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Jesse Helms Dies


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RogueHam's (apparent) hero, Mr Helms said, when confronted with evidence that El Salvadorean Roberto Aâ??Aubuisson directed death squads to murder civilians, including Archbishop Oscar Romero, Jesse Helms made it clear that some things are more important than human life. [color:purple]"All I know," Helms replied, "is that Dâ??Aubuisson is a free enterprise man and deeply religious."[/color]


What more do ya need to know about the guy? Really. We need to remember just how bad Helms was. Clearing your name for history shouldn't be something you can do simply by dying.




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My adopted father spent part of his youth in Germany and Austria, and saw the rise of Nazi ideology. He is himself a conservative republican who served 20 years in the U.S. Army, Served in Korea was wounded, recovered, served in Vietnam, was wounded again. Retired a major.


He is by no means the commie leftist *some* here would accuse him of being. Yet, when he looks at GWB, and the current regime, and those who so blindly support him/them, he draws the comparison between what he saw in Germany, and how the nazi supporters blindly allowed Hitler to rise to power unchecked. He says this is something Germany is still trying to understand to this day. Odd he says he sees the USA going the same way.


Oddly, when I hear someone make the call of treason, I wonder, would that person have the balls to execute those convicted of such a charge? as in pull the trigger himself? It is all too easy to cry fowl, and demand others go and fight your fight, it is another thing to have the courage to stand up for what you believe in, and go do the fighting yourself.


The people I hear yelling all this pro America stuff, blindly following the American Fuhrer, are almost always the guys who will never go and actually fight for this country, as I and others here have done. The greatest of patriots are those who fight for others to have the right of dissension.

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I have been called a commie leftist quite a lot, probably because I believe it is a right that a person has the right to defend themself. I see nothing wrong in owning guns and I like to bitch about paying too much in taxes and bitching about the government spending money foolishly. Shit, if that is a commie, then I got to say, there are a whole lot of commies in the USA.

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Not many Communists left these days. You'd need to have a party card to convince me.


I see a lot of kids playing at being street demonstrators and a mob of academics who talk the talk but the old hard line socialist is a dying breed.


In the Western world their work was largely done, the working man has a fair wage and working conditions which is what is was always about.


The pendulum is swinging back now though, cheap immigrant labor floods the first world countries with the full approval of the right wing leaders and industry moves it's manufacturing bases to places like Indonesia.


People like Rog are more to be pitied than condemned, they're always brainwashed by far right rhetoric and turn extremely nasty when anyone disagrees with it.


The election of either McCain or Obama will make no difference to him what so ever, or for that matter, anyone else on this board.


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I am a solid 100% left handed person, so that makes me a leftie but I have a bad right foot which makes me lean mostly to the right.


Remeber the presidential election when old man Bush ran along with Clinton and Perot? They were all lefties.


If we see a commie, are we suppose to still kill them? Even the bablies?


By the way, what does any of this shit have to do with whore monging?

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Though I am a firm believer in Stateâ??s rights (and a member of the Sons of the Confederacy) , and agree that a state should be allowed to put on its flag what the majority of the elected representatives want to put on it, I do need to mention one small thing. The issue with the Confederate Flag in South Carolina was not that it was on the state flag, but that a full size Confederate Battle Flag was flown from the capital along side the US flag and state flag on the capital dome. Flying the flag only started in 1962 during the Civil Rights movement and was not exactly a historical item.





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