay (like a bottle of Coca-Cola with rat poison on the inside). A political decision that falls short of the "classical liberal" position AND the conservative position gives me just cause for suspicion. It's the slow fabian compromises that burden us with the creation of government programs and entitlements that can later on be increased...all incrementally, of course...slowly, slowly...don't wake up.




You hate Senator Helms because he is a white Christian capitalist who loves freedom and believes in America. You attempt to vandalize America and then blame your treason on those who love her.


Are you sure about this? If I read CS correctly, the "Christian" and "capitalist" parts are the parts he likes, more or less, about Helms. Helms (albeit a "product of his generation") DID in fact make several deragatory statements about "negros". Perhaps that was the part that CS didn't like about him, being a "negro", and all that. Lastly, accusations of hate are very ungentlemanly, unless you can clearly demonstrate them. Although I have almost complete agreement with your political sympathies, I think we have another thing in common--unresolved anger at the political left. It causes us to lose our sense of balance and make brash statements that either get "personal" or are not completely substantiated. IMHO.


Just my right-wing take on things...

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Not many Communists left these days.


Sure there are. They're called Democrats. You see, they used to call themselves communists. Then they "re-invented" themselves, and called themselves socialists. Then, a little later, they called themselves liberals. Then they called themselves progressives. Now they call themselves "moderates".


Not only did they re-define themselves, they re-defined their enemies. Moderates became conservatives, conservatives became right-wingers. Then they became "far right-wing". That's what I am: a far right wing moderate, er, uh, conservative.


Of course, these commie moderates are NOT to be confused with the "classic liberal", as are many on this board. These men I can truly respect, if not always agree with their views.


Also, the practical definition of commie is not the same as the academic one--an idealistic philosophy of equal ownership through workers rising up, blah blah blah.


I see a lot of kids playing at being street demonstrators and a mob of academics who talk the talk but the old hard line socialist is a dying breed.


It's called Democratic Socialism. Basically preying on human greed, as they claim the capitalists do. They are the lowest common denominator. They start out non-violent, such as the European socialist model.


I once had a talk with a fella from communist China. I asked him about his country opening-up free markets. He just smiled and reminded me that according to Marxist theory, BEFORE the great and glorious synthesis can occur, industrialization MUST occur. So the workers have something to own. Capitalism is seen as a necessary evil, an interim phase, to build infrastructure. The revolution is suppose to be almost spontaneous, and non-violent, hence Stalin deviating from the pure plan. The communist govt of China hasn't changed, just their tactics.


People like Rog are more to be pitied than condemned, they're always brainwashed by far right rhetoric and turn extremely nasty when anyone disagrees with it.


As with the statement above, "people like Rog...", "they're always...", "...brainwashed...turn extremely nasty..." , "...when anyone...". Well, for sure someone's brainwashed, maybe all of us, left and right. But words like "always", "they", and "anyone" are broad, sweeping, and personal. I often find myself thinking the same absolute thoughts.


IMHO from the faaaaaaaaarrrrrrrr right


Shit, I just wish that in the country I live in that people would hug!

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I was very liberal as a university student, but then turned very conservative in my 30s. Now I've become disenchanted with all politicians and am more or less an anarchist. The less government, the better.



You know, we should get together and have an "anarchists meeting". No, wait, that doesn't make any sense. Never mind.

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One of my best friends in college had a huge confederate flag in his dorm room. He said there were many progressive southerners like him who hated the klan and hate groups for converting a historical flag into a symbol of hate. Still gave me the heebees a little...


True story here. I once moved into a rented bedroom with a wealthy family. I had an old Confederate battle flag folded in a box. One day I decided to take it out and hang it on the wall. It was wrinkled, so I went to use the iron and ironing board. While I was just getting started, the maid came over, and probably wanting me to not mess with her equipment, ironed the wrinkles out of it and gave it back to me. Being the selfish, self-centered bastard that I am, I went away all happy. For the longest time it didn't cross my mind the fact the maid was black and her interpretation of that flag.


As far as displaying the flag, sure it's a person's right, but so is farting in an elevator and blowing ciggie smoke in another's face. It's downright inconsiderate.


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Regarding the swastika, I've always heard it was a 'bent cross', whose history I have no idea about, but I do recall hearing that in some history class somewhere.


On PBS a few nights ago there was an excellent documentary on the Civil War. Not sure but it could have the one Ken Burns usually does. The best documentarian there is, hands down I think.


Anyway, as others like Flash noted, the truth, is usually not as romantic and cut and dried if you do some digging. All countries and people romanticize their histories. No one is exempt. From what I understand Cinque from the movie Amistad went back to Africa and became a slave trader himself for example. The Confederate constitution outlawed the international trading of slaves and forbade the practice of importing slaves from outside the Confederacy.


American history as a whole is romanticized and there are so many things about it that would leave us blushing a little or maybe a lot.

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Some historians claim that when Hitler was growing up, he used to visit a nearby Catholic monastry. As he went thru the gate to the monastry, there was a swatiska. The head monk had a swastika as his symbol. Hitler, as he got older, got to realize that the swatika was an auspicious symbol used by the Hindus and Buddhists. Hitler did have some interest with American Indians so he might have been aware that the Zunis used the symbol also.

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<< The best documentarian there is, hands down I think. >>


He is very good, but unfortunately "adapts" history to his own agenda. Dr James Robertson of one of the Virginia universities gained national attention for his off the cuff comment that "The less you knew about the Civil War, the more you'd like Ken Burns".



The Confederacy is often said to have died of excessive democracy. States rights played to great a role in the government. Lincoln, on the other hand, threw democracy out of the window. He suspended the right of habeas corpus, arrested the Maryland legislature to keep them from voting for secession, made war against the state government of Missouri etc etc. He also appears to have forced the South to attacking Fort Sumpter so that he could say they started the war. A very clever man! Shelby Foote said there were two geniuses to come out of the war: Lincoln and Gen. Forrest.


p.s "Bent cross" would be an approximate translation of the German name. Hitler was a fan of the westerns by German writer Karl Mai. Don't know that Mai ever mentioned the swastika though.





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