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Bush bailout for Dummies

Tiger Moth

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Exactly. America is coming of age and this is socialism American style. Of course they'll have to come up with a fancy name for it. The New Economic Model or The Palin Plan or something.


Even if the socialism in East Germany was completely fucked, corrupt, incompetent and a dictatorship, in that system *all* people had a job, health insurance and a pension.

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Suddenly, we have all this money for all these programs and bail outs, still can't fund health care.


On a second note, we used war to break the soviet Union...eh, take a look what is happening to us, now, and where our wars are. History repeating itself?


But the big difference was that the USSR was in a war in Afghanistan. That would never happen to the USA. :smirk:




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I've always thought it was the war in

Afghanistan that did the Russkies in and not Reagan. The war started in '79 and ended almost into '89. The USSR was teetering anyway.

That war was the first all out war the USSR has had since WW2.

They had skirmishes but they fought the U.S. via proxy wars (Korea, Vietnam) where they didn't have to committ men and material.

They gave (sold as well) the Koreans and Vietnamese MIGs and other military materials but it wasn't enough to break them.

They had as many as 200,000 troops in Afghanistan, and an immense amount of tanks, planes, heavy equipment and armoury. Housing, feeding and paying for that war toppled them over. They had bread lines going back ages and we now know that half the bombs and planes on parade didn't work.


Side issue, but I just think giving Reagan the credit as a lot of folks have is inaccurate.

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...and USSR interrogators to some of our POWs as well in both the Korean and Vietnam wars. Its not 200k.


Anyway, seems the deal is off http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/26884523/?GT1=43001


Good for them. McCain desperate to take credit. I wonder if he has the temerity to skip the debate?


I smell desperation. The Palin choice was a hail mary.


A few pundits and experts say that the natural order of things in a bad economy is to give the other party a chance. McCain continues to throw hail mary's they said to avert this with the Palin choice being the primary one as well as changing the his campaign theme from experience to change and then reform with the Palin pick.


He's trying to 'out change' Obama.


Longer this plays the worse for him.


This package is so much bullshit it isn't funny. Poulson can pick and choose which companies he's going to buy from at his own discretion with no oversight. He has trillion dollar check book. He came from Wall Street and will go back there after he's done, who do you think he's going to help? Future employers.


He wants a trillion dollars to buy junk assets that doesn't have a specific value. Buy from firms of his own choosing with no oversight.


On 'Meet The Press' he skirted the question about a proposal to have a politically neutral, objective group set up to do it. Last thing the administration wants is that. Pass up a trillion bucks to spend on what ever you wish? Not gonna happen.


More than 100 academic economists are so worried about Hank Paulson's bailout plans that they sent a letter yesterday to Congress expressing concern.



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It seems McCain is siding with GOP members who aren't happy about the bail-out. So he either wants no bail-out at all or he wants a limited bail-out with more oversight. He won't say which.


Bush is pushing Paulson's plan by doing his usual scare tactics but now his own party isn't buying it.


McCain is still ducking the debate. It's hard to see how he can come out of this looking good.

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