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Condo Kitchen Remodel Nightmare


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"My gut feeling is the only people who'll see time in goal will be the poor stupid workers. Rich neighbor won't, but TIT "


Of course. Even though he is the main culprit, rich people never go to jail in countries like this :(


Actually, not that different in other countries either. The richer you are the less likely you are to do any serious time.




IMHO, the "real culprits" are the old workers. A-hole neighbor asked them to steal ... if they had chosen not to steal then there would not be a story.


A-hole neighbor is guilty inducing the theft and of buying stolen goods, but the old workers are the thieves. And they are the only ones who have made out in this story.


Just because you make a crappy salary does not justify theft.

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Fair enough. Ranma's assessment sounds very plausible. Thing remains though that this rich guy is guilty as well, but will not get in any real trouble over it.


Don't think the workers will get out of this though as I am certain the company will have copies of their ID cards, which means it should be that hard to find them. Of course, this is if the cops would actually bother doing something about it all.


It sounds like a loss-loss situation for pretty much every party involved. Gadfly has to wait longer for his kitchen, kitchen company is out a bunch of money, rich guy has a shitty kitchen (his own fault though) and the workers are out of a job.




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I agree that is a pretty likely scenario. The only exception I would take to it is thinking this is due to the farangs involved. I suspect this guy would have tried this on as well if Gaddie was Thai and the company was Thai. A basically dishonest Thai doesnâ??t just go after farangs. In most cases, Thais are actually easier to rip off then farangs.



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It seems that one Thai is always trying to "get over" on another (Thai or farang).


When the tee rak built her house, the neighbor across the way offered to help with the plumbing as some relative was in the business.

Result, 300K baht went missing and the plumbing job was shite! This was 15 years ago and the neighbor across the way is still around but no one talks to her much, as she was soon found out to be a crook, but nothing unusual in Thailand.


If you get suckered, you are a sucker...sort of mentality the Thais have, IMO.

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Your scenario is possible. I will never really know what went through the minds of my neigbour and the first work crew.


The second work crew is being extra careful. The head guy speaks English, and double checks with me on everything, takes pictures, call his boss every few hours, has his boss (the German guy) talk to me to confirm everything is OK, etc. They were working here until about five minutes ago. I am exhausted just watching the work, which is why I can't devote more time to thinking about the scenario (it deserves more thought than I can muster now).


But I do get the impression that word has come down to the staff to be extra careful on this job now.


It is a loss for me as well: the aggravation of the situation, the extra time, and the extra time I am spending at home watching it all myself just to be sure. I am not sure what the neighbor thinks of his kitchen. I did take a peek, and its a mess, but he can show off fancy appliances to his friends - there pretty hard to miss since they don't fit in his kitchen. It's kind of like the old cliche about people putting their appliances out in their front yard to demonstrate wealth to their neighbors - at least that is the look, but I am not sure if that is what he intended when this scheme was cooked up (pun intended).

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