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American, Thai woman arrested with 'ice', ecstasy pills in posses


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Few of his points make that much sense and point to a 'romantic' view of prostitution at the same time as he accuses you of having a romantic view of drugs!


1. Choose it freely? As much as with drugs. Drugs - arguably more choice because, if you chose to take them, it meant you at least had the money to take them. Prostitution - not.


2. Doesn't risk being killed? Like the Rainbow 2 girl last month?


3. "Doesn't risk being killed due to bad quality ice or whatever?" Hardly anyone, if anyone, dies of 'bad' E or yaa baa, as far as I know. Heroin, maybe.


4. "She will probably never visit a Thai jail as a guest"

Ha! :) He doesn't know any prostitutes who've been picked up by the police! Who's romantic now?!


5. "She will probably not become addicted to one drug or another"

Most people who take a drug don't get addicted. So that's a probably already. Prostitutes are as likely to get 'addicted' to that way of life.


Not much sense there, drogon. :)


For me, I wouldn't particularly mind which option the daughter chose. They're about the same.


You're arriving here within a week, drogon? I still think those (secretly) drug-taking prostitutes (sorry, G-Club girls :) ) are going to take you to the cleaners! :) All that's different is that they'll be taking different drugs. Think cocaine rather than yaba... How do you think they keep a happy face for you?


And, if you're into those marathon sex sessions, you should be glad they're taking drugs. :)

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Alcohol and cigarettes are also drugs and the dealers of those have combined to kill many more than street level dealers shooting up a neighborhood ever will. Do you feel the same about those?


There are also innocent bystanders who suffer from the consequence of alcohol and tobacco use.


People make choices in their lives and must be prepared to deal with the consequences. I think that your "hate" is misplaced. It should be on the "Individuals" who fired the gun. Not the gun itself, or the reason that the trigger may have been pulled in the first place.


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"How do you think they keep a happy face for you?"



Hhhhmmmm...I'm a sucker for those G club girls eternal smiles Bibblies and don't really care how they maintain it as long as it's there... but why do you think cocaine would help one to keep a happy face all night ??



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Some of the best sex comes from 'whackos'. You should be glad. (I'm not kidding here!)


I've been the beneficiary a few times! Some memorable and funny experiences. But I feel sorry for them, and let's be honest, stuff like coke and yaba won't do much for their sexual pleasure in the long term.


I think use is much more prevalent than you think. Whackos are the tip of the iceberg. As with alcohol, many people manage to consume narcotics casually in small quantities without it affecting them noticeably.


I don't think I'm in denial about the prevalence of drugs out there. I'm really only talking about a few girls I've known well over the years, and in a couple of cases I can't even be certain they weren't using. Of course, if people can maintain, then drug use really isn't a problem, as far as I'm concerned (short of shooting smack, which I think is very near the end of the road for anyone).


But, while I'm on the soapbox, I'd like to also thank the shrinks in my home country for diagnosing just about every kid with ADD, making those shrinks the biggest speed dealers around. So many kids are on prescription speed over here that they tells their friends about it and all think it's normal.


BTW, as far as I know, E ain't so bad as long as it doesn't put holes in your brain like meth apparently does.

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I studied psychopharmacology and neuroscience. Agree with USVirgin, ADD is misdiagnosed by a lot of psychiatrists, but you also have to understand why it is prescribed so often. Mental health/social services are extremely under-funded. More often than not kids are the products of their idiotic parents/families. Therapeutic intervention is possible (and usually successful), but it isn't thought of as a priority and it is costly. So sadly kids are told to take a pill, which does something, but doesn't address the highly treatable causes. Then those kids grow up.....and they breed...and so it goes on....


In answer to the poll. Drugs.


Prostitutes risk their lives everyday. One customer riddled with HIV, one condom break....game over. It is a much worse fate on so many levels. Drug use/abuse is something that can be addressed relatively easily.




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Drug use/abuse is something that can be addressed relatively easily.


Faustie Please Define "Drug" to Me.


Is it a chemical substance that, when absorbed into the body of a living organism, alters normal bodily function?


Do not Alcohol, Nicotene and to a lesser extent caffeine fall into the same catagory?


Is the definition of an Illegal Drug not a chemical substance where a goverment cannot control supply, distribution and TAXATION on such a substance?


Drug abuse can be defined very easily, the drugs that goverments can control and tax are classed as legal, the ones out of their control are deemed as illegal and people are locked up for the fact. Drug abuse is an abuse of goverment Cartel powers.


Waiting for the counter argument!




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Mekong has a good point, although I think sensible regulation of some drugs makes sense. Having said that, I don't see much sensible regulation of drugs anywhere.


The real issue here is choice. I always start with the position that adults should be free to make their own choices. This extends to consensual sex and drugs. This is a fundamental value separate and apart from the economic utility of choice in markets. People should be free to choose as a fundamental value in and of itself.


Indeed, for those involved in Thailand's p4p scene, this should be self-evident truth. It certainly captures our behaviour.


But I don't think this is an absolute. (I know some here think I am liberterian, but I am not.) Choice is the starting position, and sometimes it needs to be balanced against other interests. Sometimes regulation and even prohibition makes sense (e.g., sale of materials to make nuclear bombs).


But in determining if regulation makes sense, you need to carefully look at the regulations to see (a) if they actually address the real harm (often not the case here) and (B) if they have unintended adverse consequences. A good part of the latter and some of the former involves taking a critical look at the would-be regulators. Can you count on the regulators, enforcers and judges - the whole infrastructure and institutional framework of a regulatory system - to act fairly and transparently? Or is the institutional framework and rule of law so weak that regulations and prohibitions will only fuel further corruption?


Now think: Thailand.

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Is the definition of an Illegal Drug not a chemical substance where a goverment cannot control supply, distribution and TAXATION on such a substance?


Drug abuse can be defined very easily, the drugs that goverments can control and tax are classed as legal, the ones out of their control are deemed as illegal and people are locked up for the fact. Drug abuse is an abuse of goverment Cartel powers.


I've always thought that one reason pot is illegal is that it would be so difficult to tax. If pot was legal it would be easy and inexpensive to grow very high-quality stuff. Nobody would be willing to pay much for comercially produced and taxed pot because there would always be the cheap homegrown backstop. High quality beer, wine, and whiskey, etc. are much harder and more expensive to produce at home. People are more inclined to leave this to the pros even if they also have to pay the tax.

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